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Stupid Teens...

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  • #16
    Discovery Health did a show about teens and their behavior. The focus was on thing exactly like this thread. they discussed studies that actually show the human brain doesn't finish developing until around age 24 or so. And the last parts of the brain to finish developing are those that control logic, reasoning, maturity, and generally the bad habits teens display. I wish I could remember the show, I'd name for ya.


    • #17
      Quoth vonkarolinas View Post
      Discovery Health did a show about teens and their behavior. The focus was on thing exactly like this thread. they discussed studies that actually show the human brain doesn't finish developing until around age 24 or so. And the last parts of the brain to finish developing are those that control logic, reasoning, maturity, and generally the bad habits teens display. I wish I could remember the show, I'd name for ya.
      And self preservation. I remember that one. It explains why so many don't believe taking a 35 MPH corner at 55MPH is a bad idea.
      The Rich keep getting richer because they keep doing what it was that made them rich. Ditto the Poor.
      "Hy kan tell dey is schmot qvestions, dey is makink my head hurt."
      Hoc spatio locantur.


      • #18
        Luckily, I do not see too many teens at the hotel, most know that they can't stay there anyways, but there are some that try, and try too damn hard to get a room.

        I had some punk ass try to argue with me on why he wasn't allowed to get a room, he was 17 years old. I mentioned being under aged has a lot to do with it, that under 18 requires an adult present, in the same room with you. He called it "bullshit" and started mentioning how he can has 4 cars and has them all insured and that he is responsible (right ). I kept telling him I wasn't going to give him a room and he just kept at it, why, why, why.

        He finally leaves, and a few minutes later one of his honest to god stupid friends comes in to get a room (the first guy was combative more than anything, he didn't strike me as an idiot, but more ignorant than anything), but this second guy, wow. He walks in, comes straight to me and says "Me and my above 21 year old friends need a room", oh brother. When I asked for ID, he tells me "I just told you, I'm over 21?", yes, in question form. I just stood there, mainly in disbelief, but also in shock that people are this dumb. I was tired of this crap so I said "just leave", he says "okay" and goes.

        As stated, my run ins with teens are limited, but they are usually like above.


        • #19
          Quoth Geek King View Post
          You call being arrested for multiple court dates ignored well behaved?
          Wow. Some people really remember the stuff I post here, it seems.

          But you are both right and wrong, sir. To answer your question, yes, I was, for the most part, a well-behaved teen. No, ignoring court dates and thus getting arrested is not behaving well. Of course, I did not ignore court dates and get arrested for them until I was in my early TWENTIES. All were driving-related. I bought my first car when I was 20, in college.

          I had exactly three run-ins with the law as a teenager, ironically all when I was 17.

          1. Myself, Lil Sis, and two friends got popped for curfew violation when we were walking around town at 4 am. We weren't doing anything like drinking, drugs, vandalism, etc., just walking around bored. Mom was unamused by the phone call at that time of night. ("Next time you're bored, stay in the damn neighborhood!")

          2. I got a ticket for jaywalking. My mom was unamused, but her wrath was for the ridiculousness of the ticket, not for me, thank goodness.

          3. Got stopped by a cop after curfew when I was riding home from work. As I was coming from work, and the parents knew about it, I was free and clear. He had stopped me simply because I was wearing ripped jeans and a concert shirt. Which caused me to say, "So, you're pulling over slobs today?"

          I reiterate....I was basically a well-behaved teen.

          "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
          Still A Customer."


          • #20
            Quoth Jester View Post
            Okay, as if WE were any different at their age?

            Really, raise your hand if you tried to buy alcohol or smokes, or have someone else buy them for you, when you were under the legal age? Hi, my name's Jester, and when I was a stupid teen, I tried to buy and tried to have others buy me alcohol. (I've never smoked, but if I did, I am sure the same would apply.)

            Teens are stupid. Not just the teens now, but teens throughout time. I was a stupid teen. My friends were stupid teens. Chances are most of you were stupid teens, as were your parents, my parents, and THEIR parents.

            That is part of being a teen, folks.
            I was buying smokes at age 14 and alcohol at 16. Never got carded.

            Of course, I started shaving daily at 14, and I was never shy about letting it grow for a few days.


            • #21
              Quoth Jester View Post

              2. I got a ticket for jaywalking. My mom was unamused, but her wrath was for the ridiculousness of the ticket, not for me, thank goodness.

              3. Got stopped by a cop after curfew when I was riding home from work. As I was coming from work, and the parents knew about it, I was free and clear. He had stopped me simply because I was wearing ripped jeans and a concert shirt. Which caused me to say, "So, you're pulling over slobs today?"

              I reiterate....I was basically a well-behaved teen.
              Curfew as in your city has a mandatory time that you're not allowed to step outside?

              And what's jaywalking?
              Last edited by Broomjockey; 11-14-2007, 10:45 PM. Reason: Edit quotes
              Linux user (Debian and Kubuntu)
              Programmer in C and perl!

              I'm "only" 16 but do NOT try and outskill me with machines


              • #22
                Quoth solemnwarning View Post
                Curfew as in your city has a mandatory time that you're not allowed to step outside?
                Yes. Many American cities have curfews for minors. As in they can't be out and about past midnight, or ten pm, or what have you. This is not like a military curfew, where they can't be outside their houses, or out working, but simply a way to keep kids from running the streets. Most parents fully support curfew laws. Not surprisingly, most teenagers find them stupid.

                At the time of the curfew violation incident, I was 17, Lil Sis was 16, and our two companions were 14, as I recall. The third brush with the law, the cop stopping me after curfew, did not result in any citations, as I was coming home from a job my parents were fully aware of.

                Quoth solemnwarning View Post
                And what's jaywalking?
                Jaywalking is crossing a major street, but not at an intersection where there is a stoplight. It is a minor ticket. That being said, I got it for taking two steps into the street, seeing the cop ticketing a motorist, and getting back onto the sidewalk. My mom was furious....with the COP!

                "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                Still A Customer."


                • #23
                  *laughter* My friends and I never tried to buy cigarettes or alcohol ourselves. There were still some of our older friends who never left our one-horse town to do it for us. Or the homeless for that matter. Who's going to turn away a scraggly looking guy in his fifties if he spanged up enough for a six-pack and a forty? We would just pay a "finder's fee" for anyone who bought it for us.


                  • #24
                    Quoth Jester View Post
                    Really, raise your hand if you tried to buy alcohol or smokes, or have someone else buy them for you, when you were under the legal age?
                    Never, personally. Can't take the taste of booze and can't smoke due to asthma. My rebellion involved sneaking lipstick behind my mother's back.

                    Now, my friends? Hoo boy! One buddy, on his 18th birthday, went out and bought 4 cases of cigs with his birthday money to replace the ones he'd stolen from his parents.


                    • #25
                      Nope, never had anything beyond Church wine until I was months past my 18th. And I've never smoked. No drugs, no run ins with cops. The most trouble I got in was in Jr. High, when a classmate copied off my work, and I wasn't working hard enough to stop him.
                      Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.



                      • #26
                        Quoth slick View Post
                        Luckily, I do not see too many teens at the hotel, most know that they can't stay there anyways, but there are some that try, and try too damn hard to get a room.

                        I had some punk ass try to argue with me on why he wasn't allowed to get a room, he was 17 years old.
                        On the flip side of that, my friends and I went to the beach this summer and were chagrined at the age requirements they had. We were all 20 and 21, but most hotels required you to be 25. Seriously, 25?! We ended up having to stay somewhere with shoddier accommodations and a higher price tag because asshats vaguely our age may have, in the past, made the rest of us look bad. We were quiet at night, never made a ruckus at the pool, and cleaned the place nicely before we left.

                        We may have been drunk and silly on the beach one night, but no one was in earshot to care but other people who were also being drunk and silly.


                        • #27
                          Quoth Jester View Post
                          Okay, as if WE were any different at their age?

                          Really, raise your hand if you tried to buy alcohol or smokes, or have someone else buy them for you, when you were under the legal age?
                          Yeah, but I wouldn't try to buy it with the same twenty. And I'd get older sibling/cousins/strangers to do it for me. I admit to trying to buy underage; but I wasn't dumb about it.
                          "If you are planning not to tip, please let your server know before ordering so they can decide whether or not to wait on you" - from an advice column I read some time ago


                          • #28
                            Quoth Geek King View Post
                            And self preservation. I remember that one. It explains why so many don't believe taking a 35 MPH corner at 55MPH is a bad idea.
                            Oh yeah, I forgot that one. Don't see how I could have with all the local news lately about stupid teens and their wrecks.


                            • #29
                              actually schools can tell you alot of stuff. If you say... are evilly rude to cashier after school before you go home and the school finds out about it, you can be suspended or expelled because you are techically their responicblity until you are in custody of your parents or a legal guardian. (aunt, uncle, grandparent babysitter, daycare ect.) and if you do anything anything at all that can disgrace the school while you represent them (after school in uniform at a game just when talking about your school) they have the right to punish you. Like how if a nurse or a doctor doues something illegal or just stupid out side of the hospital they can lose their job because they represent the hospital. So if Susan Johns the ER doc happens to get drunk and curse out some paramedics while bringing her in she can lose her job.

                              its an honors clause in employment contracts and in the school bylaws.

                              oh and i know this because when i was taking nursing classes ( i want to be a nurse but do to dsylexia i may not beable to become one because i cant spell and i cant pass A&P without being able to spell but i tool a bunch in highschool and if it wasnt for the fact that some girls in my school tormented me and made class unbareable and i couldnt concentrate because of it so my grades tanked [i know it sounds like an excuss but come on it im trying to do work in class and im being insulted, tortured with loud music and almost physically abused by my class mates, my grades are going to take a down turn]) because it was a monthly lecture when some girls did something stupid.
                              Last edited by Sliceanddice; 11-15-2007, 06:18 PM.

