So I attended another reptile show this fall, hoping to sell off my remaining hatchling snakes for the year... The amnesia has finally worn off, so here are some tales of customer suckiness from this round:
I want to breed snakes and make money!
Secretly, I laugh at these people. Not that there's anything wrong with breeding snakes or wanting to make a buck or two, but nobody ever got rich breeding cornsnakes. I've been doing it for 5+ years and I'm finally breaking even. The people who can live off of breeding cornsnakes have been in the business 30+ years, are well-recognized and produce the latest color/pattern morphs, and have no mortgage payment.
So normally when someone says this, I just nod and smile. The person in question this time was a kid, maybe in 4th grade? (I'm horrible at judging a kid's age, so that's my best guess.) His mom had dumped him and his friend at the reptile show to hang out all day, and had gone off to do... whatever. The boy (we'll call him Bobby and his friend Jack) came over to look at my table. He started looking at all the snakes (mostly the price tags I think) and mentioned that he wanted to breed snakes so he could make extra money.
Well, far be it for me to turn away a future reptile enthusiast, so I tried to answer his questions as best I could, tried to recommend a course to ease him into the hobby if he really did want to get into snake keeping and breeding... and boy did he have a lot of questions. After answering for what seemed like forever, he mentioned he didn't have any money, but he would ask his mom for some. (Okay, fine. I wasn't gonna sell him snakes without getting a parental okay in the first place, so no problem there.) It was at this point that I found out his mom was not at the show. Goodie. Well, I told the kid to come back with his mom when she got here, and I'd help him pick out a good pair of hatchlings to raise up and use as breeders. So he says okay, and wanders off...
Ten minutes later, he's back again with his friend, trying to convince his friend to go halvsies on a pair of cornsnakes. Jack doesn't share Bobby's dreams of being a snakebreeder (at least as far as I could tell), but shrugged. Bobby then goes off on how Jack can keep one of the snakes, and then Bobby will breed them when he's old enough and sell all the hatchlings. (A bit selfish, aren't we?) It's all a moot point, as neither has any money, and neither knows where Bobby's mom is or when she'll be picking them up. So they wander off again...
Another short while later, Bobby is back again. Why he's chosen to hang around my table, I cannot fathom, other than I was kind enough to answer all his questions about snakes, breeding, and what you get when you cross this morph to another morph. Yet another round of questions, this time about some of the adults I had up for sale:
B: "How much is this one?"
TSL: *reading the price tag for him* "$XX"
B: "Why is she only $XX?"
TSL: "Because she won't breed, so she's just a pet."
B: "Oh. Well how about this one?"
TSL: "That one is only matched up with this male, and the pair is $XXX."
B: "But how much is just the female?"
TSL: "They aren't for sale separately. They're sold as a pair for $XXX."
B: "But if you were to sell them separately, how much would you sell her for?"
TSL: *repeats previous statement*
B: *repeats previous statement*
TSL: *sighs and pulls a number out of thin air* "$YYY and the male would be $ZZZ (where YYY+ZZZ > XXX)
B: "Oooh, well that's a good deal."
Random customer walks by the booth.
B: (to random customer) "You should get these two snakes. It's a really good deal and they're really nice snakes."
Random customer looks annoyed at the kid and hurries off to the next booth.
TSL: ...
B: (to passers-by) "She has some good snakes! This pair right here is a really good deal!"
Passers-by skirt my booth and the obnoxious kid.
TSL: ...
B: *now blocking the booth* "Can I hold one of these snakes?"
At this point I was getting seriously annoyed and suggested the kid go find his friend and/or mother. He came back at least half a dozen more times, each time trying to play Jr. Salesman with my booth. I finally snapped and told him I didn't need his assistance, and didn't see him again.
She'll Take Twenty
SC comes up to my booth with his daughter. SC's daughter wanted a pet snake, and spends about 5-10 minutes deciding on one. The one she picks out is marked $25. SC starts reaching into his wallet talking to SCD as if I'm not there.
SC: "She'll take twenty for it... I bet she'll take twenty..."
Annoyed the crap out of me... I'm right here. You can ask me. You don't have to pretend like I don't exist! Bleah. Why do people do this?
Will you hold this?
SC looks over my booth, finds the cheapest snake I have on the table.
SC: "Will you hold this one for twenty minutes?"
TSL: "Sure. Do you need to find an ATM?" (Since I'm not a store, I don't take credit cards or checks... only cash. This is quite common for smaller breeders and hobbyists...)
SC: "No, I just want to walk around and see if I find one I like better."
I politely informed him that I would not hold a snake without payment, but if he wanted to pay for the snake now I would be glad to hold it at my booth until he was ready to exit the show. Needless to say, he didn't bite.
I want to breed snakes and make money!
Secretly, I laugh at these people. Not that there's anything wrong with breeding snakes or wanting to make a buck or two, but nobody ever got rich breeding cornsnakes. I've been doing it for 5+ years and I'm finally breaking even. The people who can live off of breeding cornsnakes have been in the business 30+ years, are well-recognized and produce the latest color/pattern morphs, and have no mortgage payment.
So normally when someone says this, I just nod and smile. The person in question this time was a kid, maybe in 4th grade? (I'm horrible at judging a kid's age, so that's my best guess.) His mom had dumped him and his friend at the reptile show to hang out all day, and had gone off to do... whatever. The boy (we'll call him Bobby and his friend Jack) came over to look at my table. He started looking at all the snakes (mostly the price tags I think) and mentioned that he wanted to breed snakes so he could make extra money.
Well, far be it for me to turn away a future reptile enthusiast, so I tried to answer his questions as best I could, tried to recommend a course to ease him into the hobby if he really did want to get into snake keeping and breeding... and boy did he have a lot of questions. After answering for what seemed like forever, he mentioned he didn't have any money, but he would ask his mom for some. (Okay, fine. I wasn't gonna sell him snakes without getting a parental okay in the first place, so no problem there.) It was at this point that I found out his mom was not at the show. Goodie. Well, I told the kid to come back with his mom when she got here, and I'd help him pick out a good pair of hatchlings to raise up and use as breeders. So he says okay, and wanders off...
Ten minutes later, he's back again with his friend, trying to convince his friend to go halvsies on a pair of cornsnakes. Jack doesn't share Bobby's dreams of being a snakebreeder (at least as far as I could tell), but shrugged. Bobby then goes off on how Jack can keep one of the snakes, and then Bobby will breed them when he's old enough and sell all the hatchlings. (A bit selfish, aren't we?) It's all a moot point, as neither has any money, and neither knows where Bobby's mom is or when she'll be picking them up. So they wander off again...
Another short while later, Bobby is back again. Why he's chosen to hang around my table, I cannot fathom, other than I was kind enough to answer all his questions about snakes, breeding, and what you get when you cross this morph to another morph. Yet another round of questions, this time about some of the adults I had up for sale:
B: "How much is this one?"
TSL: *reading the price tag for him* "$XX"
B: "Why is she only $XX?"
TSL: "Because she won't breed, so she's just a pet."
B: "Oh. Well how about this one?"
TSL: "That one is only matched up with this male, and the pair is $XXX."
B: "But how much is just the female?"
TSL: "They aren't for sale separately. They're sold as a pair for $XXX."
B: "But if you were to sell them separately, how much would you sell her for?"
TSL: *repeats previous statement*
B: *repeats previous statement*
TSL: *sighs and pulls a number out of thin air* "$YYY and the male would be $ZZZ (where YYY+ZZZ > XXX)
B: "Oooh, well that's a good deal."
Random customer walks by the booth.
B: (to random customer) "You should get these two snakes. It's a really good deal and they're really nice snakes."
Random customer looks annoyed at the kid and hurries off to the next booth.
TSL: ...
B: (to passers-by) "She has some good snakes! This pair right here is a really good deal!"
Passers-by skirt my booth and the obnoxious kid.
TSL: ...
B: *now blocking the booth* "Can I hold one of these snakes?"

At this point I was getting seriously annoyed and suggested the kid go find his friend and/or mother. He came back at least half a dozen more times, each time trying to play Jr. Salesman with my booth. I finally snapped and told him I didn't need his assistance, and didn't see him again.

She'll Take Twenty
SC comes up to my booth with his daughter. SC's daughter wanted a pet snake, and spends about 5-10 minutes deciding on one. The one she picks out is marked $25. SC starts reaching into his wallet talking to SCD as if I'm not there.
SC: "She'll take twenty for it... I bet she'll take twenty..."
Annoyed the crap out of me... I'm right here. You can ask me. You don't have to pretend like I don't exist! Bleah. Why do people do this?
Will you hold this?
SC looks over my booth, finds the cheapest snake I have on the table.
SC: "Will you hold this one for twenty minutes?"
TSL: "Sure. Do you need to find an ATM?" (Since I'm not a store, I don't take credit cards or checks... only cash. This is quite common for smaller breeders and hobbyists...)
SC: "No, I just want to walk around and see if I find one I like better."

I politely informed him that I would not hold a snake without payment, but if he wanted to pay for the snake now I would be glad to hold it at my booth until he was ready to exit the show. Needless to say, he didn't bite.