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I definitely don't want you people operating on me...

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  • I definitely don't want you people operating on me...

    Got a call a while back from the local hosital's surgery team department. Which includes special nurses, surgeons, and pre/post-surgery doctors. The whole hospital loves my pizza place, so we kindof remember most of them anyway.

    Imagine my name is Sharon, and not what it actually is. L for Lady who called first.

    Me: Thnk you for calling (pizza company) this is Sharon, how may I help you?
    L: (fast pace talking) Hi Suzanna this is Lindsay Jones and I want 30 pizzas for (hospital) at 11:45 in the surgery department, make sure they call when they get here.
    Me: (ignoring most of that) So this is going to be for a delivery?
    L: Yah.. (info exchange here)
    Me: And what would you like?
    L: 30 pizzas, I need them one for each person. I'm feeding 30 people.
    Me: ... and what size would you like?
    L: Large.
    Background Person1: You dont ned 30 pizzas for 30 people! Get 20 instead!
    BP 2: No get all personal pans! (a.k.a. Pizza Hut size. Not our's)
    BP3: I don't want pineapple!

    And then a large number of people sounding like a beehive were yelling at each other, at me, picking up several phones to the same line... and then silence.

    L: Did you get that?
    Me: I'm sorry, ma'am, but there were several voices and I don't quite know which one I needed to type down.
    L: MINE! I want 15 pizzas, and I want this under $120.
    Me: Okay, if you have that budget and need to feed only 30 people, we could do that with only 10 pizzas and it'd be much cheaper than 120.
    L: Well I want 4 Ranch, 1 pepperoni, 1 potato, 1 thin pepperoni, and 2 thin cheese. Do you have that Suzie?
    Me: (repeat) Is that all for you?
    L: Yes.
    Me: Okay, your total is (blah).
    L: Do you know where I am?
    Background group start yelling about how best to walk 56ft into the hospital.

    L: Okay?
    Me: Okay.
    Me: ...
    L: ... Susan?
    Me: Yes, ma'am.
    L: I need a total.
    Me: Your total is (blah), can I jus--
    L: Do you know who I am? Where the pizzas are going and what time?
    Me: I believe you said earlier for 11:45 and its for Linsay Jones?
    L: NO IT IS NOT SUZANNA! I AM (name which sounds nothing like Lindsay Jones) and I AM AT (same damn place) and I want it at ELEVEN, SUZIE. ELEVEN.
    Me: All right. We'll have it to you at 11:00, in the (etc.). May I ask if you're using the hospital card or your own?

    And then we get into a talk with the background about how medical staff should never haveto pay for their food, how they save so many lives.. blah... and about how lowly servants of pizza need to know this.

    Me: So you are using the hospital's card?
    L: No... my own.

    And we go through that.

    Geebus. What's worse, is they had to correct each other about how to get to the department in which they work, which number on which side of the credit card to use, and how do you keep a record of what you ordered over the phone...

  • #2
    At least they had one person pay, rather than everyone pay their own. Seems like that would take them all afternoon to figure out who owes how much.


    • #3
      Dear lord. And I thought it was bad when I wind up on conference calls with multiple techs around here. Our tech support guys like to conference me on to help order parts but tend to do it WAY before they're actually ready to order, so I have to sit and wait patiently, then sort between the 2+ guys on the line to place the order...which is nothing compared to that group.

      Also, funny how she got upset that you apparently got her name wrong (even though I'm guessing the phone just changed hands too many times) but kept giving you a new name each time she tried to use it. This is why when I call somewhere and need to remember who I talked to, I write down their name!
      "In the end I was the mean girl/or somebody's in between girl"~Neko Case

      “You don't need many words if you already know what you're talking about.” ~William Stafford


      • #4
        Oh goodness.

        I remember when we had a contest at the factory, which department would win the "cleanest department" award. We won. The prize was pizza. LoL.

        Imagine my boss getting all stressed out as 30 people yelled at him "Cheese!" "Pepperoni!" "NO PINEAPPLES!" etc etc....he eventually just said "I'm going to order 5 different pizzas and you can pick off what you don't want!"
        You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


        • #5
          We need some common sense, STAT!
          "If we refund your money, give you a free replacement and shoot the manager, then will you be happy?" - sign seen in a restaurant


          • #6
            ow, that whole thing made my aching head hurt more.

            where do they work, so i can avoid the need for their services at ANY time??

            look! it's ghengis khan!
            Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


            • #7
              Quoth chainedbarista View Post
              ow, that whole thing made my aching head hurt more.

              where do they work, so i can avoid the need for their services at ANY time??

              Your 2 degrees north of hell sounds way too close, avoid the major hospitals XP


              • #8
                when i yell no pineappels i also yell unless you want me puking, cause it makes me sick.


                • #9
                  Quoth Sliceanddice View Post
                  when i yell no pineappels i also yell unless you want me puking, cause it makes me sick.
                  Pineapples make you sick? o_0 Tummy acid problems? =x


                  • #10
                    That's basically what I go through 120+ times a day.

                    People have this false assumption that because someone works in the medical field they must be smart.
                    Just because a customer expects you to put some effort into your job, that does not make them an SC.


                    • #11
                      Quoth LifeCarnie View Post

                      People have this false assumption that because someone works in the medical field they must be smart.
                      Drs have plenty of brains, but no common sense. If you want to scam a few people, start with Drs and Professors first, then move on to everyone else.
                      A PSA, if I may, as well as another.


                      • #12
                        Quoth crazylegs View Post
                        Drs have plenty of brains, but no common sense. If you want to scam a few people, start with Drs and Professors first, then move on to everyone else.
                        And to be fair they're normally smart in their particular fields...
                        Lady, people aren't chocolates. D'you know what they are mostly? Bastards. Bastard-coated bastards with bastard filling. Dr Cox - Scrubs


                        • #13
                          I'm sure they're fine their own fields, but I just don' think I can get the mental image in my head out, from a load of specialists who can't seem to do simple math =/


                          • #14
                            Quoth unholypet View Post
                            and about how lowly servants of pizza need to know this.
                            And that's why they get paid the big money. Open your wallet, spend some, and be happy.
                            "I call murder on that!"


                            • #15
                              Again I would really like to know what hospital so I NEVER go there!

