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No calls, just an epic rant.

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  • No calls, just an epic rant.

    Today's first rant concerns lazy ass coworkers. Why are you so surprised that you are universally loathed on the call floor? Let me explain something to you about corporate America. The overpaid corporate nutjobs above us don't see us lowly call reps as people. We are little customer service drones to them. They see us all as one big entity, so we suffer from the 'weakest link' fallacy. If you are a lazy ass who doesn't do their job properly, the nutjobs see that and they assume that all of us are just like you. This tends to piss off those of us who were unlucky enough to have parents who instilled real work ethic into our malleable little brains. So don't be surprised that people turn away from you when you try to talk to them, that people don't want to sit with you at lunch or even acknowledge your presence while out on a smoke break. And god forbid you should whine aloud about what meanies we all are. We have been dealing with unreasonable customers for so long we have no sense of decency left, and will jump on you like a pack of wild dogs and rip the meat from your whiny little bones. Try actually doing your job for once, and maybe we will start acknowledging your presence. Now, I'm not promising anything, it may just be too late for you. You may be stuck with that "I'm an anuscake to my fellow employees" label forever. And frankly, that is your fault, and yours alone. I hope you get hit by a bus on the way home so I can have your desk.

    To the guy on the phone who told me to go fuck myself: Yeah, your girlfriend must be so proud of you. You're not even an original cusser. You know, if you're going to be foul mouthed with me, you could at least be creative about it. Using variations on 'fuck' every third word does not make you sound dangerous, it makes you sound like an uneducated retard. Try for some originality! At least that would make me laugh, and I might even file away a particularly tasty phrase for later use. The fuck word is overused and boring at this point, and only advertises what an uninteresting lay you must be. I hope your girlfriend gets a life and leaves you with no choice but talking dirty to your blowup dolls.

    People who are buying drugs while I am trying to talk to you: Okay, I am not an idiot. I know what a bong sounds like when it is being cleared; I went to college. That I don't mind. It rather amuses me, actually. Makes me think of all those stoner boys I hung out with in the dorms. But please don't make me interrupt an obvious drug deal. I don't need to hear you and your dealer arguing over whether you want a half or a quarter, okay? I see that sort of thing often enough in the movies, I don't need to hear it in real life!

    Ok here's one for you impatient snots: I have certain scripts that I have to say on the phone. Don't worry, they only take a couple of seconds each. But I HAVE to say them. I get bad grades on my calls if I don't. So don't cut me off and snap at me to hurry up, you frog snogging bitch. If you think I am going to skip the scripts and fail this call just because you're too impatient to let me do my job properly, well you can eat shit and go bark at the moon. I HURRY FOR NO ONE. Especially not some brainless, spoiled, squeaky voiced entitlement whore who thinks the sun rises and sets in her Victoria's Secret underpants. I got news for you, Britney: "trophy wife" is your probable fate. Remember to brush up on those fellatio skills, cause you're gonna need them to keep him interested.

    Racist old ladies: I hate dealing with you. I don't care how much you hate foreigners, so shut your pie hole! Do you really think you are the only person I've had to listen to this week rant at me because they had to talk to someone with an accent? Why do you inbred lemmings think that ranting to me about it is gonna do you a damn bit of good? Believe me, if I had any control over who we hired, I would not waste it keeping foreigners out of the call center. Instead, that brainless, braless wonder at the command center desk would not be sitting there filing her nails and letting all the fat fucks look down her shirt as they walk in. I'd hire a big, mean looking dyke who calls herself 'Jeff' to sit up there and glare at everyone all day, and instruct her to scream at the guys if they don't acknowledge her when they walk in. I'd then park my sorry ass in a desk close by and bask in the hilarity of it all. So please, leave me out of your xenophobic ranting. I like diversity, it keeps things entertaining.

    Even more fun are the ones who think they are too good to talk to me. Look, Paris, I don't care if you are on a business call, I have to do my job, and whining, bitching, sighing and calling me names is not gonna get you your minutes faster. If anything it will make me go slower just so I can prolong your misery the way you are prolonging mine. Get a grip. You are using a shitty prepaid cell phone to run your half-assed wedding dress business. I got news for you, you ain't no Ralph Lauren, bitch. Suck it up and let me do my job.

    My job has just installed a hand sanitizer next to the time clock. Are they trying to tell us something? Apparently it's a hint that we should stop slathering shit all over our hands before we come back to our desks from our bathroom breaks. Has this really been a problem here? Cause I had no idea. I will have to remember not to clip my toenails or treat my genital warts while at my desk, I guess. Sometimes corporate just really confuses me.

    Someday I'm gonna invent a phone that will allow me to reach through the phone and bitchslap people who desperately need it. "But I don't waaaaaanaaaaaaa do this." SLAP! "You will give me what I want right now, goddammit." SLAP! "If you won't give me what I want, then give me to someone who will." SLAP! "It's your fault my kid stole my money." SLAP! I'm telling you, not only would I make millions, I'd be a hero to phone reps everywhere. They'd have my picture on the wall of every call center in the world. There would be parades in my honor. People would refuse phone jobs unless one of my patented Slapper Phones™ was promised as part of the equipment.

    Yes, even I, with my shrunken little black heart, can still dream.
    Last edited by ThePhoneGoddess; 11-23-2007, 07:05 AM.
    Because as we all know, on the Internet all men are men, all women are men and all children are FBI agents.

  • #2
    you rock - best epic. rant. ever


    • #3

      So true. Every word of it.

      If you have to ask, it's probably better posted at


      • #4
        I'm glad you found it entertaiing. I've had a very rough week.

        *TPG hyperventilates into her brown paper bag some more*
        Because as we all know, on the Internet all men are men, all women are men and all children are FBI agents.


        • #5
          Quoth ThePhoneGoddess View Post
          Do you really think you are the only person I've had to listen to this week rant at me because they had to talk to someone with an accent?
          well we have a Jamican, a Russian, and a girl from India(married to my manager). the Jamican gets over 95% on all his QAs, the Russian has never had an escalated call(and has been promoted to QA), but the girl from India, who is as sweet as they come, gets tons of escalated calls simply because of her accent-she trained me on my last contract-and I've taken a couple of her escalated calls(she's the only one I'll do it for-I don't have to as I'm not a "real" manager-I'm actually above them in hierarchy), and I'm very glad that sup calls aren't recorded-most of them refer to her as "stupid"-I simply let them know she speaks 5 languages, and holds a master's degree in engineering, she works with us because she likes the job-seriously.

          Quoth ThePhoneGoddess View Post
          I'd hire a big, mean looking dyke who calls herself 'Jeff' to sit up there and glare at everyone all day
          We have a "James" that fits that bill-but I won't give him/her up, (s)he's one of our better agents, and was trained by my husband on another contract before we got him/her.
          Honestly.... the image of that in my head made me go "AWESOME!"..... and then I remembered I am terribly strange.-Red dazes


          • #6
            Wow. Just . . . wow. Every word is so true! As an ex-call center worker, I salute you. You have definitely earned your title.


            • #7
              Quoth ThePhoneGoddess View Post
              My job has just installed a hand sanitizer next to the time clock. Are they trying to tell us something? Apparently it's a hint that we should stop slathering shit all over our hands before we come back to our desks from our bathroom breaks. Has this really been a problem here? Cause I had no idea. I will have to remember not to clip my toenails or treat my genital warts while at my desk, I guess. Sometimes corporate just really confuses me.
              at my college, there are "dont forget to wash your hands" signage all over the bathrooms. because, you know, people are too busy on their cell phones while dropping a deuce to be bothered with personal hygiene. people are really that filthy. there's also a sign that reminds us to please flush. that just as hard because while we're on the phone, we're also appplying makeup and performing arthroscopic knee surgery on ourselves and who has time to flush, for pete's sake!
              Kim: She's got one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel.

              I'd like to exercise my constitutional right to not give a fuck.


              • #8
                There are three people on this site that I actually seek out their posts. Yours, KaraCS and Gravekeeper. Your capacity to entertain us through your rants are priceless. Thank you for the hours of entertainment. As the kids are saying, YOU RAWK! (they still say that don't they?)
                This isn't an office. It's Hell with fluorescent lighting.


                • #9
                  Quick get PhoneGoddess some and some stat!
                  "I can tell her you're all tied up in the projection room." Sunset Boulevard.


                  • #10
                    Today's first rant concerns lazy ass coworkers.
                    Pertaining to lazy ass coworkers, I worry that I may be getting that reputation. I'm not sure why...I do my job, but I'll be the first to admit that I probably have about the least amount of experience here. It hasn't been STATED in months, but it has been implied, which is annoying because I'm not quite sure exactly what I need to do to "prove myself." In any case, I hate being called lazy. Yes, I browse while I'm at work...but note, I do it while I'm at work, not one or the other, but both.

                    No, I'm not a woman. Yes, I have the ability to multitask. Scary thing, that.

                    You're not even an original cusser.
                    Fuck that fucking fucker. It's amusing when people attempt to substitute cursing for proper English. I simply wait for them to stop and then continue whatever I was saying. Obviously I don't/can't curse back at them, but this makes it all the more amusing because they see that I'm unimpressed and by proxy, unintimidated by their words. Good stuff.

                    People who are buying drugs while I am trying to talk to you
                    You know, I've never had this happen, but I'm fairly sure it's funny. I have had a number of customers who call when they clearly shouldn't (drunk, stoned, WAY too tired, etc.).

                    Ok here's one for you impatient snots
                    Yeah, I hate people who are impatient. Now don't get me wrong...under normal circumstances, a customer doesn't come to us directly, but only after a transfer or so. I can understand them being frustrated and annoyed that they've been on the phone for so long, but don't take it out on me. I have PLENTY of time to waste...after all, I'm the one getting paid here.

                    If you REALLY want your issue resolved in a timely manner, shut up, follow directions, speak when I tell you, etc. It's really rather called us. Let us help you.

                    My job has just installed a hand sanitizer next to the time clock
                    Actually, there's a relevant explanation for that. A week or so ago, one of our supervisors said we needed to clean our desks, keyboards, etc. with disinfectant. There isn't a hand sanitizer or anything like that anywhere, but there's a good chance that the reason for this is that it's cold season and they're worried about the spread of infection. Sure, they COULD think you're all a bunch of dirty bastards, but most likely it's to prevent colds and spreading.
                    You can find me on Backloggery, Facebook, Twitch, Twitter, YouTube


                    • #11
                      Gunsage, my work is obsessed with cleanliness. They have those industrial strength disinfectant wipes that you can use to clean your desk when you sit down. Unfortunately for me, the smell of them makes me incredibly nauseous. They have hardcore antibacterial soap in the bathroom dispensers, which means I have to bring my own soap, cause my skin hates that stuff. Now all of a sudden they install a hand sanitizer next to the time clock.

                      And half my coworkers wonder why they get sick all the time. I NEVER get sick. I keep things very clean, but I avoid antibacterial anything unless i am specifically dealing with something I know to be contaminated with especially evil bacteria. Using antibacterial stuff all the time messes with your immune system.
                      Because as we all know, on the Internet all men are men, all women are men and all children are FBI agents.


                      • #12
                        The funny part is I thought my desk was spic and span...but when I actually got to cleaning, eh, not so much. Granted, it's an off white desk, black keyboard, black flat panel, and off white deskphone, but there you have it. Dust dust and more dust accumulates in the worst's as if they're attracted to base colors.

                        I rarely get sick myself and when I do I'm a MESS. Even though I'm a mess, I still end up going to work because...

                        - I like money.
                        - I hate spending sick time.
                        - I hate getting in trouble just because I'm sick.
                        - I like my job.
                        - Goddamn'd work ethic.

                        Ah well.
                        You can find me on Backloggery, Facebook, Twitch, Twitter, YouTube


                        • #13
                          Quoth gunsage View Post
                          The funny part is I thought my desk was spic and span...but when I actually got to cleaning, eh, not so much. Granted, it's an off white desk, black keyboard, black flat panel, and off white deskphone, but there you have it. Dust dust and more dust accumulates in the worst's as if they're attracted to base colors.

                          I rarely get sick myself and when I do I'm a MESS. Even though I'm a mess, I still end up going to work because...

                          - I like money.
                          - I hate spending sick time.
                          - I hate getting in trouble just because I'm sick.
                          - I like my job.
                          - Goddamn'd work ethic.

                          Ah well.
                          ditto on both points (except our phones are black and monitors off white, but same problem), and I go to work when I'm sick for the same reason. Oh, and the problem that I always have is debris in the keyboard.
                          If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song

