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Stop pulling the racist card.

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  • Stop pulling the racist card.

    Just because someone doesn't let you do something doesn't mean they're racist. We literally have FOUR signs (technically 5 if you want to consider the ones at each exit as seperate entities) that say no public washroom and yet again the same SC, so it's not like he doesn't know the answer already, asks to use the washroom completely disregarding the multiple signage. He's also always coming in just before the welfare checks clear so there's all the druggies and homeless hanging about outside. Many of which are told no because they will shoot up and OD or destroy the place (yes its happened multiple times before whenever they manage to get in there and it's also not hard to tell when someone already has the tubing around their arm and a needle in their hand or a pipe in their pocket. It's a bad neighborhood). How am I suppose to let one guy in, but then have to argue with the addicts AND risk being assaulted because the only option is to call the cops to remove them, because "I let that guy in so why not me?" The druggies literally have a guy across the street who watches for if anyone gets into the washroom and when our last security/cop patrol through was so the can take advantage.

    Also, stopping someone from stealing is not racist when I watch them shove stuff in their backpack not even trying to hide it. It doesn't have to do with race, ask the white dude we won't even let in the store because he steals so much stuff.

    not letting a person in because we are a food establishment and have to FOLLOW THE LAW by only letting service animals in is also not racist. If you cant leave the dog at home, cant have someone petsit in a city that offers free petsitting, and dont want to tie ot outside then you shouldnt expect everyone to bow down to your ego either. If a health inspector saw that, especially with the new year and being under a new general manager making everyone do the rounds, wed be shut down. Thats not racist thats following the law.

    If you are in CANADA, expect to pay with CANADIAN money. Yes some places will accept american. But that is a choice of the individual business not a law that must be followed. Yelling at me that its legal tender does nothing. Technically, if i went to Europe and brought back some euros its still "legal tender", it just isnt tender accepted in canada...becauseits canada not europe. Which youd think is common sense but apparently not.

    If someone throws a punch at me and i put them on their ass in self defense like the guy who tried to strangle me, that is not racist. Its responding to a threat agaist me. I assuredly am not checking their race as i wander into the back to avoid the person muttering to himself with a knife in his hand unless it's a descriptor for the cops to get the right guy. And even then, there's a big difference between "that Indian guy" and "the 5.4ft Indian male approx age 30-40yrs of age with the big black Santa beard and the red hoodie with black pants and red sneakers by the front door facing towards the inside of the store." One's a generalization the other is a actual physical descriptor. And yep, i was again called racist. By aother customer hiding behind a shelf since the dude was blocking the door.

    Yes, race can be used to describe someone. That doesn't make a racist. Now if I was denying service or being a dick to someone BECAUSE of race, gender, creed, etc that WOULD be racist, or sexist depending of course on the bias.

    I don't care about colour or any of that shit (seriously if you want to identify as acat today go right tf ahead, so long as you pay for your stuff) because it doesnt have any effect on personality. Great people come in all shapes and colours and religions. So do assholes and SC. It also is insulting to every single person who does have genuine issues because they are a certain race or beacuse of their beliefs or whatever other stupid reason ppl want to use to hate others.
    "It's a joke not a dick. No need to take it so hard."

    “Here’s $10, go to Walmart and buy a houseplant. Carry it around to make up for all of that oxygen you waste.”

  • #2
    The thought police will be along shortly and your social credit score will be zeroed out for posting that. Don't forget that your not supposed to show vids of the people stealing from you according to your police. Can't say too much after visiting CN last year the US is not far behind on the stupid at the rate we are going.
    Sarcasm dear, sarcasm. I’m well aware that dealing with civilians in any capacity will skin your faith in humanity alive, then pickle anything that remains so as to watch it shrivel up into an immortal husk thus reminding you of how dead inside you now are.

