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Not only sucky customers...

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  • Not only sucky customers...

    I'm too good to wait!

    I may be only 13, but I look about 15. So sometimes I get to work the register.
    (I'm not allowed to touch the alcohol, whenever someone orders it, I have to call one of the older employees to fetch it. It's a bit too high up for me to reach, anyways. I can handle any other drink, though.)

    Me: Duh.
    SM: Sucky Man
    M: My mom

    I'm at the register, and a man and his wife come up to order.

    SM: We'll have two Bud Lights.
    Me: Alright, I'll have someone get you your drinks and-
    SM: What?! Why can't you? They're right there!!!
    Me: I'm underage, I can't handle alcohol. *calls for an employee to get it*
    SM: What?! *long rant about the beer being right there and me not being able to grab it*

    At this point the employee (Who I will call Bob) got there and handed the man the beers.

    SM: I demand that you give me two free for making me wait!
    Me: We can't do that-
    SM: I demand to see your manager!

    (My mom is also the manager of that restaurant. The other has a different manager.)

    Me: *smirk* Okay.

    I call for my mom. She comes. I was ticked off at this point, so I acted kinda whiney. It always works.

    Me: Mom, this guy wants two free beers cuz I made him wait 'til Bob came. And he was yelling at me. Make him leave, I don't like him.

    The look on this guys face when I said "mom" was priceless.

    M: Sir, you will either take these drinks and sit down or you will leave! If I catch you yelling at my daughter or any of my employees I will call the police for harassment!

    He sat down.


    May I remind all employees that the toilet is not a good place to dispose of unused food when the trash can is full.

    New Employee

    We have a new employee.( I'll call her Brittany.) She is very, very perky. You know where this is going, right? She is very stupid.
    She broke seven glass items today, mistook a man for a pregnant woman causing a HUGE catastrophy, and spilled ravioli all over a newlywed man.

    Someone just kill me now. Please?

    And thus ends my first post. I will now attempt to locate the bottle of extra strength aspirin.

  • #2


    Someone get the mop, we need to clean up the foul language around here, STAT!

    Let me say kiddo!

    Oh, and

    I hear GK needs some more fans in the 12-18 department.

    That guy deserves a paddlin'.
    Ma'am, I could care less about the time your precious Fifi found a baby squirrel and raised it as her own, I just want to know if you've ever been told you had diabeetus.


    • #3
      Quoth Cherry Blossom View Post
      ...She is very stupid.
      She broke seven glass items today, mistook a man for a pregnant woman causing a HUGE catastrophy,...
      Please tell us more about that.
      Mon aƩroglisseur est plein des anguilles!"


      • #4
        Shoulda started with the lip quiver and called "Mommy!"

        Welcome to the asylum!
        I don't go in for ancient wisdom
        I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
        It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


        • #5
          Quoth alphaboi View Post
          Please tell us more about that.
          Yes, I am also curious.

          I've only been mistaken for a pregnant woman when I was actually dressed like one...
          Ma'am, I could care less about the time your precious Fifi found a baby squirrel and raised it as her own, I just want to know if you've ever been told you had diabeetus.


          • #6
            Quoth alphaboi View Post
            Please tell us more about that.
            Ditto that. Also, I didn't know they made work permits for people under 14. o_O


            • #7
              Quoth Shengirl View Post
              Ditto that. Also, I didn't know they made work permits for people under 14. o_O
              If it's her mom, it probably gets sneaked in under "household chores". I know I temped at my mom's office without a work permit, and I got paid in cash for "tax reasons". I suspect inspectors look the other way as long as it's not right under their noses.
              "If everyone is thinking alike, someone isn't thinking." - George Patton

              "If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough." - Albert Einstein


              • #8
                My mom's the owner. ^_^ She started the business herself. I would get into that but it would take a while. She's so awesome.

                More? Okay.

                B: Brittany
                M: Man
                Me: Dur.
                Mom: My Mom

                (I watched this happening.) Let me tell you, this was one freaky lookin' guy. He had long hair in a braid, and it actually looked as if all his fat had gathers on his chest and belly. But, he had a good amount of chesthair showing. I will have nightmares tonight.

                B: *places the food onto the table* When is the baby due?
                M: What?! *becomes very red and jumps up* I'm not a woman or pregnant!!! You f*cking retarded b**ch!
                B: *looks about ready to cry*

                At this point the entire restaurant was completely silent. The man actually started throwing food at her!!!

                I ran into my mom's slightly cramped office in the back, so I didn't see what happened next. Bob said he continued screaming and throwing things.

                Me: Mom! Crazy food-throwing guy harassing Brittany! *point towards the front*

                Out of the 4 chefs and 2 waiters/waitresses on duty, two of the chefs are very large, muscly men. I'll call them Carl and Sean.

                Mom: Are Carl, Sean, or Bill(Off-duty at the time) on duty?
                Me: Sean and Carl.
                Mom: Sean! Carl!(My mom has one of those get in here or you're dead voices when she yells.)
                They both ran in about 15 seconds later.

                Me: There's a guy harassing Brittany. Throw him out?
                Both: *look at my mom*
                Mom: *nod*

                40-50 seconds have passed.

                We run out there. I noted that a few tables around him were abandoned and the plates were empty as they both grabbed him and literally tossed him out. He threw himself down and started crying.

                M: No! I don't wanna be thrown out! Noooo!!!

                I watched in amazement as he threw his little fit. He cried out there for about 15 minutes. Then he got up and walked off as if nothing had happened.

                Brittany, on the other hand, was covered in all kinds of food, drink, and who knows what else. She was just kinda standing there. I thought she would either cry, or faint. The entire place was still dead-silent, appalled at this guy's behavior.

                B: *in a very perky, look at the bright side way*Well, at least he's gone!
                Me: *eye twitch*

                A few people's jaws dropped. Brittany walked off and cleaned herself up. (The employees are always getting food on themselves, wether it be from a customer or their own mistake, so we got a small shower installed in each of the employee bathrooms, and my mom keeps spare uniforms and clothes handy.)

                I'm scared.

                .:~Cherry Blossom~:.
                Last edited by NightAngel; 11-29-2007, 09:48 AM. Reason: text size


                • #9
                  Quoth Cherry Blossom View Post
                  B: *places the food onto the table* When is the baby due?
                  Well, Brittany has learned never to ask that question. We have several threads about that: usually the employee is asked the question. There's a saying around here "only ask if a woman's pregnant if you can see the baby crowning".

                  Let me tell you, this was one freaky lookin' guy. He had long hair in a braid, and it actually looked as if all his fat had gathers on his chest and belly. But, he had a good amount of chesthair showing. I will have nightmares tonight.
                  A braid is a good place to put long hair if you're going to be around food.

                  Testosterone encourages fat to collect on the front of the torso, and some genetic subtypes tend to create 'folds' in accumulated fat.

                  Testosterone also creates chest hair, and some people see no need to cut off perfectly human body hair, much less to pull it out by the roots.

                  If human diversity gives you nightmares, you're in for a lot of nightmares, I'm sorry to say.
                  Seshat's self-help guide:
                  1. Would you rather be right, or get the result you want?
                  2. If you're consistently getting results you don't want, change what you do.
                  3. Deal with the situation you have now, however it occurred.
                  4. Accept the consequences of your decisions.

                  "All I want is a pretty girl, a decent meal, and the right to shoot lightning at fools." - Anders, Dragon Age.


                  • #10
                    Well, he certainly had the moodiness and bad temper of a lot of pregnant women.


                    • #11
                      Quoth Cherry Blossom View Post
                      B: *in a very perky, look at the bright side way*Well, at least he's gone!
                      Actually, that's a pretty cool response.

                      But yeah, Brittany needs to learn, never, ever, under any circumstances (ever) ask "when is the baby due", "are you pregnant", or any other question of that form to either male or female. A lot of guys I know that fit that description would either laugh it off or make a very sarcastic response, and then drop it. This guy has issues. The women I know ... meh, about the same range of responses.


                      • #12
                        Quoth Cherry Blossom View Post
                        I may be only 13, but I look about 15. So sometimes I get to work the register.
                        That. Is. Pure. Awesomeness.

                        Here, technically they allow you to work when you're 16.
                        But the labour laws are so strict, that virtually no business dares to employ minors.

                        It took McD's two years to obtain a permit to do so,
                        and minors can only work the registers and clean the place up.
                        Also, they're only allowed to work during summer and winter holidays.

                        I say retail jobs should be a mandatory part of upbringing.
                        Pwetty pictuwes: DeviantArt | Flickr


                        • #13
                          iun the US you have a teenager who are underage work ina family business, non teens can too but only like billy can you count the gum for mommy kind of way. It can be sketchy but as long as she goes to school and isnt forced to work its ok.


                          • #14
                            I dunno, I worked my first job when I was 14, washing dishes (including beer mugs) at a local fish restaurant. Got paid with a paycheck and everything. 'Twas awesome.

                            I don't recall any muss or fuss. My brother had worked there a couple years before, and this was back when I was still in my "brother is coolest thing walking" phase and I wanted to go everywhere he was. So when my parents went to pick him up, I'd tag along from the time I was 11 and beg to get a job in the same restaurant. The owner always said the same thing. "Once you're 14, I'll hire you."

                            By the time 14 rolled around, my brother had graduated and shuttled off to college, but the lady still called me up and said "Still want to work here?" I said, "Sure, why not?" Showed up the following weekend and started filling tarter sauce.
                            "Maybe the problem just went away...maybe it was the magical sniper fairy that comes and gives silenced hollow point rounds to people who don't eat their vegetables."


                            • #15
                              Quoth Cherry Blossom View Post
                              I may be only 13, but I look about 15.
                              Better than me. I'm 21 and look 15-16. If I'm standing next to my brother or on the phone when my voice is being weird, I can be mistaken for as young as 12.

                              All the women say "Oh, you'll want that when you're older!" A) Well, duh. But right now I'm 21, and that's a damn fine age to be, so I'd like to be recognized as it. B) I started graying at 16. I might look 40 when I'm 50, but I might also have a full head of gray hair. C) It makes boyfriends who are older + look older be given the "pedophile glare".

                              At your age, it's so much awesomer to have it the other way around.

                              Also: Kudos on having an awesome mom!
                              The icon is a bunny with a spiked collar from some carpet ad.

