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Move My Minutes

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  • Move My Minutes

    So I had a real winner the other night. For those of you who don't know I work in a call center for a prepaid cellular phone. Currently I work in technical support which handles a myriad of things which also includes phone programming and WLNP (wireless local number portability) issues. For those not in the States WLNP is a series of government regulations that allows customers to keep their phone number when they change phone service providers. This is semi important to this call as it came in on the WLNP request queue.

    Me: *looks around* who what.. oh HI
    SL: Snotty Lady, Stupid Lady take your pick

    Me: Thank you for calling <company name> this is Chanlin in the Porting department how can I help you today?

    SL: Yeah, I called in yesterday about having my minute moved. My daughter put the minutes on the wrong account and I need them moved.

    Me: Ok...

    At this point I am sighing inside because it is not a WLNP issue. We've been having alot of calls lately transfered to the wrong department. In any case regular CSRs have a series of verifications to make before transfering the call to a supervisor. Namely verify the phone number the customer has, verify the phone number the minutes were loaded to in error and verify the PIN used to load the minutes. Not too hard.

    Me: ... What is your phone number.

    SL: 555-555-1234

    Me: Ok And what number did the minutes get loaded to.

    SL: 555-555-4256

    Me: Ok, one moment here. (I proceed to look up both accounts. Account 1 is out of minutes. Account 2... no records found. I check another system... deactivated 01/05/2007)

    Me: Mam, can I reconfirm that second number. You said 555-555-4256 correct?
    SL: Yes.

    Me: Ok, can you please verify the PIN used to load the minutes.

    SL: Oh I don't have that my daughter threw it away.

    Me: Ok. Well heres the situation then. I can not move these minutes for two reasons. One, and most importantly, we have to be able to verify the PIN used, we can't just arbitrairly move minutes because you say they were loaded wrong. Two, there is no way minutes were loaded to 555-555-4256 any time recently because it is not currently active.

    SL: But when I called yesterday they said I could move these minutes.

    Me: Mam I don't know how you expect us to move minutes from a non existent account.

    SL: But they were loaded, I know they were.

    Me: I'm sorry mam, but if you could provide the PIN I could verify which account the minutes were loaded to. Without that I can not move anything.

    SL: Well can't you just move $10 from 555-555-4256

    Me: No, again that account is not active. In fact it canceled from service at the beginning of the year.

    SL: But those minutes were just put on two weeks ago.

    Me: Mam, it is a physical and technical impossibility for minutes to have been loaded to that phone number, it has not been active within the last two weeks, it has barely been active at all this year. That fact aside you have to verify the PIN that was used. Also we can't move minutes from any account regardless of being misloaded or not after 48 hours.

    SL: But your supervisor, D told me I could.

    Me: Mam, D did not note this account to that effect (in fact D had not noted the account at all, and I know D well enough to say that he had not looked at the account since D is known for writing novels worth of case notes even for something as simple as adding minutes for a customer), and even if D did approve it there are no minutes to be moved from 555-555-4256 in the first place.

    SL: Repeat previous statement, can't you just credit my account.

    Me: Certainly....

    SL: Good

    Me: If you can give me the PIN used to load those minutes.

    SL: Man I can't believe you, I want to talk to your supervisor, you're not helping me.

    Me: No problem mam, just one moment.

    I ready a soft transfer to the CSR supervisors station, ironically enough I get D. I explain the situation, D says he has never talked to this person, as I suspected. I transfer the call.

    I checked the account about 5 minutes later to see the shortest case notes I have ever seen D put. "Customer is to under NO CIRCUMSTANCE receive credit for misloaded minutes unless she can provide the PIN used." So thats it, no credits, no nothing, just a whole load of suck from a customer who just didn't get it.

  • #2

    "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
    Still A Customer."


    • #3
      Quoth Jester View Post
      NO SOUP FOR YOU!!!
      Obey the Nazi!

