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Wherein "YOU WILL DO THIS" = epic fail

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  • Wherein "YOU WILL DO THIS" = epic fail

    Lady calls in today and tells me that her service has been not working for a month and that (in her words) "This is what you will be doing: A) a month's credit for this time I can't use my TV and B) someone will be out here TOO-DAY to fix this since I don't have many days where I'm home long enough for a tech to come." She goes on to tell me that she called in to schedule someone to come out, but whoever she talked to REFUSED to send someone out (this becomes important later). Yes, we apparently just flat out wouldn't sent someone out to look at her problem, and by God, she's getting some credit back for this.

    At this point I'm making the "What'chu talkin' bout, Willis?" face. Nothing frosts my cookies more than someone telling me what I'm going to do as if they have any position of power in the situation. Not to mention my BS meter is going off the f'n scale for some reason.

    So, as I always do when I'm waiting for idiots to STFU and let me talk, I casually click on the icon to show me the notes on the account, and lo and behold the last person accessed the account was on 9/20. Close enough for government work to being a month, so her story's checking out so far right?

    Not exactly.

    The notes from 9/20 read thusly (emphasis mine): "went thru troubleshooting, customer declined to schedule a trouble call at this time , said she will call us back when she has an open time in her schedule."

    Not only that, I noticed there was a credit a week or so before that call for one month of service. I informed the customer of this and I really wished at that point there was a way I could program my phone to play the Price Is Right "you lose" music. "Oh.......yeah. I guess I did say that" was her feeble reply.

    Faced with the crushing defeat of her attempt to bullrush her way into getting double credited, she tried one last attempt by trying to claim that that credit was for something else (I hadn't mentioned the amount yet, just that there had already been a credit processed).

    SC: Oh that was for a different issue, I was being overcharged for something and they were crediting me the difference.

    Me: The credit was for a whole month of service, ma'am.


    At that point, she sheepishly said goodbye and that was that. You have to work a lot harder than that to pull a scam off on my watch.
    Last edited by CancelMyService; 11-02-2007, 05:41 AM.
    "You know, there are times when it's a source of personal pride not to be human." - Hobbes

  • #2
    Quoth CancelMyService View Post
    At this point I'm making the "What'chu talkin' bout, Willis?" face. Nothing frosts my cookies more than someone telling me what I'm going to do as if they have any position of power in the situation.
    Boy, am I with you there. We do partnerships with other companies, where we put our machines in their locations. They're supposed to call whenever there's a problem. Most of the time, all is fine. But every so often, you get some egotist who forgets that we're different companies, and tries to push me around like I'm his employee. "You will get here tonight..." "We need service [for some minor issue] immediatly..." No, sorry, much as the logo on my uniform annoys me, it's imortant to note that it's not the same logo that's on your uniform. I have professional pride. I will respond to issues in a timely manner. I don't need you trying to push me around, and if anything, it means I'm far less likely to rush out.


    • #3
      Quoth CancelMyService View Post

      At that point, she sheepishly said goodbye and that was that. You have to work a lot harder than that to pull a scam off on my watch.
      I think this thread is going to make me smile all day. Nice job.


      • #4
        It's even more fun when they walk into the store and do that type of stuff.
        "Time shall help me face my painful memories with indifference, and with more of it, I won't feel the need to face them at all..."


        • #5
          Awww... No Hat Trick.
          I AM the evil bastard!
          A+ Certified IT Technician

