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I present: your child's homework!

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  • #16
    A bit off topic.

    Last week a woman came in to the university library with her 12 year old son to do his school project. They came in at 12am and she talked to my coworker for over an hour after he had already answered the kid's questions for his project. We learnt way to much about her life story that day.

    I don't know why they decided to come in at 12 am to the library since we were open the next day. I'm just glad her son didn't have school the next day because of Thanksgiving, he looked like he was about to fall over.
    How was I supposed to know someone was slipping you Birth Control in the food I've been making for you lately?


    • #17
      Fourth grade in California seems to be the official year for studying the Missions. When I was a kid, I had to build a mission out of sugar cubes. When my older son and I went to the craft store they actually had foam kits of all the differents missions, and very expensive decorations to make them look authentic.

      Probably because of the ease of purchasing the kits, my son's instructions said that he had to construct the mission and the surrounding grounds. Good thing we read all the instructions. We got a decent sized board, purchased the mission kit, lots of paint, clay for the fountains, felt for the grass, pipe cleaners, foam, etc. and built the gardens and outbuildings surrounding the mission.

      It was a b***h to haul to school, but I experienced a bit of happy schadenfreude to get there and see that all but one other student had only submitted the mission kits and not the full grounds. I made a point of stopping the teacher and asking her if I had read the instructions correctly. I imagine only two kids got A's on that project that year.
      Labor boards have info on local laws for free
      HR believes the first person in the door
      Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
      Document everything
      CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect


      • #18
        Quoth Irving Patrick Freleigh View Post
        ... Its main predators are the Outer Slobovia Flatulence Owl, the Spotted Italian Bear-Rabbit and Slimey the Wonder Eel"
        as well as the Great Northwestern Spotted Ferret-Bat
        "We go through our careers and things happen to us. Those experiences made me what I am."-Thomas Keller


        • #19
          Quoth Dave1982 View Post
          You'd be surprised at how often people go to hobby shops looking for help on their homework.
          Wait a minute - when did this become the trend and why didn't I get the memo?

          Back when I was in school *cue groaning from younger folks* we went to the library for help with homework assignments. We didn't have the Internet, we didn't have homework hotline numbers to call. If you had your own set of encyclopedias, you were blessed. That saved a trip to the library.

          Should I just shut up, have another glass of wine and crawl back under my rock yet?
          Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)


          • #20
            Quoth Listerfiend View Post
            Hell yeah! I was like you, then. Some of my favorite places as a kid (and now) were libraries and museums. I'm just appalled at the woman who was refusing to go to the library. Why would you spend money on books and whatnot when you can do *free* research at the library with people whose jobs depend on helping others find information? It makes too much sense for SCs.
            oh i know what you mean, my favorite place is the salt lake main library. I love going up to the 4th floor study area (which my mother can't go to because of the skybridge that you have to cross). They let you plug in your laptop and I can be doing homework while sitting at a desk with a view of downtown in the background and TRAX in the foreground (i know I'm strange, but I like watching the trains).

            I also love the church art and history museum... actually let me restate that, I love all of Temple Square (everything is free).
            If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


            • #21
              Quoth DGoddessChardonnay View Post
              Wait a minute - when did this become the trend and why didn't I get the memo?

              Back when I was in school *cue groaning from younger folks* we went to the library for help with homework assignments. We didn't have the Internet, we didn't have homework hotline numbers to call. If you had your own set of encyclopedias, you were blessed. That saved a trip to the library.

              Should I just shut up, have another glass of wine and crawl back under my rock yet?
              We were lucky enough to have a set of encyclopedias, but they were from when I was born *cough summer of love cough*. Is there room under the rock with ya? - I'll bring more wine


              • #22
                I know it might drive some librarians and customer service folk crazy, but, I hope there is some teacher out there still who will assign a report and mandate that the internet cannot be used for anything more than just checking to see if a book is in stock at the library/book store. Make the children actually do research the "old" way AND cite it.

                I'd be a hell of a teacher, wouldn't I? :-p
                Answers are is asking the right questions which is hard.


                • #23
                  If it's any consolation I'm gonna be the sort of teacher who makes students read books and write legible and grammatically correct essays. It's still a few years away for me but I've already started to sit down and cherry pick the best aspects of various syllabuses and assignments I've been given over the year and adapting the ones that had potential. My students shall be smart, if only because cheating on my assignments will require some EXCEPTIONAL thinking.


                  • #24
                    Quoth auntiem View Post
                    We were lucky enough to have a set of encyclopedias, but they were from when I was born *cough summer of love cough*. Is there room under the rock with ya? - I'll bring more wine
                    I still have my Webster's Dictionary that was published in 1957. It's extremely well used, and about to fall apart. As for encyclopedias, we had only the volumes that we snagged at the supermarket when they were on sale with a certain other amount of groceries. Never did come close to getting a whole set.
                    Everything will be ok in the end. If it's not ok, it's not the end.


                    • #25
                      Quoth HawaiianShirts View Post

                      As for the OP, this is just another one of those examples of poor parenting. These are becoming disturbingly frequent. I can only hope there are actually more good parents than bad and I'm only noticing the bad.
                      That's because the good parents are at home helping the kids do it right.

                      *Thread Hijack*

                      My (4th grade) son got picked as Star of the Week, and was asked to bring in a poster with a few photos of family, favorite things, etc. Kind of a "get to know you" poster.

                      All week I reminded him of it. "Do you want to work on your poster?" or "Why don't you ask Gramma if she has pictures you can use?", etc. Didn't do squat.

                      10 minutes after bedtime the day before he's supposed to bring it in, he turns on me saying I have to help him with his poster, and why didn't I do it for him already.

                      I told him if he couldn't find the stuff he needed (my Mom had printed out miniphotos, 4 to a standard photo, the day before, and we had glue, paper, glitter, all for the finding) in 10 minutes, tough crap.

                      He ended up taking the loose photos to school the next day, along with a little note that said (nicely) that he didn't put any effort into doing it, and I wasn't doing it for him, when he was offered plenty of help. He did bring home a nice, simple, poster at the end of the week.

                      *end Hijack*
                      Any day you're looking down at the dirt instead of up at the dirt is a good day.


                      • #26
                        Quoth HawaiianShirts View Post
                        They want to know if there are any websites where they can download term papers for free (because apparently they can only find the pay-for-papers sites)
                        Way back in the old days went I went to college (1988-1991) we had look in the back of Rolling Stone magazine for the ads to buy "supplemental term paper information". Basically a term paper you would buy, then re-type on your own, since every page had some copyright notice on it or something, not that I would have ever done that.

                        Quoth Primer View Post
                        As for encyclopedias, we had only the volumes that we snagged at the supermarket when they were on sale with a certain other amount of groceries.
                        We had those, the complete set. And each year you would get an update, one more volume that would cover any additional info for the previous year, so they weren't to far out of date. My brother has it the set now.


                        • #27
                          My parents spend a stack on money in the mid 90s when I was going through high school on a full set of encyclopaedias including the extra Australian volumes.

                          I used them heaps. Then and the local library. I would spend hours there looking up books, photocoping pages to take home for notes etc, etc. My sisters are going through high school now and don't even know what an encyclopaedia is. They use google instead

                          My Dad hasn't even unpacked them since the last time they moved (a year ago) since he knows they won't get used. He morns the loss of all that money....


                          • #28
                            That's what's wrong with people today. They expect everything to be just handed to them. That woman could take that kid to the library and use a computer there to look everything up. Geez!


                            • #29
                              Whatever would that woman have done BEFORE the Internet? Could it be she'd be forced to resort to..GASP!...Books????

                              I love doing projects for myself because that is how you LEARN things. I might seem like a weirdo today, but this one weirdo who takes pride in writing my OWN term papers and writing them well.

                              No chance in hell my kids are going to end up like the brat in the story.
                              "If we refund your money, give you a free replacement and shoot the manager, then will you be happy?" - sign seen in a restaurant


                              • #30
                                Quoth DGoddessChardonnay View Post
                                Back when I was in school *cue groaning from younger folks*
                                What? No walking UPHILL, both ways, in the snow, with no shoes, much less feet? You're not old enough yet.

                                Anyway, I've noticed a preponderance of parents and kids coming through my line with those mass-produced animal 'Toobs', intent on using them for dioramas. I don't even have to look at them quizzically any longer. I just know.
                                "I call murder on that!"

