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"You must be new..."

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  • "You must be new..."

    Spoken like a true SC.

    BG: Our company network went kerflooey last Tuesday, and while the normal retail things (registers) are running as usual more or less, we could not apply/edit price changes at all for a few days. My department only came back online yesterday, and the store hasn't been able to receive or place orders from the main warehouse (which in a way was good as it's forcing stores to work through backstock). The mainframe was upgraded/moved last Monday, so something probably happened there.

    So I get thrown on register, and near the end of my stint run across this winner.

    As I'm scanning her items, one of the cold cuts has a sale price printed on the label but the barcode scans at regular price. That particular product is not on sale this week, it must have been a casualty of the price-change black hole (I think we're going to be chasing those glitches down for awhile). SC immediately jumps on that before I even place the bag back down.

    SC: "You rang this in wrong. It should be on sale!"
    Me: "I only scanned a barcode, and I did see the sale price We're having system problems, I just called someone over and they'll check the price now."
    It takes a few minutes for someone to come over with a key, as we're all slammed. During this time she is continuing to play the victim of the evil grocery clerk, stating "Food should be on sale!" (yes, you are buying food and yes it is for sale but not everything is on sale...interesting logic you have there, but no)
    Me: "I'm going to take this item off, ring up the rest and you can take this to the service desk." This is when SC decides to try and needle me a bit.
    SC: "You are new girl. I have been coming here for years and not seen you."
    Me: "I have been here for 10 years. I have never seen you, so what does that say?"
    SC: "You do not know your job. Give me sale price!" SC then has the stones to turn to the line behind her and say "these stupid cashiers know nothing, look at how she is delaying me". One customer isn't having it and goes "No, you're delaying yourself." SC tries to reach over the register (why, I have no idea), I gently block her hand with one of her items that I'm still holding, in such a way that it's clear what she is doing. We still have the plexiglass barriers up, but some people have 'learned' to reach around the pinpad (which makes it even more obvious that they're going to try something).
    *ok, that is it*
    Me: "You do not talk to me or any worker like that and you really do not reach into my space. I think we're done here." Right then A comes over with a key.
    A: "What's going on?"
    Me: "These cold cuts aren't scanning right and this woman is being verbally abusive to me and to other customers. Save the transaction and take her to the desk so I can clear my line." Three customers and two in the next lane over concur that SC is being unreasonable.
    SC continues to glare at me, starts to smile...and then notices the tryzub on my shirt. Suddenly she backs down and refuses to make eye contact with anyone (hmm), but continues muttering to A about "that girl" (A is ignoring her, and the rest of my line is glaring daggers at her)
    Next customer: "I've been shopping here since the 90s and I've never seen her. I know that type though, it's too bad we have so many jerks in this town. I'm in here every day so if your manager asks you about what happened you can tell him [name] saw everything. All she had to do was keep her mouth shut and let you fix it."
    Me: "This little incident probably won't come to anything, but thank you for backing me up."
    NC: "You guys work your butts off; some people really need to learn to be patient."
    Last edited by Dreamstalker; 11-11-2024, 01:06 AM.
    "I am quite confident that I do exist."
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