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  • You're a guest here.-WARNING: LONG.

    I do not get much arguments when I work at the Music Festival venue. It's more laidback but tonight was an exception. It all began when I had to catch a guy parking in a haphazard way. ( He would've screwed up our system, its a very strict one at that.) The story begins when I caught him.

    RC: Rude customer
    RCW: Rude customer's wife
    K: Randon kid

    Me: Excuse me sir, I'm sorry but you cannot park here.
    RC: Why?
    Me: Well, we have a set way of doing things and it screws up our system when you park here because others will want to park here and it causes a whole mess of problems.
    RCW: Well our kids have driver's ed tommorrow and we want a quick way out.
    Me: You will still have a quick way out, even if you park out there and you'll be closer to the venue.
    RC: Well, we want to park here and we're not going all the way to Timbuktu just to meet your standards.
    Me: Sir, it's not that far and you still have a quick exit.
    RC: If I can't park here why are these cars parked here then?
    Me: (I am slowly losing my patience at this point, this guy is not giving up.) We parked those here a few minutes ago and we only park them up to here so emergency vehicles have a means of entering in case something happens out here.
    RC: SO?
    Me: at this statement, (I wanted to rip him a new one.)
    Sir, if something happens and they cannot get in, it would look bad for us.
    At this point, the wife cuts in with the most ridiculous rant I may have ever heard.


    Me: Ma'am, I have already said that you will still have quick exit, there is no need to worry. We have a very serious system set here and we get done with the exits in 30-40 minutes.

    RC: Look, I'll wait here and you can come and tell me when the next row starts.

    Me: I can't do that sir, I have to make sure people are following our system properly.

    RC: I don't have to follow your rules, I paid to come here, I can do whatever.

    K: Dad, just follow their instructions.

    Me: Sir, you are a guest at this venue and as guests, there are certain rules that you are expected to follow and if you continue this I will call security and have them escort you out of the lot.

    RCW: Fine then, we're going home then. Thanks for ruining my kids' great time.

    Me: All right then.

    They didn't leave they drove off in the direction I wanted them to go in.

    I felt my intelligence drop quite a bit arguing with them. Doesn't care about the emergency vehicles, he'd complain if it involved him or his family and the entrances for the emergency vehicles were blocked.
    Last edited by Ree; 08-19-2006, 01:38 PM. Reason: Fixed title for member
    The Grand Galactic Inquisitor hears all and sees all.

  • #2
    People sure will complain about whatever they can, won't they.

    I don't know about anyone else, but whenever I go to events like that, the ones that require parking in a field with no actual spaces, I always follow their (their = parking people's) directions to a tee. God only knows what could happen to my car with them knowing which one it is


    • #3
      All I can say is, poor kid. Not only did he not get to see the show he came for, but his parents are tactless, selfish idiots, and he knows it.

      Some people.
      Discourtesy Clerk, purveyor of fine hay bales, pine scented douche and stuff that's not in bins since July 2006.


      • #4
        Quoth ihatethenba68 View Post
        RC: I don't have to follow your rules, I paid to come here, I can do whatever.
        go ahead and park here, you can pick up your car after the event at [insert local towing ompany's address]


        • #5
          Quoth ihatethenba68 View Post
          RC: I don't have to follow your rules, I paid to come here, I can do whatever.
          Used to get members of this forum like that. The past tense is appropriate



          • #6
            His kid has driver's ed the next day? WTF? Does he think that they're going to be stuck in the parking lot trying to get out for days or something? I've gone to music events at some pretty big venues here and there, and while I wouldn't describe getting out of the parking lot as "fast," it was under 45 minutes. Does that 45 minutes really make that much of a difference?


            • #7
              Quoth trunks2k View Post
              His kid has driver's ed the next day? WTF? Does he think that they're going to be stuck in the parking lot trying to get out for days or something? I've gone to music events at some pretty big venues here and there, and does that 45 minutes really make that much of a difference?
              It boggles my mind that he thought that. I told him that he would be out of there quickly. My department has an effective plan thought out, we have cops directing traffic, and he had the option of leaving early just so he can beat traffic, something I have done a few times.
              The Grand Galactic Inquisitor hears all and sees all.


              • #8
                I like how YOU "ruined his kid's great time." Not his being a self entitled jerk, but YOU doing your job.

                Poor kid is right. He knows. This isn't the first time this has happened to him.


                • #9
                  Quoth Lehk View Post
                  go ahead and park here, you can pick up your car after the event at [insert local towing ompany's address]
                  Beat me to it.
                  I AM the evil bastard!
                  A+ Certified IT Technician


                  • #10
                    Oh, gads,i bet this kid is dreaming of getting his licence so that he won't have to put up with these two. The verve of some people is just astounding.


                    • #11
                      I don't understand it. You follow rules. The rules are in place to ensure a smooth event, exiting, entering, during....whenever. Why so many people think they are above everyone else is really a mystery to me. If they were so special in the first place, they'd have VIP parking and hell....they'd be escorted to the event in a limo. Sooooo how bout thumbs down for the moron!
                      "The light at the end of the tunnel has been turned off due to budget cuts." - Steven Wright


                      • #12
                        I used to do event parking. I quite enjoyed it, too. It was funny how the ones who would refuse to pay the $3 parking charge were always the beamers and mercs. Beat up old Holdens would come through and have the cash ready.

                        We only had one person park somewhere they weren't supposed to. They did get hit by a truck unloading. A note was left, but it basically said "That's why you don't park here".

                        I have seen some awful parkers though. I went to one site and the parkers would send people to the next row back, building front to back. This is fine in theory, except heaps of people from the front rows had already left. Were they filling those spots? No, they were still filling the back. Grrr.

                        Funniest tale was when the fire alarm went off and the department showed up. Here was this chick in my lane, fumbling around for $3 in change, and I'm trying to say "lady, just go - there's a fire truck with it's lights and sirens coming behind you" and she wants to find the change to pay. Heck, if the attendant tells me not to pay, I'm forward like a shot!


                        • #13
                          Just because you pay for something doesn't necessarily mean you can do whatever you want. You still have to follow the rules that are laid out.
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                          • #14
                            Quoth Rapscallion View Post
                            Used to get members of this forum like that. The past tense is appropriate

                            In re: the post you quoted,
                            When did the board become a paysite?
                            I distinctly remember having that shot down in my re-introductory post a few hacks ago...
                            "I call murder on that!"


                            • #15
                              It was only 'like' that. We've had people thinking that because they're gracing us with their presence, they can do what they want. The reason I run this place without any support from adverts or site supporter status is a desire to avoid seeing it lost to someone who didn't care, but it also comes in useful when people try to make out they're doing us a favour by coming here.


