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There's Ice In Our Panties

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  • There's Ice In Our Panties

    Now that I have your attention, it's time for more tales from the front lines of customer service. Not much to report from my night job (night stocking at Kroger). I only have the potential to interact with customers for 2 hours of my shift, and they seem to be oblivious to us guys and gals doing the graveyard shift and bother other people.

    The thread title was an actual quote from me this morning, btw. We hung some laundry to dry yesterday since it wasn't too cold and it was nice and sunny. Then it decided to rain overnight and freeze this morning, and it wasn't until I took the trash out that I saw the frozen clothing on the line that I remembered we never took it in.

    Anne Baloney: Asshat Attorney

    SW: This is Anne Baloney (I'm not making this up, I swear that's the name she gave me). I am (CUSTOMER'S) lawyer and we need to take care of her account.
    ME: Okay, how can I help you?
    SW: My client doesn't get service where she needs it.
    ME: I see. And does your client have trouble at her service at home?
    SW: No, it works fine in her home, but she spends a lot of time at a casino and there is no service there. Then you told her there would be a termination fee if she cancels.
    ME: I see. Would you mind holding for me?
    SUP: What's up?
    ME: Please, please, please let me go outside of policy.
    SUP: Why?
    ME: This 'tard is calling in pretending to be a lawyer. I want to mess with her.
    SUP: If she said she's a lawyer, all we can do is give her the legal department's info.
    ME: But she's totally not a lawyer.
    SUP: Sorry, we have to follow policy. We can't speak to anyone identifying themselves as an attorney.
    ME: Damn.
    ME: Thanks for holding. Unfortunately, I am not at liberty to discuss this account with you. I can provide our Legal Department's mailing address.
    SW: Just give me their phone number.
    ME: They don't take calls, only written correspondance on your firm's letterhead.
    SW: I don't have time for that! I want this taken care of now!
    ME: I'm sorry, but only our legal team can discuss this account with you.
    SW: Then give me a supervisor!
    ME: No one but our legal correspondance department will be able to speak to you about this account.
    SW: Well, (CUSTOMER) is my... secretary, and she's on lunch right now. I'll have her call you back later.

    I don't know what the bigger issue is here. That you want me to believe that you are your own attorney, that you think this will get you anywhere, that you would have me believe you paid someone $400 for legal counsel to try and get out of a fee half that amount, or the fact that you think your compulsive gambling problem in some way should let you out of your contract.

    But wait, there's more!


    CW (Coworker that sits behind me): Kara! Don't go passing your customers to me.
    ME: Which one of mine did you get?
    CW: This lady that isn't getting service. You talked to her lawyer.
    ME: That was like, 5 minutes ago. Is she claiming to be the lawyer or the customer?
    CW: The customer.
    ME (plugs into her call box): *listens to customer speak* That's her.

    It's a shame I couldn't have gotten her again. But since she was calling as herself this time, my coworker got to mess with her. The call ended with the customer telling her that she was going to "get her ass!"

    I asked my SUP if I could send this customer a Christmas card. She said no

    Epic Fail

    SM: I got this thing in the mail that says you'll give me a free month of service if I renew my contract!
    ME: I'm glad to see you got that offer. It's only available to select valued customers like yourself.
    SM: What are you people trying to pull here?
    ME: Nothing. We're offering you a free month of service if you renew your contract today.
    SM: No, no, no! I'm not falling for it! I like my plan where it is.
    ME: Of course, it's working out very well for you. You don't have to change it to take the offer.
    SM: How dare you send me something like this!
    ME: Um... Excuse me?
    SM: What do you people want from me?!
    ME: Nothing. It's completely up to you if you want to take the offer.
    SM: Heh, heh, heh! I'll keep my service right where it is!

    First of all, what the bleeding f*** was that all about? If you don't want it, fine, don't take it. But to call and complain about it? That'll teach us to do something for you.


    SM: I need a phone with big buttons! I like big buttons!

    And I cannot lie.


    Couldn't resist.

    Idiot Logic

    SM: I don't see why you can't just give me the phone! For a company of your size, it shouldn't be a problem!

    Yeah, and you know what? If I do it for you (I can't), then the millions of other customers I have will want that too. Then my company will be out of business.

    Jailhouse Rock

    SM: I'm not paying that charge! I don't care what happens! I'd rather go to prison!

    Okay, sure thing. Just don't drop the soap. If it goes in dry, just bite your pillow.

    Why Murder Should Be Legal

    SW: I'm not renewing the contract on my husband's line! If you renew my contract, I'll cancel both lines, pay the termination fee on my line, and go sign a 2 year contract with (COMPETITOR)!
    ME: So.... you'll pay the fee and agree to a 2 year contract with another provider just to avoid a 1 year contract on 1 line with me?
    SW: Yes!
    ME: And why would you do that?
    SW: It's the principle!

    Okay, you just said the magic phrase. You have now earned my eternal, raging hatred. You can already feel it, can't you? Boring into your soul like a flaming dagger, squeezing your throat with razor-sharp talons. You'll spend the rest of your night waking from indescribably terrifying nightmares, screaming and clawing at your head, trying to rid yourself of the horrible memory of the dreams. But it will never stop, not until your mind is shattered and your soul is swallowed by the darkness.

    Yeah, I can be pretty damn intimidating when I want to be

    Games? More Like the Asshat Olympics

    *Long story short - guy was charged for sending a damaged phone back for his exchange. He denies any damage.*

    SM: You need to take care of this!
    ME: As I've already explained, you were advised that if any damage was found on the phone that you sent back, you would be charged a fee.
    SM: Listen, you don't play games with a longtime customer!
    ME: I'm not playing games. The phone was damaged.
    SM: You're making an assumption that it was damaged.
    ME: No, I have documentation that the manufacturer-certified technician who examined your phone found damage to the screen that voided the warranty.
    SM: I'm going to cancel my service! And then I'm going to tell everyone that (MY COMPANY) doesn't stand behind its products.
    ME: We most certainly do stand behind our products. But when you break the phone, that's not our fault.

    You have gained a level. You are now a level 50 Asstard. Unfortunately for you, I am carrying a Headset of Sarcasm, which give me +10 ATK to Ass-type customers. You have been mercilessly slain by the Customer Service Rep. Your skull will make a fine addition to her vast collection. Load Saved Game (Y/N)?
    "You are loved" - Plaidman.

  • #2
    Quoth Kara_CS View Post
    You have gained a level. You are now a level 50 Asstard. Unfortunately for you, I am carrying a Headset of Sarcasm, which give me +10 ATK to Ass-type customers. You have been mercilessly slain by the Customer Service Rep. Your skull will make a fine addition to her vast collection. Load Saved Game (Y/N)?

    You have made my day. Thank you.
    "If everyone is thinking alike, someone isn't thinking." - George Patton

    "If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough." - Albert Einstein


    • #3
      Some places will absolutely refuse to deal with anyone except through their legal department once a lawyer, real or fake, was involved. Too bad you couldn't have flagged the account as being sent to legal. That would have made the second call oh so much more amusing.

      SC: I'm the customer. I want to talk to you about my account.
      CSR: I'm sorry, this account has been flagged as being sent to the legal department. I am not permitted to discuss it; all correspondence must now go through your attorney to our attorneys.


      • #4
        Quoth Kara_CS View Post

        I asked my SUP if I could send this customer a Christmas card. She said no

        This is the best part of the whole post!

        except maybe the frozen panty thing
        I used to be disgusted... Now I'm just amused


        • #5
          Quoth Record Store Tough Guy View Post
          SC: I'm the customer. I want to talk to you about my account.
          CSR: I'm sorry, this account has been flagged as being sent to the legal department. I am not permitted to discuss it; all correspondence must now go through your attorney to our attorneys.
          Oooh, how deliciously evil that would have been.

          She would have been forced to hire an actual lawyer at a cost of hundreds of dollars to get herself out of the corner she lied her way into.

          If you have to ask, it's probably better posted at


          • #6
            Move to add a Kara fan club sub-chapter to the 'Phone Hilarity Fan Club' which currently contains a The Phone Goddess fan club, chaired by myself and Darth_Retard.
            My basic dog food advice - send a pm if you need more.

            Saydrah's leaving the nest advice + packing list live here.


            • #7
              Quoth Kara
              Just don't drop the soap. If it goes in dry, just bite your pillow.

              That was harsh. Hilariously funny, but harsh.
              "Oh, by the way..." All of my HATE

              Ou kata nomon = Not according to the accepted norm


              • #8
                Okay, sure thing. Just don't drop the soap. If it goes in dry, just bite your pillow.
                Gravekeeper's really rubbed off on you.
                Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


                • #9
                  I bow to a superior power.


                  • #10
                    Quoth Boozy View Post
                    She would have been forced to hire an actual lawyer at a cost of hundreds of dollars to get herself out of the corner she lied her way into.
                    If I could do that, I would have. It's too bad, really. We just tell them they or their attorney must contact legal, and that's it. If the customer calls back later, we can still speak to them. There's a few things here and there I can exploit when I'm feeling particularly sinister, but alas, this isn't one of them.
                    "You are loved" - Plaidman.


                    • #11
                      ,,, Kara i am so in love with you right now... i really am
                      oh and today was the last dy to possible get pre christmas shipping on most items i sell... fun for me next week


                      • #12
                        Quoth Kara_CS View Post
                        I asked my SUP if I could send this customer a Christmas card. She said no
                        This line made me tear up I was laughing so hard.

                        Kara, I bow to you. THAT is the greatest.
                        I will not shove “it” up my backside. I do not know what “it” is, but in my many years on this earth I have figured out that that particular port hole is best reserved for emergency exit only. -GK


                        • #13
                          Quoth DesignFox View Post
                          This line made me tear up I was laughing so hard.
                          Today, I had another one of the customers that only I ever get. I asked my Team Manager (head of my department) if I could send Christmas cards to those extra special customers. She said, coming from me, that would be very, very bad. But she appreciated my wanting to go that extra mile
                          "You are loved" - Plaidman.


                          • #14
                            In case no one knows or has said it:

                            Of COURSE her cell phone won't work in a Casino! Casinos are designed to be cell-phone and radio dead zones to prevent cheating. They put scramblers in the cielings to kill signal. Staff and security who have radios/phones that can penetrate the interferance, but normal people can't call out. If she goes outside of the gambling areas, her signal will come back.

                            O God, thy sky is so vast and my plane is so small.


                            • #15
                              Quoth Swordsman422 View Post
                              In case no one knows or has said it:

                              Of COURSE her cell phone won't work in a Casino! Casinos are designed to be cell-phone and radio dead zones to prevent cheating. They put scramblers in the cielings to kill signal. Staff and security who have radios/phones that can penetrate the interferance, but normal people can't call out. If she goes outside of the gambling areas, her signal will come back.

                              oh, and even if the signal did work, it is against every casino on the planets policy to allow people to use phones on in the gambling area. Using one would be grounds for a escorted trip out of the building.
                              If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song

