Ok, this could have gone under the giving directions thread, but I think that given the circumstances on it, it probably warrants its own thread. So without further ado
me- you favorite smiling eagle in reservations
sbc- sucky bigoted customer (nothing against southern bell company)
we go through the standard reservation process, get his information, so far a relatively cool guest, until...
sbc- "hey dude, what bars are nearby" (i'm on a macro call so as far as the guest knows i'm onsite"
me- *answering honestly* "i'm sorry sir, but I don't know where any of the bars are"
sbc- "well, why not?"
me- "because i have chosen to abstain from alcohol"
sbc- "what type of fucking loser doesn't drink alcohol"
me- "sir, I'm LDS (entirely true, and something I don't take any shame in), it is part of my faith to show restraint and to abstain from activities such as smoking and drinking, if you really like though I can place you on hold and I'll check with some of my coworkers and see where they suggest"
now, most guests would be like, her that's cool, I don't understand it but that's the choice you've made and either say it's no biggie and we finish the reservation or yeah put me on hold and I either google it or call the hotel to ask someone there, but if this guy had done one of those two things i wouldn't be posting the story here, now would I.
sbc- "what, you're one of those fucking mormons"
me- "sir, there is no need for profanity, and yes, I am"
sbc- "damnit man, and to think, I thought you were cool for a while, you all should have gotten the hint when we killed your so called prophet 150 years ago, I hope Warren Jeffs burns in hell *(disclaimer, so do I, Jeffs is a heretic, the actual president of the Church is Gordon B Hinkley)* and you and your wives can burn in hell too"
"sir, at this point I am refusing service, nothing will be billed to your card, please do not call back"
sbc- "great, I didn't want to stay with a cultist anyway" *click*
ok, what the flip, I don't particularly agree with all religions, but I don't randomly attack people over the phone for it. That had to be one of my most traumatic calls i've taken, God bless my manager though, I logged off my phone, went to my TM and asked him to track me for 5 minutes, he asked why, I told him to listen to the last couple of minutes of my last call and he'd understand... he gave me 10 minutes after listening to the call.
me- you favorite smiling eagle in reservations
sbc- sucky bigoted customer (nothing against southern bell company)
we go through the standard reservation process, get his information, so far a relatively cool guest, until...
sbc- "hey dude, what bars are nearby" (i'm on a macro call so as far as the guest knows i'm onsite"
me- *answering honestly* "i'm sorry sir, but I don't know where any of the bars are"
sbc- "well, why not?"
me- "because i have chosen to abstain from alcohol"
sbc- "what type of fucking loser doesn't drink alcohol"
me- "sir, I'm LDS (entirely true, and something I don't take any shame in), it is part of my faith to show restraint and to abstain from activities such as smoking and drinking, if you really like though I can place you on hold and I'll check with some of my coworkers and see where they suggest"
now, most guests would be like, her that's cool, I don't understand it but that's the choice you've made and either say it's no biggie and we finish the reservation or yeah put me on hold and I either google it or call the hotel to ask someone there, but if this guy had done one of those two things i wouldn't be posting the story here, now would I.
sbc- "what, you're one of those fucking mormons"
me- "sir, there is no need for profanity, and yes, I am"
sbc- "damnit man, and to think, I thought you were cool for a while, you all should have gotten the hint when we killed your so called prophet 150 years ago, I hope Warren Jeffs burns in hell *(disclaimer, so do I, Jeffs is a heretic, the actual president of the Church is Gordon B Hinkley)* and you and your wives can burn in hell too"

sbc- "great, I didn't want to stay with a cultist anyway" *click*
ok, what the flip, I don't particularly agree with all religions, but I don't randomly attack people over the phone for it. That had to be one of my most traumatic calls i've taken, God bless my manager though, I logged off my phone, went to my TM and asked him to track me for 5 minutes, he asked why, I told him to listen to the last couple of minutes of my last call and he'd understand... he gave me 10 minutes after listening to the call.