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  • Rich

    AUGH!!! Rich customers SUCK!! They think they own the world!!!

    It's 11:30 at night, I'm checking a guy out, and he has a coupon that expired last week. I tell him this. He INSISTS he can use it even when I pull my lead over! So he goes to the front desk, complains, and still doesn't get his way. I get yelled at by my lead and my boss, and the guy doesn't buy the dumb piece of meat anyway!
    Then at midnight, when I finally get to go home, I'm shutting down, the sign says "Sorry Closed" and these two people come over, see the sign, see that I'm on my last customer, and say "Oh, well, we see the sign, but can we come through anyway?" The person behind me is WIDE OPEN!! I'm NOT allowed to say no or I get in trouble, so they come through anyway with this attitude of "Well, I'm rich and don't want to walk the extra 10 feet to the cashier behind you." AUGH!! I didn't get home until 2. -.-

  • #2
    Back when I was in retail, there were two sorts of rich customers. They were either very nice and had the time of day (and more) to give to you, or they were complete arseholes.



    • #3
      Man, I like my job. If it's time for me to leave, I can tell every person in line that I'm closed- though I'll usually take the ones who have been standing there.
      "I just figured you would be terrified, and I would be sarcastic about it."


      • #4
        I concur with Raps---I've dealt with lots of rich customers in past jobs. Either they are extremely nice, polite, patient, and friendly, or they are the biggest asshats you'll ever encounter. There's no in between.
        Because as we all know, on the Internet all men are men, all women are men and all children are FBI agents.


        • #5
          Quoth Enigma View Post
          Man, I like my job. If it's time for me to leave, I can tell every person in line that I'm closed- though I'll usually take the ones who have been standing there.
          If your checkstands have the chains that stretch across the lane, those do help quite a bit.

          We had those back at WD . . . and we also had the signs that sat on the checklane belt that said the register is closed.

          Anyone already waiting in line when the light goes out and the sign is set on the end of the checkstand would still be checked out. Anyone else who tried to come up after them (and we would have this happen before we could get the line short enough to hang the chain across the lane) they'd be directed to another register.

          If the checkout lines are like the Kitty, we don't have the chains that stretch across, nor are there the signs to set out on the register belt.

          So, all the cashier does is turn out her light and make note of the last customer in her line. Anyone else that comes up, she/he tells them that she/he is closed. Usually though, there's another register nearby that's just opened up and has maybe one or two customers in line.

          But then we all know how SC's are about directions. *sigh*
          Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)


          • #6
            Quoth DGoddessChardonnay View Post

            So, all the cashier does is turn out her light and make note of the last customer in her line. Anyone else that comes up, she/he tells them that she/he is closed. Usually though, there's another register nearby that's just opened up and has maybe one or two customers in line.

            But then we all know how SC's are about directions. *sigh*
            We do have a sign to set out, but I rarely remember to do it. Normally I just see who is in my line and turn out the light. I guess it's just because they are so strict about when you leave and no overtime, that they would rather you tell a customer to get into the next line then take three minutes to check them out. And after a long day, no matter how ugly there response I'm not doing anything wrong, so they can moan all they want.

            But I think we should all remember that both Rich people and SC's rule the world, so we always need to bow down worship the ground (that they own!) they walk on.
            "I just figured you would be terrified, and I would be sarcastic about it."


            • #7
              I found that usually "old money" people were nice, "new money" people were entitlement jerks. I worked in a couple of different stores at different times in different areas, and this rule seemed to apply at both places.
              Labor boards have info on local laws for free
              HR believes the first person in the door
              Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
              Document everything
              CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect


              • #8
                i really dont find that many snobby rich people where i work (then again i work fast food and all the snobs are off eating at some ritzy sit down resteraunt)
                what i always find the worst are a middle class 30s moms and (im not rasist, just stating a fact that i have learned from 3 years working there) natives.
                they are always the ones demanding deals, lower prices, or 10 tons of cheap plastic knifes and forks.

                my favs are the ones that demand free food because they just spent 70 bucks there. had one lady do that and when i told her no she asked for the supervisor, i went and got her laughing my ass off all the way there and all the way back. the supervisor that day is meaner then a pitbull on crack. that was a good day
                it's said that no sane person could bite another person and draw blood. I've done it before, but then again sanity has always been questionable in our family.


                • #9
                  When I worked at RedDogBlueCatCo, one of our regulars was Jake Jabs, owner of American Furniture Warehouse, a chain that those outside of CO may not be familiar with. Anyway, the guy is filthy rich and has pet tigers. He was accused of some nasty crimes a few years ago, so when he started coming in all of us were very wary of him, but he turned out to be a total sweetie.

                  Not only did he invite the entire staff repeatedly to pool parties (I quit before anyone accepted, though) he loved us so much he actually brought his wife in specifically to meet the people at the store. She was just as funny as him, if not more. I actually miss the rich ol' bastard more than I miss most of my coworkers.

                  However, most every other rich customer we had was a JERK.
                  My basic dog food advice - send a pm if you need more.

                  Saydrah's leaving the nest advice + packing list live here.


                  • #10
                    Quoth Slow-Jo View Post
                    middle class 30s moms
                    I read this as "middle class thirty-ess moms," as in the 30s subunit in a bacteria's ribosome. And the various antibiotics that attack that site (in the 16s rRNA) to act as protein synthesis inhibitors. And then I got the most bizarre picture in my head of a bacterial ribosome composed of a 50s subunit and an angry, 30-some-year-old mother with a bat to beat off antibiotics.

                    School has BROKEN my brain.

