Most of my work experience has been in the food industry..
I deliver food alot, my jobs have varied from pizzas to steak dinners
Me: Thank you for calling blah-blah pizza, this is Rose, how can I help you?
SC: I'd like to place a delivery
Me: May I have your phone number?
SC: 123-4567
I type in the number, if she has ordered from us before, her address and order history will show up. It shows up an address for a neighboring town that is waaay outside of out area, for a very. very short time we did deliver there, but stopped as it was just too far away.
Me: Is your address 123 Idiot Ave?
SC: Yes
Me: I'm sorry ma'am but that is out of our area
SC: No, it's not
Me: I'm afraid it is
SC: I've had pizza delivered here before
Me: Yes ma'am, but we had to stop going to that area as is was too far out
SC: So how am I suppose to get my pizza?
Me: You can come pick it up
SC: No, that's ridiculous.. I want to speak to a manager
I listen to the manager/SC conversation , the manager tells her the same thing, it's takes 20 minutes just to get out there, after about 10 minutes the manager says "Well, if you want McDonalds, do they bring you the food? No, you have to go get it."
Me: Thank you for calling blah blah pizza, this is Rose how can I help you?
SC: You ya'll have hamburgers?
Me: No sir we don't
SC: Hot dogs?
ME: No sir, we have pizza, bread sticks, cheese sticks and buffalo wings.
SC: Is that all?
ME: Yes
SC: Can you go by Taco Bell and bring me something?
Me: Are you going to order a pizza too?
Sometimes, if the customer is nice and they have someone there who doesn't want pizza, I'll whip through a fast food joint and get them something.
SC: No, I don't want any pizza
Me: Then I can not bring you anything else
SC: Why not?
Me: Because this is blah blah pizza, not Mc Donalds.
SC: But I don't want pizza
Me: I'm sorry, but I can't bring you anything else
SC: I don't have a car and I can't go and get anything else
Me: I'm sorry, but that's not my problem
SC; Let me speak to a driver
Me:You are speaking to a driver
SC: I want a different driver then
Me: A different one will tell you the same thing
SC: But I don't want pizza and I don't have a car
This went on for 15 minutes, he kept talking in circles
Me: Sir.. Are you going to order a pizza or argue?
SC: Argue.. You should be able to bring me whatever I want
Me: Call back when you are ready to order a pizza (click)
Me: Thank you for calling blah blah pizza, this is Rose how can I help you?
SC: I need a delivery and I need it here in 10 minutes
This is Friday night at 6 PM.. I have 5 deliveries stacked up and am waiting on one more to come out of the oven.
Me: Our delivery time is 45 minutes to an hour
SC: That's ridiculous!
The dreaded "R" word
SC: Can't you put my order first?
Me: No sir.. It's not fair to the others and even if I did it takes 10 minutes just to make and cook the pizza another 5-10 minutes to get it there.
SC: Ok, lets do that
Me: I'm sorry, but I can't.. If you want a delivery, it'll be there in 45 minutes to an hours.
SC: I'll just call another place, I bet they will do it.
Me: I highly doubt it, but your free to try.
I was working at a steak delivery place, this was Saturday night and while I was waiting of food to get cooked, I answered the phone
Me: *Que phone greeting*
SC: I want to know where my food is, my kids are hungry
Me: Alright, give me a second and I'll check
I punch it up on the computer.. He had ordered about 10 minutes ago and his food hasn't even made it to the grill.
Me: Sir, you just ordered 10 minutes ago. I'm sure you were informed that it's about an hour for delivery.
SC: My kids are hungry
Me: Your food will be there in about 45 minutes.
SC: My kids are hungry
Me: I'm sure they are.. But there is nothing I can do about it.
SC: They need to eat
Me: We all need to eat
SC: Well my kids are hungry
Me: So you've told me.. But it's Saturday night and we are busy so it takes a little bit.
SC: My kids are hungry
Me: I don't know what you want me to do about it.. On Friday and Saturday nights it's best to order dinner before you get too hungry.
SC: An hour is too long.. I could go to Mc Donalds and get it in less than 15 minutes.
Me: If you'd like to do that I can cancel your order.
SC: But my kids are hungry
By now I'm wondering if he isn't a parrot who has been trained a few lines.. Or if he thinks repeating the same line there any faster, I also noticed that he has ordered 1 Ribeye dinner.. Just 1, no kids meals, no mutiple dinners.
Me: All I can tell you is to give them a little something to tide them over for now.. I can't do anything to speed the delivery up.
He finally gets the hint and hangs up.
I delivered to a hotel, to the desk clerk.. Now as anyone would know.. If you're delivering pizzas, you're not rich, in fact most of my co workers, it was there 2nd job.. There seemed to be an epidemic of men who loved to have unprotected sex but hated the consequences that arose (babies) and they had to work a 2nd job to A. Support kids B. Get away from the kids and wife. I take the pizza to the clerk, waddle more like it as I was 8 months pregnant, the total was 9.49$ and she hands me a 10$.. "I'm just a poor hotel worker." she said, "I'm just a poor delivery driver." I replied "But I always give at least 3$ when I order anything."
There was a big storm that whipped through the city I worked at, just one of those short, severe storms that knocked down trees, power lines ect.. The power was knocked out, most of the staff was sent home, but I stayed for a bit in case the power came back on. The phones rang as they do when it rains.. People don't want to go out and get food.
Me:*same first line as before*
SC: I'd like to place an order
Me: I'm sorry, we are closed right now, we have no power.
SC: So?
Me: We can't cook pizzas or anything, the stove is electric.
SC: Bring it to me uncooked and I'll cook it
Me: I can't.. It against health department regulations
SC: Ugh.. I can't believe how un helpful you're being. Look, all I want is a pizza.
Me: I can take down you name and order and we can deliver it when the power comes back on.. But I don't know when that will be
SC: Thanks for nothing!
I deliver food alot, my jobs have varied from pizzas to steak dinners
Me: Thank you for calling blah-blah pizza, this is Rose, how can I help you?
SC: I'd like to place a delivery
Me: May I have your phone number?
SC: 123-4567
I type in the number, if she has ordered from us before, her address and order history will show up. It shows up an address for a neighboring town that is waaay outside of out area, for a very. very short time we did deliver there, but stopped as it was just too far away.
Me: Is your address 123 Idiot Ave?
SC: Yes
Me: I'm sorry ma'am but that is out of our area
SC: No, it's not
Me: I'm afraid it is
SC: I've had pizza delivered here before
Me: Yes ma'am, but we had to stop going to that area as is was too far out
SC: So how am I suppose to get my pizza?
Me: You can come pick it up
SC: No, that's ridiculous.. I want to speak to a manager
I listen to the manager/SC conversation , the manager tells her the same thing, it's takes 20 minutes just to get out there, after about 10 minutes the manager says "Well, if you want McDonalds, do they bring you the food? No, you have to go get it."
Me: Thank you for calling blah blah pizza, this is Rose how can I help you?
SC: You ya'll have hamburgers?
Me: No sir we don't
SC: Hot dogs?
ME: No sir, we have pizza, bread sticks, cheese sticks and buffalo wings.
SC: Is that all?
ME: Yes
SC: Can you go by Taco Bell and bring me something?
Me: Are you going to order a pizza too?
Sometimes, if the customer is nice and they have someone there who doesn't want pizza, I'll whip through a fast food joint and get them something.
SC: No, I don't want any pizza
Me: Then I can not bring you anything else
SC: Why not?
Me: Because this is blah blah pizza, not Mc Donalds.
SC: But I don't want pizza
Me: I'm sorry, but I can't bring you anything else
SC: I don't have a car and I can't go and get anything else
Me: I'm sorry, but that's not my problem
SC; Let me speak to a driver
Me:You are speaking to a driver
SC: I want a different driver then
Me: A different one will tell you the same thing
SC: But I don't want pizza and I don't have a car
This went on for 15 minutes, he kept talking in circles
Me: Sir.. Are you going to order a pizza or argue?
SC: Argue.. You should be able to bring me whatever I want
Me: Call back when you are ready to order a pizza (click)
Me: Thank you for calling blah blah pizza, this is Rose how can I help you?
SC: I need a delivery and I need it here in 10 minutes
This is Friday night at 6 PM.. I have 5 deliveries stacked up and am waiting on one more to come out of the oven.
Me: Our delivery time is 45 minutes to an hour
SC: That's ridiculous!
The dreaded "R" word
SC: Can't you put my order first?
Me: No sir.. It's not fair to the others and even if I did it takes 10 minutes just to make and cook the pizza another 5-10 minutes to get it there.
SC: Ok, lets do that
Me: I'm sorry, but I can't.. If you want a delivery, it'll be there in 45 minutes to an hours.
SC: I'll just call another place, I bet they will do it.
Me: I highly doubt it, but your free to try.
I was working at a steak delivery place, this was Saturday night and while I was waiting of food to get cooked, I answered the phone
Me: *Que phone greeting*
SC: I want to know where my food is, my kids are hungry
Me: Alright, give me a second and I'll check
I punch it up on the computer.. He had ordered about 10 minutes ago and his food hasn't even made it to the grill.
Me: Sir, you just ordered 10 minutes ago. I'm sure you were informed that it's about an hour for delivery.
SC: My kids are hungry
Me: Your food will be there in about 45 minutes.
SC: My kids are hungry
Me: I'm sure they are.. But there is nothing I can do about it.
SC: They need to eat
Me: We all need to eat
SC: Well my kids are hungry
Me: So you've told me.. But it's Saturday night and we are busy so it takes a little bit.
SC: My kids are hungry
Me: I don't know what you want me to do about it.. On Friday and Saturday nights it's best to order dinner before you get too hungry.
SC: An hour is too long.. I could go to Mc Donalds and get it in less than 15 minutes.
Me: If you'd like to do that I can cancel your order.
SC: But my kids are hungry
By now I'm wondering if he isn't a parrot who has been trained a few lines.. Or if he thinks repeating the same line there any faster, I also noticed that he has ordered 1 Ribeye dinner.. Just 1, no kids meals, no mutiple dinners.
Me: All I can tell you is to give them a little something to tide them over for now.. I can't do anything to speed the delivery up.
He finally gets the hint and hangs up.
I delivered to a hotel, to the desk clerk.. Now as anyone would know.. If you're delivering pizzas, you're not rich, in fact most of my co workers, it was there 2nd job.. There seemed to be an epidemic of men who loved to have unprotected sex but hated the consequences that arose (babies) and they had to work a 2nd job to A. Support kids B. Get away from the kids and wife. I take the pizza to the clerk, waddle more like it as I was 8 months pregnant, the total was 9.49$ and she hands me a 10$.. "I'm just a poor hotel worker." she said, "I'm just a poor delivery driver." I replied "But I always give at least 3$ when I order anything."
There was a big storm that whipped through the city I worked at, just one of those short, severe storms that knocked down trees, power lines ect.. The power was knocked out, most of the staff was sent home, but I stayed for a bit in case the power came back on. The phones rang as they do when it rains.. People don't want to go out and get food.
Me:*same first line as before*
SC: I'd like to place an order
Me: I'm sorry, we are closed right now, we have no power.
SC: So?
Me: We can't cook pizzas or anything, the stove is electric.
SC: Bring it to me uncooked and I'll cook it
Me: I can't.. It against health department regulations
SC: Ugh.. I can't believe how un helpful you're being. Look, all I want is a pizza.
Me: I can take down you name and order and we can deliver it when the power comes back on.. But I don't know when that will be
SC: Thanks for nothing!