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Managers get a good laugh...

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  • Managers get a good laugh...

    ...because they finally see how crazy our customers are.

    One of the guys out pushing carts, "AJ" was all bundled up and working hard. It was VERY cold today and EXTREMELY windy. It was the end of the night and we were pushing the last of our customers out, counting down the registers, etc.

    An older couple had bought 16 poinsettias and was wheeling them out on a special floral cart we let them borrow to get to their car. Did I mention it was REALLY windy?

    So they leave the store, and they grab AJ, who is currently handling a huge load of carts, and ask him to watch their flowers to make sure they don't fall over in the wind. As they are asking him, a HUGE gust of wind comes by and KNOCKS a good half of them over.

    These flowers are pretty durable, we knocked over a whole pallet earlier this month and the things didn't even budge. They're wrapped with a special plastic all around to keep the flowers in pretty well, so none of them were harmed. Of course, in SC fashion, they start FREAKING OUT and want a manager.

    The FEM (front end manager) and assist FEM come down to see what all the commotion was about. As they come out, the couple immediately BLAME AJ for not watching their flowers and want us to replace them ALL. They both look at AJ, who is still standing there trying to handle this huge amount of carts, and then they say, "Rightttttt. All we can do is return them for you. You'll have to repurchase them tomorrow if you want others, because the front end has been closed for about 10 minutes now."

    So they come in to refunds (I'm just cleaning, I haven't counted down yet) and the managers ask me to refund all 16 poinsettias. I ask why, and the couple says, "Because that BOY didn't watch them like I asked, and now they're RUINED!" So, I do the refund, and the couple leaves. The managers start snickering and say that all of them are perfectly fine, put them back on for sale. Poor AJ comes in and asks what happened. We told him and he gets all upset, "They tried to blame me? But I didn't do anything! It happened while they were asking me to watch them. Am I in trouble?" The managers tell him "Of course not" and to head back outside. We all have a good chuckle out of it considering if the plants do die from the impact or cold (which I've yet to see, we have tough plants), we just throw them out anyway before they are sold. And the couple came in the next day... and I bet bought at least half of the 'ruined' ones from the night before.
    "I, too, am saddened by the lack of hookers in this thread." -LingualMonkey