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Sausage Stupid

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  • Sausage Stupid

    Today our customers were celebrating independence from the tyranny of rational thought and the revolution against brain cells.

    A particular brand of sausage is on sale through today, normally $5.49 on sale for $1.99. I had to explain this magical mystery math to no fewer than three SCs.

    1) The AM cashier calls me over shortly after opening. I am not a keyholder, he just assumes that if I am up front I will fix everything. An old man is gesticulating and grunting about the sausages "One nine-nine! One nine-nine!" I point to the screen and explain the math (savings are shown in RED under the item, next line is the final price which is in fact $1.99). No dice, more shouting. I'm able to print off an on-demand receipt and show him how the sale works. Still no getting through, I ask point-blank "do you want these or not? They are $1.99.". SC shouts "NO! Take off! I not want!" I void them off the transaction and go return them to the meat dept.

    Five minutes later, SC1 hunts me down where I've been pulled to watch SCO, gets in my face and shouts "Where are sausages! I want!" Me: "You didn't want them so I returned them." SC1: "Where? I want!" Me: "I put them back where you got them. I'm going to do my job now, bye."

    2) Old woman at SCO buys one pack of the sale sausages and one pack of house brand (house brand is $4.49, not on sale) and wants to know why only the name-brand is on sale. (um...because only the name brand is on sale). Again I try to explain the sale to her, and again I get my head bitten off about how I'm trying to cheat her. Ok, whatever. I think this is when I removed my nametag. Most of the supervisors that if they see me without a nametag I am taking no shit.

    3) Much later in my shift (all on SCO pretty much). Old lady buys some sausages...yup, you guessed it, two sale and one non-sale. She didn't have a store card. I put one in and then total the transaction so the sale comes off. She had bought some other stuff so all the discounts came off at once at the end, but two of the discounts were very clearly for the sausages. SC3: "I don't get it, those should be on sale." Me: "Those two are on sale, see it came off." SC3: "Where?" I void off one of the sausages and rescan it so that the discount is immediate and show her. SC3: "No, that's not right. This must be this New Math, it's not right. You're wrong and this machine is wrong, I'm going to a cashier. They will ring it up right." I suspend the transaction and give P (new CDH) the receipt and a heads up so if he gets called over by the cashier he knows why. I never did find out if she got it "rung up right"...maybe she accepted what I'd been telling her all along when it was done "by a person".
    "I am quite confident that I do exist."
    "Excuse me, I'm making perfect sense. You're just not keeping up." The Doctor

  • #2
    This was a revolution that wasn't worth fighting.
    Customers should always be served . . . to the nearest great white.

