I'm also a gun dealer and in the last 7 years I thankfully don't have much suckage, Most of my customers are word of mouth and they know they are working with a gun dealer that's more like the guy in John Wick 2 than at a large chain store. However, I am listed on several online shops that I will receive your gun and do the paperwork and background check as required by state and federal laws.
So I get an email that Tommy Suck has ordered 3 guns, ammo and other stuff and that they need my license to ship. OK nothing odd yet but normally only the guns go to me, the other stuff should go to your address but whatever. I look at Mr. Sucks name email and # and I don't remember him. ok I call him and let him know I'm also working full time at a range so he needs to call and make an appointment to pick up and my fee. No call back...so I email a few days later. No reply. 3 guns arrive 2 pistols and a shotgun. I get a new notice he now bought a cheap ass AR-15 rifle. The other guns are kind of cheap. If you think I'm judging you by what you buy...Yes very much so. My spidy sense is yammering.
A few days later when my wife just got home from shopping he just shows up. She's like WTF?! She again explains why I called and emailed so we can prep the forms and be ready, he needs to come back. So she works out with him to come the next day after I get home from the range....till we lost power..welp I call talked to home how about that Tuesday when Im off? ok. Call me Tuesday I have a couple of errands so I know when to be home.
Tues he calls as I'm running around..ok I'll call when I get home.
So he come over a few hours later. ok I need your driver lic from this state..check. He looks a little off from the pic but its a couple years old. ok, here's the req state and fed forms.
He fumbles through them. He's jittery...I ask what he does..bridge painter...ohhhh...Ok can see why he has the $ for all these even though cheap they add up. Also that I've seen these jitters before from someone who takes "things" to work long hard hours. Can't say for sure maybe he's just "off".
So after he signs them saying he's allowed to own them and has not been convicted or charged with real crimes or a drug user. (BTW the devils lettuce is still illegal by the feds so having a med card will prohibit you regardless what the states say) I say to him, are your sure? Once I call the police for the background check there no backing out. He says no prob, I call and soon as I give his info I get put on hold for an operator. SHIT this is not good.
...hour later....I'm told they are not sure and they need to research him, call back in 12 days, o Fuck..not good.
OK dude WTF? Oh your JR and Sr did a bunch of stuff and died a year ago and he waited cause now it should be clear it's not him. oh ok? Sure....should of told me but ok...had a guy his brother got caught doing bad things and used his name. His BGC was denied but he appealed and later was given the ok cause of that. So ok lets see what they say.
MAY the Suck Be with you !
So he tells me his life story and how he needs the shotgun at least cause he's going to FL to teach his daughter to shoot. I'm like that's nice but till I get a OK the guns stay here. He starts to argue and say he's done it before and that's not how it works. He just needs to how me an ID and he can take the shotgun so I have to give it to him.

According to my magic BATF 8 ball all signs point to no. He can pick up the ammo and other stuff as it gets here and BTW I'm not the UPS store in the future don't send it here. He needs to go and I'll call him.
Then he - I can't make this shit up asked if I can loan him a shotgun so he can take it to FL for his vacation. to (see above). AHHH N
! I've known you for 2 hours and the state said not to give you a gun. This broke my brain.
So 2 days later he came to pick up the ammo he ordered. He tries to again he can take the shotgun w/o a BGC by showing some laws on his phone that do not apply. I point to the part that does on the screen that yes my dear..ALL guns require a BCG when from a dealer. Also he will just buy what he wants in FL. ok bold move let's see how that works out for you.
So skip to 14 days later, I call the state police for the results.. Sh.
ker he's denied. So he's not allowed to buy the guns. I call him ahh yea I got the BCG back and you NEED to call me ASAP!
That was 2 weeks ago, no calls. ok email time.
I let him know his options.
1- call and come by and pick up the appeal form and send it in..I'll hold the guns till it's done or 6mo whatever is sooner.
2- Do not appeal, but know the police investigation unit was informed automatically due to the denial so you might get charged with several felonies for attempting to buy. In that case he need to make arrangements to return them to the online place with any expenses to ship them back are on him....oh my transfer fees are pass or fail the BCG so you owe me and I'm not sending shit till I'm paid. Also, don't bother sending anyone else to "buy these instead of you" That's known as a straw purchase and is in violation of Fed Laws. Also, I don't want your guns so don't ask me to pay you for them. I'd only give 50% if they were something I would sell.
3- do nothing. Same applies to the law as #2 and after 6 months they will be considered as abandoned and sold to pay my fees. IF the police do not take them.
That was 4 days ago I haven't heard anything.
I think he thought he came up with a loophole to get guns and avoid the law by going though me.
So I get an email that Tommy Suck has ordered 3 guns, ammo and other stuff and that they need my license to ship. OK nothing odd yet but normally only the guns go to me, the other stuff should go to your address but whatever. I look at Mr. Sucks name email and # and I don't remember him. ok I call him and let him know I'm also working full time at a range so he needs to call and make an appointment to pick up and my fee. No call back...so I email a few days later. No reply. 3 guns arrive 2 pistols and a shotgun. I get a new notice he now bought a cheap ass AR-15 rifle. The other guns are kind of cheap. If you think I'm judging you by what you buy...Yes very much so. My spidy sense is yammering.
A few days later when my wife just got home from shopping he just shows up. She's like WTF?! She again explains why I called and emailed so we can prep the forms and be ready, he needs to come back. So she works out with him to come the next day after I get home from the range....till we lost power..welp I call talked to home how about that Tuesday when Im off? ok. Call me Tuesday I have a couple of errands so I know when to be home.
Tues he calls as I'm running around..ok I'll call when I get home.
So he come over a few hours later. ok I need your driver lic from this state..check. He looks a little off from the pic but its a couple years old. ok, here's the req state and fed forms.
He fumbles through them. He's jittery...I ask what he does..bridge painter...ohhhh...Ok can see why he has the $ for all these even though cheap they add up. Also that I've seen these jitters before from someone who takes "things" to work long hard hours. Can't say for sure maybe he's just "off".
So after he signs them saying he's allowed to own them and has not been convicted or charged with real crimes or a drug user. (BTW the devils lettuce is still illegal by the feds so having a med card will prohibit you regardless what the states say) I say to him, are your sure? Once I call the police for the background check there no backing out. He says no prob, I call and soon as I give his info I get put on hold for an operator. SHIT this is not good.
...hour later....I'm told they are not sure and they need to research him, call back in 12 days, o Fuck..not good.
OK dude WTF? Oh your JR and Sr did a bunch of stuff and died a year ago and he waited cause now it should be clear it's not him. oh ok? Sure....should of told me but ok...had a guy his brother got caught doing bad things and used his name. His BGC was denied but he appealed and later was given the ok cause of that. So ok lets see what they say.
MAY the Suck Be with you !
So he tells me his life story and how he needs the shotgun at least cause he's going to FL to teach his daughter to shoot. I'm like that's nice but till I get a OK the guns stay here. He starts to argue and say he's done it before and that's not how it works. He just needs to how me an ID and he can take the shotgun so I have to give it to him.

According to my magic BATF 8 ball all signs point to no. He can pick up the ammo and other stuff as it gets here and BTW I'm not the UPS store in the future don't send it here. He needs to go and I'll call him.
Then he - I can't make this shit up asked if I can loan him a shotgun so he can take it to FL for his vacation. to (see above). AHHH N

So 2 days later he came to pick up the ammo he ordered. He tries to again he can take the shotgun w/o a BGC by showing some laws on his phone that do not apply. I point to the part that does on the screen that yes my dear..ALL guns require a BCG when from a dealer. Also he will just buy what he wants in FL. ok bold move let's see how that works out for you.
So skip to 14 days later, I call the state police for the results.. Sh.

That was 2 weeks ago, no calls. ok email time.
I let him know his options.
1- call and come by and pick up the appeal form and send it in..I'll hold the guns till it's done or 6mo whatever is sooner.
2- Do not appeal, but know the police investigation unit was informed automatically due to the denial so you might get charged with several felonies for attempting to buy. In that case he need to make arrangements to return them to the online place with any expenses to ship them back are on him....oh my transfer fees are pass or fail the BCG so you owe me and I'm not sending shit till I'm paid. Also, don't bother sending anyone else to "buy these instead of you" That's known as a straw purchase and is in violation of Fed Laws. Also, I don't want your guns so don't ask me to pay you for them. I'd only give 50% if they were something I would sell.
3- do nothing. Same applies to the law as #2 and after 6 months they will be considered as abandoned and sold to pay my fees. IF the police do not take them.
That was 4 days ago I haven't heard anything.

I think he thought he came up with a loophole to get guns and avoid the law by going though me.