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Not sucky, just mathematically challenged

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  • Not sucky, just mathematically challenged

    Once had a guy who was a regular at the club I worked at. On the particular night in question the cover was only $5 for 21 and up (This was in '02). He has been there for a few hours. Two friends of his show up, he tells me to just let them in and hands me a $50 bill "That's for you". I shrug, let his friends in and wonder if he ever realized the problem in his math.

  • #2
    Um...they were underage...he appriciated your work and it was a tip...he was drunk and thought it was a twenty...I dunno. There's reasons I can think of, but hey, a $40 tip is a $40 tip, no?
    Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.


    • #3
      I think it was the drunk part. AS for underage, both of them were easily pushing 40. But aye, a $40 tip is a $40 tip.


      • #4
        Quoth vonkarolinas View Post
        I think it was the drunk part.
        Could be. I used to know a girl who waitressed at a 24-hour diner, and sometimes she had to work the night shift, or the "drunk shift", as they called it, because it was when the bars closed and all the drunks showed up to get something to eat. She said that she got quite a few huge tips (50s or hundreds) because some of the customers were simply too drink to realize what bills they were putting down.

        Must have sucked for them the next day when they're all hung over and wondering where all their money went.
        Sometimes life is altered.
        Break from the ropes your hands are tied.
        Uneasy with confrontation.
        Won't turn out right. Can't turn out right


        • #5
          Quoth MadMike View Post
          Could be. I used to know a girl who waitressed at a 24-hour diner, and sometimes she had to work the night shift, or the "drunk shift", as they called it, because it was when the bars closed and all the drunks showed up to get something to eat. She said that she got quite a few huge tips (50s or hundreds) because some of the customers were simply too drink to realize what bills they were putting down.

          Must have sucked for them the next day when they're all hung over and wondering where all their money went.
          Gotta love drunks. Also, glad to know I'm not the only one out there who doesn't question a seeming large tip.

          For awhile we had a hotdog vendor that set up outside our club to sell dogs to the customers. I saw a drunk get a dog, fully loaded take a bit, the dog and all the toppings slid out of the bun hit the ground and he never noticed. At the bun and went on his way.


          • #6
            I tip bouncers just for having to deal with a-holes. When I'm drunk i usually tip every member of the waitstaff 20 bucks and wonder where my money went the next day. When I remember, i feel pretty nice.


            • #7
              That's because you are an Awesome Customer


              • #8
                Quoth vonkarolinas View Post
                Once had a guy who was a regular at the club I worked at. On the particular night in question the cover was only $5 for 21 and up (This was in '02). He has been there for a few hours. Two friends of his show up, he tells me to just let them in and hands me a $50 bill "That's for you". I shrug, let his friends in and wonder if he ever realized the problem in his math.
                As I mentioned somewhere, I work as a part-time bouncer. In a country where tipping is truly optional. As in, you get pretty much the same service even if you're known not to tip, no-one thinks it's exceptional to tip or not to tip. It's customers choice. Of course, if you tip me, I say few kind words, and try to remember them next time they need a cab ordered for them, so not to get a cab-ordering-fee from them. but since that fee is just 2€, many of the tippers just pay that too anyway.

                Even for me it is not uncommon to see tips from 50 to 100 € from one customer. Drunks think they own the world, and money comes in limitless supply...

