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Two stories (a little long)

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  • Two stories (a little long)

    I have two stories for today. Both of these incidents didn't happen to me but I was close by during both of this situations.

    The first one happened on Sunday afternoon. It was really busy and I was on the larger registers. I suddenly heard some yelling coming from the register behind me. It was a man yelling "EVERY SINGLE TIME WE COME HERE! EVERY SINGLE TIME!" I look over and see one of our CSMs and a manager talking to two SC (husband and wife).

    The cashier who was on that register told a couple of us what happened. Apparently the couple had some wic checks. One of the items on their check was a gallon of milk. But they wanted to replace the milk with another type of milk. It wasn't regular milk. I can't remember what type she said it was. But it was in a carton instead of a jug and it started with an L. Anyways, the only way we can do that is if we are out of the certain product and they bring the closest substitution as possible. We had plenty of milk that day and even if we didn't...this wasn't even a close substitution.

    Anyways, the cashier told them that she couldn't. She explained to them why and they told her that they have been allowed to before. She gets one of our CSMs to come over. He tells them the same thing. They get angrier and go on about how they are allowed to do it all the time and demand a higher up. One of our higher up comes and decides to just give in to them. While our CSMs have no problems saying no...our higher ups can't. And they wonder why our store is always getting screwed over all the time.

    I saw the customers for myself. I believe I have checked them out before myself. And I don't recall them getting away with something that isn't on the wic check with me. Probably because they didn't attempt it with me.

    I don't know how the wic office works but I'm wondering if walmart will actually get paid for that carton of milk since it wasn't on the wic check.


    The next story happened today with a new cashier. I was working the self checkouts and she was on one of the express lanes. While I was standing behind my computer, the cashier's customer approached me and asked me what the maximum amount of cash back money from a debit card is allowed. I replied that it was $100 and he walked off and came back to the NC's (new cashier) line. He leaves a second later and she approaches me.

    Me: Hello.
    NC: Hi...I just got a rude customer.

    Just as she says this the SC pops back up and approaches us. He turns to her and says:

    SC: Just to let you know...there are people who work here that are being paid to go look in the back for stuff. I'm not getting paid so I don't have to go look.
    Me: *stare*
    NC: *glare*

    The SC walks off as I mutter,

    Me: I'm getting paid to cash people out...not go look in the back for crap that isn't there. What happened with him anyways?

    Evidentally the SC grabbed a bike wheel that he wanted to buy that didn't have a barcode on it. Earlier I had shown her how to type the information into the computer without the need of a barcode. To do that we need the department number of the item. The department numbers are taped to the register but can be a pain to find. She told him that she had to look up the department number really quick on the paper taped to the pole by the register.

    After she told him that he told her to take the wheel and jam it up her ass. Then he got mad because he couldn't get $200 in cashback from his debit card. That's when he approached me and asked me. I guess he didn't believe her. I did see him run to the ATM.

    I'm still wondering where he got the idea that she wanted him to run to the back to get something. I know she didn't ask him to get another wheel because I saw her looking at the department numbers. He was her first SC since she started working here. I thought she handled the situation well. Alot better then I would've. I probably would've walked away...or bend over like a smartass.

  • #2
    This is why I never want to work the tills at Wal-Mart; I'll work paystation, but not anything else.
    Just let me be in the produce dept., and I'll be happy.
    And the sky was full of stars... and every star, an exploding ship, one of ours...


    • #3
      no wonder they get what they want every time; some weak ass gives in to their crap. that's part of the reason why, i'm thinking, that places have so much trouble with wic: people want the rules bent for them, and if they make enough noise, they'll get it.

      too bad they can't just refuse it outright, then confiscate the check for 'misuse.'

      if that's the product allowed, then that's what they get; beggars can't be choosers. if they want to be choosers, then purchase it with YOUR OWN MONEY.

      (not intended as a swipe at everyone who uses wic, only those who abuse the program)

      i've also used the program in the past when my son was a baby, but only for the formula and i stuck with it as per what was allowed, no exceptions. i don't see why others seem to think it's a swap this for that option, when it's not.
      look! it's ghengis khan!
      Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


      • #4
        I wonder if the milk was Lactaid, a kind of milk used by lactose-intolerant people. It does not give you gas, as regular milk can, if you have that problem.
        It comes in a carton, and costs way more than regular milk too.
        I no longer fear HELL.
        I work in RETAIL.


        • #5
 may have been lactaid that she mentioned.
          Last edited by Sunsetsky; 08-16-2006, 04:17 AM.

