These people aren't sucky so much as aggravating.
They come up with items and a coupon. Some coupons are very generic: "Save $1.50 when you buy any two of [company products]." The key words here are "any two."
But some are more specific. "Save $1.50 when you buy two of [specific item #1] or [specific item #2]."
And this, they have not done. Yes, they have items from the correct company but neither one is the specific item mentioned.
To their credit, they don't yell or become abusive when told the coupons won't work on the items they have. (Or if they have, it's not been in my line. Yet.)
But they could save themselves some aggravation if they'd read the (yes, sometimes VERY) fine print on the coupon.
They come up with items and a coupon. Some coupons are very generic: "Save $1.50 when you buy any two of [company products]." The key words here are "any two."
But some are more specific. "Save $1.50 when you buy two of [specific item #1] or [specific item #2]."
And this, they have not done. Yes, they have items from the correct company but neither one is the specific item mentioned.
To their credit, they don't yell or become abusive when told the coupons won't work on the items they have. (Or if they have, it's not been in my line. Yet.)
But they could save themselves some aggravation if they'd read the (yes, sometimes VERY) fine print on the coupon.