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Late Fees

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  • Late Fees

    Alright, so this is my first post and I'm totally venting right goes.

    I work for as a customer service rep for a major U.S. credit card company and am absolutely sick of wealthy, good to do customers calling me because they want me to waive/reverse/remit or otherwise credit them for a late fee. The reasons are plentiful and boy oh boy do I get the full range of them. I appreciate the honest reasons for being late such as "I forgot" or "I lost the bill in the pile of crap on my desk". Those are fine with me..really, I don't mind. That kind of stuff happens to all of us, even those in the $100,000+ annual household income bracket.

    The people that bother me are the ones that didn't pay their bill because they were on vacation in the virgin islands, or were at their lakeside cabin the weekend that the bill was due. If i were to go on vacation for a few weeks and not pay my rent..Hmm..what would happen?

    Oh...or the ones that mailed their check 2 days before the due date and wonder why it's late. Holy Jesus...I mean, seriously...the united states postal service is's really not my fault and no, I won't reverse your late fee Ma'am..or Sir. I'm done doing you favors while you drink martinis on some sandy beach in Sandals, Jamaica.



  • #2
    Even easier, pay your bills online. I'ts free as opposed to mailing a check.


    • #3
      My job now, I get that crap. I work in the Self Storage business. Our company will give you 5 days waive period. We do not send out invoices, only to companies. Most people will pay on time. Not a few. One will actually cry because he is being charged a late fee. Others will just be pissed, but pay. Those are the ones that will say that the manager will not charge him. Like hell, he is a nice manager, but will only not charge a late fee, if something truly bad happened.
      Under The Moon Paranormal Research
      San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research

