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Your ass or a hole in the ground?

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  • Your ass or a hole in the ground?

    What, exactly, is it about the holidays that makes do I put this delicately...unable to distinguish their posterior from a chasm in the dirt?

    these past few days have been...interesting

    Merry Christmas! Here's your toothbrush!

    The other day, HBA specialist made an endstand of shampoo. Manager Ditzy Twit took it down, saying the shampoo "wasn't Christmas-y"

    What did she put up in its place? Children's toothbrushes. Lots and lots of children's toothbrushes. Even more evidence (as if we needed it) that she builds endstands based on what we have a lot of, instead of what would sell better if it were on an endstand, or even what corporate wants on that endstand.

    Ditzy Twit Strikes Again

    Found some Hannah Montana pillows in the aisle with regular decorative pillows. They were supposed to go in the children's bedding aisle instead. No label was put up in the decorative pillows aisle for the Hannah Montana pillows, and the label for the Hannah Montana pillows in the children's bedding aisle was ripped off. I wonder who did that?

    And Again

    When we spend several nights purging all the Christmas chotchkies from the backroom and working and re-working aisles and endstands to fit everything out, we don't appreciate it when an entire endstand of nutcrackers is taken down and backstocked so Ditzy Twit can put candy canes there instead of in grocery where they belong.

    A few days ago, I was asked if I would be willing to contribute some money so we could buy Ditzy Twit a Christmas present. I declined. So have many other people, from what I've heard

    Be Patient, Dammit

    We got kinda blindsided by a rush of people around 11 or so. The checkout line backed up into girls. I was going up to the front to return my printer when some kahilker barked at me "Hey! You there! Open up a register so I can get the hell out of here!"

    Me: I'm sorry, I don't know how to run the register. If I could, I would.
    Kahilker: C'mon! Let's get the show on the road here! I haven't got all day!

    Too bad I don'r run a register. That would've been the perfect time to open and then have a bunch of "unforeseen" errors while trying to sign on.

    Sorry CBFH, not my job

    CBFH got called to bring in shopping carts. They paged him by name. I should mention that in a tragic coincidence, CBFH has the same first name as I. CBFH pages me.

    CBFH: Yeah, did you hear? They asked you to get carts.
    Me: Last time I checked, you were on carts and carryouts. I was not.
    CBFH: But I got all these autopulls to do!
    Me: Do it. NOW.

    And off he went. I bet it will be a while before he tries that on me again.

    Sad and Sadder

    Sad: A customer came up to me with a Toys R' Us ad, asking me if he had some Pound Puppies that had a big "Only at Toys R' Us" bubble next to them.

    Me: Sorry. It looks like that item is exclusive to Toys R' Us.
    Customer: Oh, okay.

    Sadder: Customer then went to somebody else and asked them the same question.

    Why is it everybody assumes I'm an idiot and always solicits a second opinion after I tell them something?

    Why yes, it is Take A Retard To The Store Day. That's why you're here.

    This weekend was Rooftop Cops weekend. It's a fund raiser we do every year for the Special Olympics. A local police officer will go up on the roof of the store and solicit donations so that he can come off the roof. Meanwhile the Special Olympics people will have tables set up in the store where people can donate and receive special gifts if they donate a certain amount of money. Plus some of the athletes will give their time bringing in carts from outside and handing out carts to shoppers. It's a pretty fun event.

    As I was donating a few bucks at the table, a young man who had Down's Syndrome (I think) gave a cart to a couple ladies. As I left and walked behind them, the one woman said to the other "What's going on here? Is it put a retard to work day?"

    See above for what I really wanted to say to them.
    Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

    "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily

  • #2
    Quoth Irving Patrick Freleigh View Post
    What, exactly, is it about the holidays Merry Christmas! Here's your toothbrush!

    The other day, HBA specialist made an endstand of shampoo. Manager Ditzy Twit took it down, saying the shampoo "wasn't Christmas-y"

    What did she put up in its place? Children's toothbrushes. Lots and lots of children's toothbrushes.
    Ah, what dear little tyke wouldn't be overjoyed to find that Santa'd left him a whole stocking full of toothbrushes?
    Women can do anything men can.
    But we don't because lots of it's disgusting.


    • #3
      Quoth Irving Patrick Freleigh View Post
      As I was donating a few bucks at the table, a young man who had Down's Syndrome (I think) gave a cart to a couple ladies. As I left and walked behind them, the one woman said to the other "What's going on here? Is it put a retard to work day?"
      You know, I generally have incredible patience with customers, even the sucky ones. Most things I can blow of pretty easily. That, however, would have sent me straight up the wall and over the edge, to crash land on top of her worthless head.

      Yes, I am the Mom of a Special Needs child, and yes, the "protective instinct" kicks in really, really strong.

      And what a great fund raiser! Hats off to you, your company, and local PD; you are making a huge difference to a wonderful group of people. From the heart, thank you.


      Guild Wars- Ravynn Darkshine, Drasnian Silk
      MySpace- PhantasmBastion


      • #4
        Don't underestimate people with Downs & other Developmental problems, either. When my BF worked at Taco Bell, one of the women who worked there had some developmental problems. It didn't mean that she couldn't learn or was dumb. It just meant that it took her longer to learn something.

        My BF taught her to work prep; it took more repetitions before she got it but she did get it. And she was smart enough to play the 'dumb' card to get out of doing something she didn't want to do. He was the only manager who wouldn't let her get away with it, though.

        I hope the next time that woman is stupid enough to say something like that, that someone explodes all over her, preferably someone with a disability (but most of the Downs folks I've met have been way too nice).
        I'm sorry, the person to whom you were speaking has been replaced by a recording. Please leave your message at the sound of the beep.


        • #5
          "What's going on here? Is it put a retard to work day?"
          Yes it is - what department would you like us to put you to work in?

          I am the very proud Human caregiver of the dog that knows when a child with Downs Syndrome is near and wants to see the dog . . . she will basically "Snoopy" crawl over to the child and lay at their feet. I have seen her do this on 4 different occasions. Other children (that are not my sister's spawn) she will hide from.
          Basically she knows that the children she has gone up to will be gentle with her and just want to give her love. She also instinctivly knows that quick movements could startle the child and she doesn't want that.


          • #6
            Quoth Irving Patrick Freleigh View Post
            I was going up to the front to return my printer when some kahilker barked at me "Hey! You there! Open up a register so I can get the hell out of here!"
            Kahilker? Did you make that up or borrow it from somewhere/someone? Either way, it's @#*%&+^ hilarious!!!
            "Sir, if you don't shut up, I'm going to kick one hundred percent of your ass!" - "Brad Hamilton", Fast Times at Ridgemont High


            • #7
              I got that one from my mom.
              Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

              "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


              • #8
                Quoth TryNotToBeThatOne View Post
                I hope the next time that woman is stupid enough to say something like that, that someone explodes all over her, preferably someone with a disability (but most of the Downs folks I've met have been way too nice).
                Let me at her!
                Seshat's self-help guide:
                1. Would you rather be right, or get the result you want?
                2. If you're consistently getting results you don't want, change what you do.
                3. Deal with the situation you have now, however it occurred.
                4. Accept the consequences of your decisions.

                "All I want is a pretty girl, a decent meal, and the right to shoot lightning at fools." - Anders, Dragon Age.


                • #9
                  Quoth TryNotToBeThatOne View Post
                  Don't underestimate people with Downs & other Developmental problems, either. When my BF worked at Taco Bell, one of the women who worked there had some developmental problems. It didn't mean that she couldn't learn or was dumb. It just meant that it took her longer to learn something.
                  Hard work, a good attitude, and a will to succeed makes for a good employee.

                  The Onion did a hilarious piece about this.


                  (Bonus! There are a few sucky customers in the story, too.)

                  If you have to ask, it's probably better posted at


                  • #10
                    We used to have a developmentally disabled girl who'd come in three times a week and clean the bathrooms at my store.

                    Of course she left when corporate, in its infinite wisdom, decided to hire a maintenance contractor to do all the cleaning instead.

                    They looked pretty damn good when she finished. Now? The cleaning people dump the pink tile cleaner into the bowl and flush it down without scrubbing, often forget to refill the TP and paper towels, and sometimes remember to mop the floors.
                    Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                    "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


                    • #11
                      Quoth Sparky View Post
                      Ah, what dear little tyke wouldn't be overjoyed to find that Santa'd left him a whole stocking full of toothbrushes?
                      They may need it after eating that ton of candy that'll be in their stockings Christmas morning.
                      Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)


                      • #12
                        Quoth Seshat View Post
                        Let me at her!
                        Ooh! Ooh! Pick me! I'm Autistic, (AS) does that count? Can I please stomp the idiot?
                        "Respect: to admit that something one may not enjoy or prefer might still have great value." ~L. Munoa


                        • #13
                          I went all through school, elementary & high school with a learning disability and I managed to graduate even though I was in special education all through high school. I've encountered some employers that will not hire someone with a learning disabilty because they think it will take forever to train them. I am working at Future Shop right now as a merchandiser in the morning before opening. It took me a few tries to put security wraps on big items like Guitar Hero 3 and such, but I got the hang of it now. I remember one time my brother & I were at the mall when this guy made fun of me because I have a stuttering problem, my brother punched the guy out for that. My brother & I are very close and are protective of each other.

                          To that bitch that made that comment: "What's going on here? Is it put a retard to work day?" I hope she gets caught saying something like that on camera next time, preferably the news.
                          Boogity, Boogity, Boogity Let's Go Racing Boys


                          • #14
                            WOW. That woman with the nasty comment needs to be taken out of the gene pool.
                            Oh, "Blah blah blah 'Your Needs'!"

