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We called 911 because we thought you were DEAD!....

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  • We called 911 because we thought you were DEAD!....

    You guys are gonna love this one, I am perplexed at what happened today. Warning, might be long.

    This man comes in after noon and gets a room, man is in his 50's. The address on the license showed me that he lived not to far away.

    At about 4:30pm his wife comes in. She was on her phone and hung up right as she walked in. She said "My husband is staying here and he didn't give me the room number, now he wont answer his cell, can you tell me where his room is?". I looked at her license and saw that she was indeed his wife, but ended up calling the room instead for her. No answer.

    I tell her that maybe he stepped out, but she insisted that he didn't since his truck was outside. So I told her to wait in the lobby while I went to check his room (knock on his door and listen for the shower, maybe he was in there). She followed me up to the third floor, saw what room I was knocking on. I heard the TV, but no shower and no people. I tell her that he wont answer, so she gets worried. She tells me that he has heart problems and something else, so now I am worried.

    So I announce myself again as I knock on the door and tell him that I am entering the room (If he is in trouble medically, and can't use the phone, we need to help him). I use my key, open the door, and find that the security latch is engaged. He is definitely in the room at this point, you can't engage the security latch unless you are inside, and he is on the third floor, so I doubt he is climbing out of the room. I yell into the room, the wife is saying "Honey please, open the door, please say something". I am now thinking that he is in need of some actual help, we need to call 911.

    I make the call. Fire department arrives first, they go up there, the lady is in front of the room, I am in the lobby directing traffic pretty much, because an ambulance arrives next, they go up. Then the local police arrive, he goes up. Well, the cop got to the third floor and was intercepted by a firefighter who was on his way down. The firefighter asked the cop to come to the lobby with him. They both approach me and ask me to call the room. I told them that I tried that and got no answer, firefighter insisted that he will answer now (WTF?). I call, the man answers!!! He is pissed!! "Who the fuck told you to call the cops, I want a refund god damn you!!!". I handed the phone to the cop. After a couple minute conversation, the cop hangs and I find out the truth.

    The man is CHEATING ON HIS WIFE!! She caught on to him, and somehow, 4 hours after he checked in, tracked him down (probably didn't help that his truck was parked in the drive way). She made all that crap up about his health because she knew he would not have opened the door otherwise. The women that he was cheating with was in the room, thats why he didn't open the door and tried to make it seem like he wasn't in there (with the security latch on of course ).

    The firefighters were PISSED! They (5) rushed in with all kinds of stuff to get a door open, and it was all a bunch of Jerry Springer shit! The paramedics left quick, they didn't look happy either. The cop was the only one having fun, he thought it was hilarious (I thought it was funny also, just wish people didn't have to be inconvenienced because of it).

    The cop made sure they all left. They can go back to the trailer park to finish this crap. No refund of course, they can kiss my ass if they think they are getting something. What they might get is a "stupid tax" added on there bill. What a retard, I hope it was worth all the hassle.

  • #2
    Quoth slick View Post
    What they might get is a "stupid tax" added on there bill.
    I would gladly and wholeheartedly sign any petition in order to implement a "stupid tax" it could fix the deficit we have, not to mention just plain make me happy. We need to act comrades!
    Well that was a bit like sand-blasting a soup cracker.


    • #3
      Haha, that's one of the best I've read. You should have bid him and his "friend a good day

      By the by, what was his wife's reaction to all this?
      A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


      • #4
        Quoth slick View Post
        What they might get is a "stupid tax" added on there bill.
        Or maybe a new door added to the bill, since it sounds like the firefighters damaged the old one getting into the room.


        • #5
          You'd think he would have gotten a room a little further down the road or atleast an hour away from home.

          I remember once one the desk clerks here took a call from a woman asking if a certain guest stayed here the night before. Apparently she was posing as his secetary and asked for his billed to be faxed. Later that day, the guy came in adn got a tongue lashing from this man. Apparently the woman was his wife! He said he was going to sue the hotel because of this. We never heard anything from him. I think he has other things going on.


          • #6

            Been a while since I told any of my casino/hotel horror stories, but this reminded me of one I haven't posted before.

            Long, long time ago I worked the front desk of a hotel in a Nevada casino. Man, we saw some crazy shyte there.

            I was working GY at the time and had this woman with a strong Asian accent call the desk about 3am. She was looking for her husband. She had us page him in our casino and the one we owned across the street. No answer. She asked us to call the shuttle guys on the radio and ask if they had seen him. No such luck.

            By this time she's all freaked out so she comes down to the front desk. A local cop happens to be there in the lobby so he speaks with her and gets a description. Basically, 6 foot white guy in a leather jacket. Cop starts checking things for her. She's at the desk, worrying herself into a frenzy, for over an hour. The cop finally shows back up. A shuttle driver at the casino down the road saw a guy who fit the description. Dropped him and another man off at a small seedy motel nearby.

            The woman then goes strangely calm. her whole attitude seemed to be 'Oh, I know what's going on now.' She then has out shuttle guy take her to said seedy motel.

            About an hour later we have 6 foot leather-jacketed husband at the desk royally pissed off at us. He screams and yells about us tracking him down for his 'paranoid wife', which we didn't even do, the cop did. He then goes and gets his stuff from the room and drags it all out to his car, wifey following him with a murderous look on her face.

            Later that morning cop comes back to the lobby and tells us what happened, because apparently he was called to the seedy hotel where wifey confronted hubby. He was in the room with another man and apparently they were very naked. Wifey somehow figured out which room he was in and launched an all out assault, picking the lock with something from her purse, storming in, throwing the room lamp at hubby, smashing it, and generally causing mayhem. The other man fled for his life and the cops had to come and throw them out of the hotel. They were ordered to get their stuff from our hotel and leave town immediately.

            The cop said he'd never seen a woman so murderously pissed off as that tiny, soft-spoken little Asian wife. When they arrived 6 foot hubby was cowering in the bathroom and wifey was trying to bash it down (and not having much luck) while screaming violent obscenities about all the things she was going to do to a certain body part of his.
            Last edited by ThePhoneGoddess; 12-04-2007, 12:00 PM.
            Because as we all know, on the Internet all men are men, all women are men and all children are FBI agents.


            • #7
              That is hysterical. I wish I could make some of this up, you know? XD I'd be RIIICH! RIIIIIICH!


              • #8
                Stupid tax? For the cheating hubby, definately.

                But the wife in the OP should be charged with public mischief. Wasting the time of paramedics, firefighters, and cops? People who have actual emergencies to attend to? I'll bet she also complains that cops are never around when needed
                Happiness is the exercise of vital powers along lines of excellence in a life affording you scope.


                • #9
                  Oh, I love it. When I was reading this, I somehow knew it was going to turn into the unfaithful husband syndrome.

                  I stated in an earlier post somewhere how I contributed to a wife having a judge throw the book at her ex-husband after the wife asked me to send a record of all phone numbers called out from her home. It turned out it was a list of all the times he had called his mistress, and it was the proof the wife needed to win the divorce settlement. He wanted me fired for sharing "his" information with his soon to be ex-wife, but being she was on the account, I rightfully gave her the info she requested.

                  I'm wondering if this guy is going to sue you, the police, your hotel, whatever it takes to prove he did nothing wrong.


                  • #10
                    Police AND fire to gain entry, do the local police not have an enforcer or equivilent? We're always being asked to gain entry for paramedics etc.
                    A PSA, if I may, as well as another.


                    • #11
                      I'm not sure what an enforcer is. But what most jurisdiction do is page EMTs for medical and the fire department as extra manpower/to open the door in this case. Police would have also been dispatched because you really don't know what's going on in the room. It's for the protection of the people responding as much as the victims.


                      • #12
                        I would be livid with that woman. I get that she wanted to catch her husband, but calling the fire department, ambulance and police to catch him in the act?
                        These are people who have shit to do, and shouldn't be dragged into someone's domestic drama unless that drama broke out into a knife fight in a ring of fire.

                        I hope there's some sort of charge for misusing 911 services where you live and I hope she gets a bill.


                        • #13
                          Still have no idea what is going on with this. I called the local PD to talk to someone about the incident. I got hold of the officer that was here on Monday. He told me that they will not be pressing charges on either the lady or the husband, but as far as he knows, "this is probably going to end up in court with a divorce".

                          With any situation like this, I just hope that I do not get in trouble over it, but you never know.


                          • #14
                            Quoth rerant View Post
                            These are people who have shit to do, and shouldn't be dragged into someone's domestic drama unless that drama broke out into a knife fight in a ring of fire.
                            Adultery can lead to a "ring of fire".... *Sings* And it burns, burns, burns!


                            • #15
                              Helping hands

                              Quoth rerant View Post
                              I would be livid with that woman. I get that she wanted to catch her husband, but calling the fire department, ambulance and police to catch him in the act?
                              Here in Whitby Ontario Canada, dialing 911 *WILL* always bring all three.

                              When my brother died, my mom called 911 and tried to get only the ambulance - all three showed up.

                              When my dad had an attack just before he died, my mom called 911 and tried to get only the ambulance - all three showed up.

                              When my brother's nurse died in the basement, the other nurse call 911 for medical help - all three showed up.

                              Sometimes you can't just get one only.

