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Two weeks of stories

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  • Two weeks of stories

    Yeah, for those who didn't catch it in the other thread, I got a new job, at a craft store. I've worked two weeks already, two days a week, for rather short shifts, but I already have some stories to share.

    Um... I admit, my stream of consciousness detector only works about half the time
    I was ringing out customers, and an older lady comes up to me to check out.
    RJ: Me.
    C: Customer, she wasn't rude at all.

    C: How are you today?
    RJ: ...Sweaty.
    C: Thanks for the advice.
    RJ: What advice?
    C: You told me where to find the yarn.
    RJ: Oh, I did? I was afraid you were referring to a prior meeting, where I might've told you to get married/move/whatever...
    The rest of the transaction was easy

    However, I am quite good at deciphering what your next act will be
    I watched a couple go over to a coworker's register, only to find her busy with making her register work, so, the couple turns to me, the next register over, and the guy in the couple hands me a handful of silk flowers, which I take, pretending confusion.
    RJ: "Oh, you want to check out over here... I thought you were coming to court me..."
    Couple laughs.

    I've only been here two days, you ungrateful harridan!
    Not a customer story, but a coworker.
    It was cold as the Arctic the other day, and I'd worn my fleece sweater in to work, and left it in the break room. After I was off register, I went back to the break room to nab my sweater, only to find the door closed, and locked. There was a number pad on my side of the door, however, but I didn't know the combination, so I knocked. A coworker pulled the door open and looked at me angry (I assume for having interrupted her lunch... but I don't know for sure)
    RJ: Still me
    K: Coworker

    K: You don't know the combination yet?
    RJ: No...
    K: You need to know the combination, there won't always be someone in here. It's the store number.
    RJ: Thanks, but it's only my second day, bitch. How the hell was I supposed to know the combination, when I haven't had a reason to go in the room except to drop off my sweater? Okay, well, now I know.

    When I was closing with one of my FES' (H) the other day, I relayed the story to her, and she mentioned that that particular coworker gets angry at everyone, apparently.

    One of my other FES' (M)told me she has had days where she doesn't get her lunch break at all, on the first day I worked long enough that I should've gotten a break. And, H told me the company changes time clocks, if you miss your lunch break. Great.

    WoW isn't on my list of things to do
    Yet another FES (S) was wearing an Alliance T shirt under her apron the other day, and during a lull in customers, she asked me if I play WoW.
    RJ: Uh, no. I'm not terribly fond of online RPGs... I'll play a few days, and realize I haven't moved very far forward, and just give up.

    Later, during another lull, S asked a series of questions that ended up with her asking me if I thought I was normal.
    RJ: Uh, no.
    S: Well, in your definition of 'normal', are you?
    RJ: Nope. 'Normal' is that thing everyone else is.
    Last edited by Imogene; 11-03-2007, 03:08 PM. Reason: Spegling!
    "I call murder on that!"

  • #2
    Quoth Juwl View Post
    One of my other FES' (M)told me she has had days where she doesn't get her lunch break at all, on the first day I worked long enough that I should've gotten a break. And, H told me the company changes time clocks, if you miss your lunch break. Great.
    <Disclaimer>the following is true if your location happens to be somewhere between Canada and Mexico<Datclaimer>

    that is HIGHLY illegal-we're talking breaking federal law Illegal here-if they ever try it call your local labor department(or 1-800-us-labor), and let them know they are in violation(or non-Compliance) of Sarbanes-Oxley, Title XI(or eleven for you non-ancient romans) .

    PDF of the entire act

    Wiki Article

    "TITLE XI -- “Corporate Fraud Accountability”

    Title XI consists of seven sections. Section 1101 recommends a name for this title as “Corporate Fraud Accountability Act of 2002” . It identifies corporate fraud and records tampering as criminal offenses and joins those offenses to specific penalties.
    Honestly.... the image of that in my head made me go "AWESOME!"..... and then I remembered I am terribly strange.-Red dazes


    • #3
      ugh, blaquekatt just used the work that makes every accounting student shiver... sarbanes-oxley is such a pain in the a$$ to have to learn.
      If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


      • #4
        Quoth BlaqueKatt View Post
        <Disclaimer>the following is true if your location happens to be somewhere between Canada and Mexico<Datclaimer>
        *didn't notice the horrible joke on the first read through, got it now, chuckles* Yeah, I'm between Mexico and Canada. Let me tell you, Mexico's a whore... now, Canada looks like a nice, upstanding girl.
        "I call murder on that!"


        • #5
          Quoth Juwl View Post
          And, H told me the company changes time clocks, if you miss your lunch break.
          Yeah, what BlaqueKatt said.

          I know for a fact that is is majorly illegal in the US to mess with time clock records, no matter what the reason. I'd be shocked if it wasn't also a major no-no in most other civilized nations.

          Oh, and in the US, I'm fairly certain that all states have requirements that say you must receive some form of lunch break.

          Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


          • #6
            One of my other FES' (M)told me she has had days where she doesn't get her lunch break at all, on the first day I worked long enough that I should've gotten a break. And, H told me the company changes time clocks, if you miss your lunch break. Great.
            Very illegal, as others have mentioned. Your employer can't just subtract thirty minutes or an hour for lunch if you did not actually get your lunch break.
            Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

            "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


            • #7
              yes, a big lawsuit will ensue followed by coporate going Donald trump on your ass for any time violations, i've talked to people who said they've seen people fired for going 6 hours and 1 minute without clocking out(state law says you can't go over 6 hours).


              • #8
                Quoth Juwl View Post
                Um... I admit, my stream of consciousness detector only works about half the time
                Apparently, mine too, because I thought this:

                Quoth Juwl View Post
                C: How are you today?
                RJ: ...Sweaty.
                C: Thanks for the advice.
                RJ: What advice?
                Was going to end with yarn customer explaining that she was grateful for the advice to stand back from you as far as possible because you were sweaty.

                How do you like the job so far? I imagine craft stores get REALLY nuts for the holidays.

                Like the new avatar.
                Last edited by sms001; 11-01-2007, 09:54 AM.


                • #9
                  On the subject of rest and meal periods, here's an excellent site with the basic rundown, and links at the bottom to the chart of which states require each, and the conditions under which they must be met. Federally, there is no statute regarding meal breaks.


                  Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                  • #10
                    Quoth sms001 View Post
                    as possible because you were sweaty.

                    Like the new avatar.
                    Yeah, that's what I thought she was saying at first as well.

                    So far, the job at the crafts store is really, really fun. I haven't gone into a bloody rage at any customers yet. Plus, hell, working 9 to 3 on the days I work, so, six hour shifts... no lunch breaks... and I don't starve, even without the break. However, the store manager seems to take offense at the idea that he should be aware of everyone's schedules/the way everything's supposed to be done. However, the manager who I believe is his assistant manager is freaking awesome! She has time to stop and check up on me every so often. She was also the one I 'interviewed' with. I should post about the interview process, because, I must say, I absolutely loved it. Perhaps in Management, later...

                    The new Avatar came about two fold: 1) I found the Cats CD at the library while browsing, and picked it up, cause I needed new music and 2) I have been thinking for some time that I really need to lose weight (for a number of reasons) and decided, kind of, that I really want to do Rumpleteazer for my Halloween costume next year. In order to do so, I feel I need to lose roughly 100 pounds. So, the new avatar is part of my way of keeping myself on track for it. Wish me luck, guys, and if anyone knows of a good site for those progress bars... feel free to PM me.

                    Also, thanks to everyone who mentioned the changing time clocks is illegal. I was already aware of that. Also, I'm not sure that the company actually does that, I was just told off handed that they do. I will be inspecting my first paycheck closely, however, when I get it, to make sure I got the number of hours I was supposed to.
                    Last edited by Imogene; 11-02-2007, 02:52 AM. Reason: You love me, you really love me!
                    "I call murder on that!"

