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Brain shock and permission to scam

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  • Brain shock and permission to scam

    Today I have decided that my store is the anus of the town it is situated in.

    SC: Hey, a little question, do you have the SE K850i in green?
    P (my coworker) : *checks on the register* Yes we still have one.
    SC: Ok, and how much would it be with an Orange 75 contract?
    P: <price>
    SC: Oh, but <other shop or the provider's website, don't remember*> said it would be €240 cheaper than what you just told me!
    P: Yeah, but we're not <that other place*>, it's just one of the providers we offer. We just set the prices like we're told to do, we can't do much about what other stores do.
    SC: So you can't give me a discount of €240?
    Me and P: o_O
    P: Ehm... well... no... (brain overload has begun)
    SC: Ah alright, well, on the site they only had it in blue. Well I might check there.
    P: Yeah, probably your best choice.

    He left and we were like: uhm, ok...

    A few hours later he got back.

    SC: Hey, I'm back again. (never would have noticed)
    P: Hi there, managed to get the phone you wanted?
    SC: No not really, but what if I got the phone from <there*>, came to you and exchange it for the green one?
    *Me and Paul both got another seizure*
    P: No, we cannot do that.
    SC: Why not?
    Me: *mumbles a 'Duh!' and commences death glare strategy, tactically positions herself behind coworker's left shoulder and continues glaring*
    P: Because the phone has to be bought along with the contract here, you'll need a receipt from this place to be able to exchange it. We can't exchange things you didn't buy here, it would create a huge difference in the register and HQ will be calling us why we have an exchange without a sale and... well.... *stopped talking due to a smack down by the central nervous system which decided to go on strike when founding out one of the most logical rules of shopping is explained*
    SC: Oh, so there is nothing you can do so I can get the green one cheaper?
    Me: *avoids looking at sharp objects*
    P: *still struck by the fact his brain left him when it realised he had to explain something so terribly logical* ... no....
    SC: ok, I'll go get it in blue then, at least it's cheaper there!

    Yeah so it's our fault we don't want to help you scam along? Yes €240 euros a nice save, either buy a cheaper phone, or just get the damn blue one (not a huge difference, I swear), but it's not worth my job. I still cannot process the thought of how anyone in his late 20s, sounds quite intelligent and also looks like it, can say such nasty things. As a kid I knew that you needed a receipt to show you actually bought it there, otherwise it might be (be it directly or indirectly) stealing.

    I was having such a good day and suddenly he comes in and commits illegal sexual perverse performances in front of me with my good friend that is Logic. I still can't process it, I probably wouldn't be able to have explained it to him like Paul did, I would probably freeze at the word 'receipt'. A guy looking everything but dumb, yet still say those horrible things. Shot of vodka and a hug please! And a couch + psychiatrist if anyone has one of those around.

    * That other place: It was at least not one of our large competitors, €240 is a lot of difference in price, so it was either the provider's website with a special offer, or some store run by a gang just legally enough so they can send contracts to the providers for people, hidden in a dark alley with phones that mysteriously got into their hands.

  • #2
    Me: *avoids looking at sharp objects*
    Love your self control ^_^

    Logic however sadly slips peoples minds at times.
    MMO Addicts group

