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Customer told her kid I may try to rip him off

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  • Customer told her kid I may try to rip him off

    I am a cashier at a Sporting goods store. Anyway this kid along with his mother were buying back to school supplies. I was ringing up the kid's purchases when his mother said to him, "you better pay attention because that guy might try to rip you off." I just gave her a dirty look and of course she gave me the "I was only kidding excuse". I just gave her another dirty look and continued ringing. It really seem to bother me. Do you think I am being too sensitive? Honestly customers have no room talk about being ripped off. God knows that they ripped us off more than we ripped them off.

  • #2
    I don't think you were being too sensitive at all.

    That ticks me off, too.
    When I was a cashier, I was always really careful, and my till usually balanced to the penny. It really irked me that customers watched every move I made.

    The thing is, you can't take it personally.

    It was obvious she thought she was being funny and wasn't.

    That happens on a daily basis with customers, I find.
    Too tired of living and too tired to end it. What a conundrum.


    • #3
      I don't think you were being too sensitive. That woman thought she was being "cute" and "funny". If that were really the case, she'd have sent herself to Reader's Digest a long time ago.

      Unseen but seeing
      oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
      There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
      3rd shift needs love, too
      RIP, mo bhrionglóid


      • #4
        Today I was ringing somebody up, and the lady gave me too much change. She thought she had given me 4 1's, but gave me 3 1's and a 5. When she saw the 5 she RIPPED it out of my hand! I mean, geez. I was gonna give her the correct change.


        • #5
          Two things about people who insult you and then say "I was only kidding."

          1. No, they weren't.
          2. They are ps and cowards.

          They remind me of rats...nasty enough to crap on your stuff, but too chickenshit to stick around when you turn the light on.


          • #6
            Yes, I can't stand the "I was only kidding" claim. No you weren't kidding. You were being fricking mean and now you realise it was mean but you don't want to outright admit "I am a mean bugger" so you try this bullpocky excuse.

            Besides, ne'er a truer word .... and all.


            • #7
              Like when something rings up wrong, they think you are trying to rip them off. Like the company is just going to let you pocket any money you might be over. Its not in our best interest whatsoever to try and over charge them. Why won't they understand?????

              Be Nice or I'll Make the Sun Go Away.


              • #8
                Quoth batmoody View Post
                Like when something rings up wrong, they think you are trying to rip them off. Like the company is just going to let you pocket any money you might be over. Its not in our best interest whatsoever to try and over charge them.

                They don't seem to realize we don't get to pocket any of it.
                Do they think we take our tray at the end of the day and just pick out our wages for the day, and anything extra is a tip???
                Too tired of living and too tired to end it. What a conundrum.


                • #9
                  That happened to me recently, but hell, to me, she was only trying to get her child to watch out for that. My boss jokingly told her, that I would try to rip them off, and I had the look. I knew that woman, from school, BTW.
                  Under The Moon Paranormal Research
                  San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


                  • #10
                    When I waited tables, after dropping of a credit card slip, occasionally you'd hear something like, "Be careful when writing the tip, make sure you make it clear because they will rip you off!" or "Scratch off your credit card number, servers always rip people off by taking the numbers off the slips" Nevermind the fact that credit card slips stopped showing the entire number YEARS ago!
                    "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead


                    • #11
                      Sometimes, at the flea markets we used to go to, the guys taking money would try to rip children off. My mum noticed it a few times and told my little brother to watch out. But that was FLEA MARKETS, not stores.


                      • #12
                        I read a story in the paper a while back about how some waitresses were taking the credit cards to the charge machine, running them through, then furtively snapping pictures of them on their cell phones and charging up a storm on them after getting the numbers down from the picture they took of them.

                        Craziness, I tell you!


                        • #13
                          Quoth heathermv View Post
                          When I waited tables, after dropping of a credit card slip, occasionally you'd hear something like, "Be careful when writing the tip, make sure you make it clear because they will rip you off!" or "Scratch off your credit card number, servers always rip people off by taking the numbers off the slips" Nevermind the fact that credit card slips stopped showing the entire number YEARS ago!
                          Not exactly true. Most modern credit card machines don't show the full number (if they show anything, it's a bunch of x's with only the last four numbers showing), but there are still plenty of places that print out the whole number on the credit card slip.

                          Sadly, there are a few bad apples who will try to rip people off with that information, but honestly, if you really want to do that, you can just copy down the information from the credit card itself. Trust me, there is enough time, and you can always blame it on a slow machine. No, I have never done this, nor would I, but it could be done, I am sure, and probably has.

                          And the funny thing is, the people who scratch out the number on the merchant copy of the credit card slip...well, they probably don't realize that the server can very easily reprint the damn slip to get those numbers. That I have done, but not to rip anyone off...before we got the new computers at one of my jobs, we had to have the credit card numbers on the slip to hand into accounting, as Hurricane Wilma had blown out our integrated system. So if someone scratched out their number...after they left, I just reprinted their slip and stapled it to the signed copy. Accounting was happy, I was not in trouble, the customer was none the wiser, and still not getting ripped off. At least...not by ME.

                          "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                          Still A Customer."


                          • #14
                            Quoth RecoveringKinkoid View Post
                            Two things about people who insult you and then say "I was only kidding."

                            1. No, they weren't.
                            2. They are ps and cowards.

                            They remind me of rats...nasty enough to crap on your stuff, but too chickenshit to stick around when you turn the light on.
                            perhaps it because its 2 08 am when i read this this little tidbit popped into my head:
                            Like a madman shooting firebrands or deadly arrows is a man who deceives his neighbor and says "i was only joking" Proverbs 26:18-19

                            and then i found these also:"Its no good, its no good!" says the buyer then goes off and boasts about his purchase Proverbs 20:14

                            and thinking of tha lady that was "only kidding "

                            a fool finds no pleasure in understanding but delights in airing his own opinions
                            Proverbs 18:2

                            Its amazing human nature doesn't change, only technology
                            God bless


                            • #15
                              Quoth Jester View Post
                              And the funny thing is, the people who scratch out the number on the merchant copy of the credit card slip...well, they probably don't realize that the server can very easily reprint the damn slip to get those numbers.
                              Exactly! It amuses me, and maybe someone can explain why people do this, when a customer is handed their receipt, right then and there, they have to mark through all those x's and 4 numbers, then they pocket the receipt. I've had people hold up the line, asking for a pen, just so they can mark out those x's. It's not even a copy I keep. Its their copy. Why?

                              Be Nice or I'll Make the Sun Go Away.

