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Yes, I was a bastard also.

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  • Yes, I was a bastard also.

    It has been a long day. Up at the ungodly ass-crack of dawn, called into work for a nine-hour shift with no break, and my foot feeling like someone slammed it with a hammer, making walking difficult. Thus, in several of these instances, I was probably about as much a jackass as the customers.

    You want ME to pay for it?!
    Scruffy looking guy comes up with a candy bar, soda, and wants a pack of smokes. Total is around $7.87. He pushes thirty cents my way. The following ensued:

    Him: "Okay, this is all I got right now..."
    Me *only half paying attention*: "Okay... thirty cents, just need seven fifty-seven and you're all set."
    Him: "I just told you, that's all I got."
    Me: "..."
    Him: "..."
    *I start taking the food behind the counter, put the smokes away*
    Him: "Hey! What're you doing?"
    Me *jabbing the void key irritably*: "You just said you didn't have the money, I'm voiding the transaction."
    Him: "No, man! Can't you just front me the money? I can pay you back later today."
    Me: "'re kidding, right? I'm not losing my job over this."
    Him *getting pissed*: "Man, don't give me that 'lose your job' bullshit!"
    Me *looking him right in the eye*: "Then don't give me your sob story bullshit. Next."

    He came back less than five minutes later, pissed that all he could afford was the soda and some snacks. I was sorely tempted to hand him an application.

    This one involved my coworker. We'll call him LJ because, well, that's what he goes by. LJ's standing by the punch clock, reading a note the manager left for him. Two girls come up, with a couple other customers behind them.

    LJ and I have that kind of work relation where nothing can be simply asked for, we threaten each other with bodily harm in order to get what we want. For instance, "Hey, can you check the milk?" becomes "Get your ass in the cooler and do the milk before I put you through the wall." This arrangement works well for us, and with the type of customers we get, they enjoy the show. Not these two girls, however:

    (Note, being Halloween, everyone's been in costume, them included.)

    Me: "LJ, need you on the register."
    LJ *reading his note*: "Mm hm..."
    Me *turning to face him*: "LJ, get your butt on the register before I drop kick it over there, we got a line forming."
    Ditz One: "Ohmigawd, that's like so disrespectful!"
    Ditz Two: "Yeah, you should show more respect for your coworker!"
    Me *turning to give them a WTF look*: "Excuse me?"
    Ditz One *digging through her purse*: "You shouldn't disrespect your coworker like that! I was going to pay with a five, but here, here's a bunch of change instead!" *dumps change on the counter and stands there smirking*
    Ditz Two: "Yeah, you're being an asshole, you should ask him nicely!"
    Me *smirking at this point*: "You two are fine ones to be talking."
    Ditz One & Two: "EXCUSE ME?!"
    Me *shrugging while counting the change*: "Please, you're dressed like two-dollar hookers, sound like fucking morons, and are trying to cop a Paris attitude on me. Who's the one with no respect for others?"
    LJ *trying to keep a straight face*: "Burn ladies. Big-time burn."

    Yeah, probably over the top for me, but their colossal attitudes pissed me off. They stormed out without their change, so I made nearly a dollar off their "respect".

    Get out before I destroy you.
    Guy comes in, wanting to refund one of those annoying pay-as-you-go cell phones. In my district, refunds can only be done by the manager or asst. manager. NO EXCEPTIONS. Yes, even on trivial crap.

    Farkwit: "I wanna refun' dis!" *throws it on the counter, knocking the money I was counting for a safe drop on the floor.*
    Me *scowling*: "Well, I can't do anything about that, unfortunately, but the manager can exchange or refund it for you tomorrow morning when she's in.
    Farkwit: "Naw, man, I wan' mah money back now, I gotta use it next door!" *next door being the liquor store*
    Me: "Can't do it, only the manager can."
    Farkwit: "Man, dis is bullshit! You just jackin' me 'round so's you don' gotta work! I knows you can do the fuckin' refun'! I oughta get back there an' show you how!"
    Me *making sure the box cutter is very visible in my hand at this point, as I don't trust this dick*: "I would offer you an application, but your lack of enunciation and general idiocy prohibits you from working here. We try to at least hire people who can speak properly. I suggest you leave before I call the cops for being threatened."

    Farkwit stormed out, swearing he would be back later. I left a note, just in case.

    I'm so in trouble for this one

    Welfare Leech: "Hey, man, lemme use my EBT to get a pack of smokes, please?"
    Me: "Okay, but only if I can beat your head against this counter for using MY tax money to fund your cancer habit."

    *sighs* It'll be a miracle if I don't get written up for any of this. Then again, Monday's my last day, so it's not like it matters at this point.

  • #2
    Looks like we have Clerks 3 in the making here...
    You can find me on Backloggery, Facebook, Twitch, Twitter, YouTube


    • #3
      Gotta love short-timers syndrome. The feeling is so freeing.
      I know nothing and I can prove it!


      • #4
        You are awesome!

        If I worked in retail, I'd be exactly like that!
        Total surrender
        Your touch is so tender
        Your skin is like water on a burning beach
        And it brings me relief
        "Nails in My Feet" - Crowded House


        • #5
          Quoth The Scaly Bard View Post
          Welfare Leech: "Hey, man, lemme use my EBT to get a pack of smokes, please?"
          Me: "Okay, but only if I can beat your head against this counter for using MY tax money to fund your cancer habit."

          youre my hero


          • #6
            *shrug* you leave soon, who cares. lol.

            I kinda feel bad for the girls though *hides*
            Be like the flower that perfumes the very hand that crushes it.


            • #7
              Quoth Fawn View Post
              *shrug* you leave soon, who cares. lol.

              I kinda feel bad for the girls though *hides*
              I don't. See, if they weren't twits, they wouldn't have gone straight to the assumption. See, if it had been me, I might have offered that the directive sounded kind of harsh, since I wouldn't know the situation.

              As for the EBT slam? Epic Win.

              Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


              • #8
                Quoth The Scaly Bard View Post
                Ditz One *digging through her purse*: "You shouldn't disrespect your coworker like that! I was going to pay with a five, but here, here's a bunch of change instead!" *dumps change on the counter and stands there smirking*
                OMG you got stuck doing BASIC MATH. What a terrible curse she has wrought unto you!

                Well, for her, it would have been.
                Now would be a good time to visit So Very Unofficial!

                "I've had so many nasty customers this week, my bottomless pit is now ankle-deep."-Me.


                • #9
                  Quoth Shironu-Akaineko View Post
                  OMG you got stuck doing BASIC MATH. What a terrible curse she has wrought unto you!

                  Well, for her, it would have been.
                  Sadly, for many cashiers, it does seem to be a tremendous chore to do basic math...

                  I don't think I've been in a store in the past 10 years that has made the cashiers count back change properly.


                  • #10

                    Ladies and Gentlemen, I do believe we have a winner!

                    Its such a weight off when you are in the final throws of your job, those last few days you can get away with murder.
                    A PSA, if I may, as well as another.


                    • #11
                      Quoth The Scaly Bard View Post
                      You want ME to pay for it?!
                      Done the same thing myself a few times. I find taking a quietly sadistic sense of pleasure in their inconvenience a both easy and effective way to get them the hell out. One mark off for not being COMPLETELY evil, though. You get 4/5 Devils.

                      RE-SPECT MAH AU-THOR-I-TY!
                      Burn on a couple Paris-ites (pun intended), made a buck, and you've got a great relationship with LJ, apparently. Not much action, but generally satisfying. A Double-Burn for this one.

                      Get out before I destroy you.
                      Well played on this one, old bean. Very well played. Not completely entertaining, though. Would've been better if you'd threatened him with a fish instead of a box-cutter. Three fish-smacks-to-idiots out of five:

                      I'm so in trouble for this one
                      Perfection. Absolute, perfect, witty, sadistic, sarcastic, 100% pure Snark! You get 5/5 wood-chippers!
                      ...WHY DO YOU TEMPT WHAT LITTLE FAITH IN HUMANITY I HAVE!?! -- Kalga
                      And I want a pony for Christmas but neither of us is getting what we want OK! What you are asking is impossible. -- Wicked Lexi


                      • #12
                        Quoth The Scaly Bard View Post
                        Me: "'re kidding, right? I'm not losing my job over this."
                        Him *getting pissed*: "Man, don't give me that 'lose your job' bullshit!"
                        Sob story BULLSHIT? See, right about there I would have thrown that guy right in prison. I would have imprisoned him, for saying that.
                        Herewith, a nugget of wisdom from the very wise Mike Brady: "Alone, we can only move buckets. But if we work together, we can drain rivers."



                        • #13
                          Quoth The Scaly Bard View Post
                          LJ and I have that kind of work relation where nothing can be simply asked for, we threaten each other with bodily harm in order to get what we want. For instance, "Hey, can you check the milk?" becomes "Get your ass in the cooler and do the milk before I put you through the wall."

                          I used to do the exact same kind of thing with a co-worker of mine.

                          The more dead-pan and unenthusiastic the delivery, the funnier it was to us.

                          If you have to ask, it's probably better posted at


                          • #14
                            Quoth The Scaly Bard View Post
                            Welfare Leech: "Hey, man, lemme use my EBT to get a pack of smokes, please?"
                            Me: "Okay, but only if I can beat your head against this counter for using MY tax money to fund your cancer habit."
                            Brilliant! I've wanted to say that myself...
                            Quoth The Scaly Bard View Post
                            *sighs* It'll be a miracle if I don't get written up for any of this. Then again, Monday's my last day, so it's not like it matters at this point.
                            I bet you're counting the minutes...
                            I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
                            My LiveJournal
                            A page we can all agree with!


                            • #15
                              One day after work, while I was still in uniform, I had gone around the store and purchased some items. As I was going thru the self-scan one of the items got stuck and wouldn't clear the belt. I step away from the screen remove the item. A customer on the adjacent lane asks me a question on how to scan produce. I give her the quick explanation, satisfied she goes back and I start to see produce go down the belt on her lane. While i answer hew question another customer has pushed my car aside and started scanning his groceries. When I confront him, he says, "I don't have enough money, you'll cover this for me. I will leave the money I owe you with your manager next week." He was scanning steaks and medicine. I told him "No, i will not. The manager WILL void off your items and YOU will find a way to pay for them." I just happen to see the MOD talking to a co-worker. I cal him over and explain the situation. He threw the "customer" out.

