Fuck's sake...was waiting to enter the ladies room so I could finish my clean sweep today, and a young girl entered right before me. I waited for her to finish, and when she came out, her mother was like, "Did you shut off the faucet...?" I looked in (the running faucet I assumed was from another customer washing up), and saw to my horror that the last person in there had let the tap running on full, and water was spilling out all over the floor.
To make it worse, it was on the hottest setting, meaning the room was full of steam and the mirrors were totally fogged up. 
And I know it wasn't the girl's fault, but, seriously...if you entered a public restroom, and saw that a faucet was left on and was literally spilling water all over the floor, wouldn't your first instinct be to SHUT IT OFF?! She literally did her business and walked out, completely ignoring the water AND the fact that the whole room was full of steam! And she wasn't THAT young (maybe nine or ten), so there's no excuse. Took me twenty minutes to mop up the mess.
What possible reason is there to leave a faucet in a public restroom running on full? Were we hit by the Wet Bandits...?

And I know it wasn't the girl's fault, but, seriously...if you entered a public restroom, and saw that a faucet was left on and was literally spilling water all over the floor, wouldn't your first instinct be to SHUT IT OFF?! She literally did her business and walked out, completely ignoring the water AND the fact that the whole room was full of steam! And she wasn't THAT young (maybe nine or ten), so there's no excuse. Took me twenty minutes to mop up the mess.
What possible reason is there to leave a faucet in a public restroom running on full? Were we hit by the Wet Bandits...?