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Another Fun Night

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  • Another Fun Night

    Have a couple of tales from the bar.

    I.D Issues

    A really young looking guy comes up to the bar.

    YG: Can I have a double vodka orange and a pint of lager?
    Me: Sure, can I see some I.D first please?
    YG: No, I'm 20.
    Me: OK, but I can't take your word for it, can I see some I.D
    YG: I...don't...have any.
    Me: Well I'm afraid I can't serve you.
    YG: Oh well.

    A minute later, his friend walks up to the bar.

    SC: You asked my mate for I.D! He's 20! He doesn't need I.D!
    Me: I'm sorry, but we have a policy of asking anyone who appears to be under 21 for I.D
    SC: That's bullshit! You only need I.D if you are under 18.
    Me: OK...can I see some I.D from you please?
    SC: I don't need I.D, I'm 18!
    Me: OK, can you and your friend please leave?
    SC: Damn it!

    That had to hurt!

    A VERY drunk guy comes up to the bar.

    DG: Can......I....haaaa
    Me: OK, I'm sorry pal, but you're too drunk.
    DG: I...ammmmmmmmm.....NOT....

    Next thing I knew, he collapsed, smashing his head off the bar top! He fell to the floor with an almighty thud. Thankfully a friend of his appeared and dragged him outside.

    I think I'm in the movie Waiting

    I did a huge order for a family, at least ten meals. They ate their meals, but the father decided to come up to the bar with his reciept.

    SC: Can I speak to somone about our meals?
    Me: OK sir, how can I help you?
    SC: They were awful.
    Me: Ok...what exactly was wrong with them?
    SC: Just weren't very nice at all....
    Me: And you're waiting until you have finished your meals to tell me this?
    SC: Yes, and it's not the first time I have had to speak to someone about the meals here! The past SEVEN weeks we have been coming here, and each time, the meals have been horrible and we have had to get our money back!
    Me: Riiiight.
    SC: *slams reciept down* owe us £71.25 and complimentary drinks.
    SC: Well...
    Me: So let me get this have been coming here...for SEVEN weeks...each time you have claimed to have had a horrible time...
    SC: Yes!
    Me: Can I ask why you keep coming back?
    SC: Because...because...
    Me: If your meals were horrible, why didn't you send them back? Why did you eat them all?
    SC: OK, that's it, I am not comfortable talking to you anymore, I want a manager.
    Me: But sir...

    I got the manager. I observed the conversation. Lets just say the manager left with a great big smile on his face and the SC without his refund. I don't know what was said, the manager just said "I sorted him out"

    Don't be so dramtic

    Me: Hi there, what can I get you?
    Crazy Lady: What do I want? Wine? Lager? Ummm...
    Me: It's OK, I can come back to you in a second...
    CL: NO! I'll have a large white wine...
    Me: OK...
    CL: NO! Pint of lager!
    Me: Alright.

    Don't follow me!

    OK, so I'm pretty sure everyone knows about the boxing match last night. In the UK, it didn't start til 5am.

    SC: What time do you close tonight?
    Me: 1am.
    SC: you won't have the boxing on?
    Me: No unfortunately.
    SC: Oh...I was looking forward to that. Are you sure you can't stay open?
    Me: No I'm sorry. I'm going round to my friends house to watch it when I finish.
    SC: That'll be nice. Where does he live?
    Me: Uhh...about ten minutes from here.
    SC: Yes, but what address?
    Me: I don't feel comfortable saying that.
    SC: But we want to watch it. So come on! Where does he live?

    I tried to act like I thought he was joking, but he quite clearly wasn't!

    I'm said what??

    I'm going to end this on a high note.

    A large group of students came in. They started pushing all the couches together, and ended up blocking two of the fire exits. I was a bit flustered, so I was a bit short with them.

    Me: Right! OK guys, put all the furniture back! You're blocking the exits and you have just created a hell of a lot of work for me. Maybe after work I'll come round to your houses and start rearranging everything!

    I walked away. A few minutes later, a few of the students came up to the bar and went to a co-worker asking if they could have a word with me. I immediately thought the worst: a smart arsed student wanting me to go into great detail about why I was short with them, and have them give me pointers on how I can be a better person.

    Student: Hi, we just wanted to apologize.
    Student: I can't believe how stupid we were, blocking the exits and all that, we could have gotten you into real trouble if a fire inspector turned up.
    Me: Oh it's OK...
    Student: No it's not, we are really sorry, and we would like to buy you a drink.
    Me: OK..thanks!
    Student: Is it OK if we move some tables over there that are not near the exits?
    Me: Yeah...sure!
    Student: We promise to put them back.

    They did! They even asked for cloths to wipe them with!

  • #2
    That last batch deserve a round on the house next time they come in, simply for being so thoroughly decent!
    My basic dog food advice - send a pm if you need more.

    Saydrah's leaving the nest advice + packing list live here.


    • #3
      Quoth customersruinmylife View Post
      Don't be so dramtic

      Me: Hi there, what can I get you?
      Crazy Lady: What do I want? Wine? Lager? Ummm...
      Me: It's OK, I can come back to you in a second...
      CL: NO! I'll have a large white wine...
      Me: OK...
      CL: NO! Pint of lager!
      Me: Alright.
      He drinks a whiskey drink, he drinks a vodka drink, he drinks a lager drink, he drinks a cider drink!

      Sorry, couldn't resist.

      Your manager is wonderful!
      Labor boards have info on local laws for free
      HR believes the first person in the door
      Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
      Document everything
      CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect


      • #4
        Quoth customersruinmylife View Post
        Me: So let me get this have been coming here...for SEVEN weeks...each time you have claimed to have had a horrible time...
        SC: Yes!
        Me: Can I ask why you keep coming back?
        SC: Because...because...
        "Because we get a free meal here every...Wait! No! I meant to, damn it."

        If you have to ask, it's probably better posted at

