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  • We're closed!

    What is it about people that makes them unable to process information that they don't like?

    EW-Entitled Whore

    Me-Unfortunate restaurant closer

    My restaurant closes the lobby at 11 pm, and the drive-thru at 12 am. I closed last night, and I had the headset on until 12 am. I am very careful not to take it off early. Well, come 12 am, I don't hear anything, so I pull the headset off, grab some dishes to take to the back sink, then turn off the outside lights.

    I then go to lock the window to the first booth, and I see headlights. An SUV pulls up, so I unlock the window, and open it so I can tell the woman, "I'm sorry, but we're closed".

    EW-"I pulled up before you even turned off the lights." (Somehow I doubt this, also, it's after midnight at this point)

    Me-"I'm sorry, but we're closed."

    EW-"What time do you close?"

    Me-"We close at midnight."

    EW-"Well, I pulled up at midnight" (Does anyone else see the inherent problem with this statement? You pulled up when we are closed!!!)

    Me-"I'm sorry, we are closed."

    EW-Drives off in a huff.

    And before anyone asks why I didn't just serve her, everything was already turned off such as the vats, the last grill was being cleaned, food had been thrown out, and the shake machine had turned itself off. (It had been about 15 min. since our last customer) And I will serve people a minute before midnight. I have done this before. But once my headset comes off, and the lights are off, I'm not serving you.

    Also, when I say, "I'm sorry we're closed", that would be the cue to say "Sorry" and drive away, not sit there arguing with me, 'cause that is going to make me even less inclined to serve you.

    I swear, if she calls and complains, and the owner gives me shit about this, there will be a problem. The openers aren't expected to open early to serve people who can't figure out when we open, I'm sure as hell not staying open late to serve anyone who can't figure out when we close.

    Although I was polite when dealing with her, the stuff running through my head before and after was not pretty. I swear, I'm developing rage issues.
    Dance is the breath-of-life made visible-Charles De Lint

  • #2
    Normal rational people:

    Midnight close=close at 12am

    SC Suck people:

    Midnight close=close at 12:20am

    SC getting owned=priceless
    I don't have an anger problem! I have an idiot problem!-Hank Hill


    • #3
      Yeah, I use to close at Taco Bell and had loads of [not so much] fun with these people. They'd know on the drive-through window to get our attention. Fortunately the manager was cool, and also helped to close frequently. So when he worked he would deal with these people.

      As much as we might conceivably want to serve these folks, once the food's tossed, it takes a long time to get stuff prepped again.

