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100k+ without electricity...

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  • #16
    The refund ass hats were at it this morning, "I think you should give us a discount for not having cable, we had nothing to do, we just sat there, I could have done that at home".
    I had to remind these people that they were told that there was no cable, and that they are lucky to have a place to stay that has electricity, and that they are also fortunate we are not hiking up the rates (I heard some places were charging $150+ when there regular price was half that, we sticking to our $79-$89 rates).
    6 people asked for a discount or a FULL REFUND! None of them got a damn thing from us, stupid ass retards.
    It was nice to hear from those customers that did appreciate that they had a warm place to stay at, "I can't believe those idiots are complaining" is what many people were saying when the heard the complainers this morning.
    Oh well, just another day, can't wait to explain to the new batch of tards today that there is no cable, oh joy.


    • #17
      My kids think it is awesome when the power goes out at our house. we have a gas fire place and the last time we had the power out we broke out the board games for a couple hours. The only problem was the gas fireplace doesn't heat the entier house only one room, the kids say it is like camping.

      On a side note I don't even have cable at home I don't get people's obbsession with TV.


      • #18
        The power went out on us a couple times when I was a kid. My brother and I thought it was a blast. Our parents let us cook hot dogs in the fireplace. I even got adventurous and heated up some water over the fire and attempted to take a splash bath. I REALLY don't recommend that! Brrrr.....! As for cable, who has time for it? I'd just love to be able to finish a good book right now!
        Certifiable Interior Designer
        (Passed the NCIDQ Exam - Summer 2008)

        It's hard to shoot zombies with a cat on your lap!


        • #19
          I think you guys will be glad to hear that we got a complaint for the pool not working and the cable being out!

          Some turd that lives down the street, who has no electricity, had the time to call corporate to complain that we didn't offer "basic services" even though there are 4-5 signs on the entrance doors and front desk area indicating that we do not have those two things right now.

          In the ladies complaint, she states that "We have no electricity and there is no where else we can go" and then, to be a bitch, she said at the end "and the mattresses sucked".

          I was furious, as I checked the bitch in, and had to call corporate. I had to argue with them that she is a being a whore and I am not going to apologize to her, and that they have to remove this worthless complaint. Luckily, they did. I just can't believe that she complained, even though she knew about the pool and cable before checking in.

          Sorry for my choice of words, I am just pissed that people act this way and whine about trivial shit where there are people that are suffering without heat right now.


          • #20
            I've mentioned that I worked for Adelphia in 2005, and it was pure hell after Hurricane Wilma. People were more upset about not having cable TV than being without electricity, water, or phone. I had a portable handheld TV that I used for watching the local stations, if I needed to stay updated on stuff.

            With Oklahoma's dilemma, I would be more concerned about having heat and clean, hot water instead of being able to watch the Sci-Fi channel or the Food Network. Never mind that, how about a decent place to sleep for the night?

            My thought is this: If you don't have cable TV, break out the board games, break out a good book to read, a magazine, whatever. And, these asshats should also know that the cable TV cannot operate when the electricity is still out.


            • #21
              You know, I gotta say I've been very lucky here. The longest we've ever been without power was for somewhere between 6 and 12 hours when the Northridge Earthquake hit in 1994. We were far enough from the epicenter that we didn't have any damage, but like dumb asses we were so out of it when the quake hit (about 4:30am) that we all ran to the sliding glass door in the living room (yeah 30 year old untempered glass that is just rippling from the shaking, that was brilliant). We were able to watch the transformers exploding in the distance.

              this past Sunday, we were at my Mother in laws house to see family. My wife was in the kitchen about to make breakfast for everyone (her cooking rocks) and as she opens the fridge the light goes off. The only light we had on was the one in the fridge, all the overheads were off. So she comments "hey mom the light in your fridge just died". I was about to tell her that she just needed to tighten it up a little bit when we all realized that the power had gone out. It only lasted about half an hour and we managed to make do without TV, or electricity (thank goodness for gas stoves).
              My Karma ran over your dogma.


              • #22
                Cable? What's that?

                Hey, I'm lucky to have a 24K dial-up connection for the puter!
                Everything will be ok in the end. If it's not ok, it's not the end.


                • #23
                  You know, you would think with all these wonderful inventions such as laptop computers and/or portable dvd players that these people could come up with some makeshift tv scheme if they're that obsessed with the television. Seriously, if they're staying at a hotel and at least it has electricity I think they could have managed that one. And what happened to books, magazines, and other fun things you can do without electricity? Heck, when the power went out for hours on end when I was growing up I'd even just go and take a nap.

                  We're lucky where we live. We're less than a mile from, and on the same grid as the town hospital. If the power goes out and the offending lines are on the main route then we're on the priority list for getting power back (again, because we're near the hospital). My bf said that this house has never been more than a couple of hours without power and that's with the worst of the weather that a Vermont winter can throw at you. His parents, on the other hand, live out in the middle of nowhere. And when I say middle of nowhere I mean no cable tv and dial up internet if you're lucky middle of nowhere. They're not on high priority to get power back. I told them that if the power goes out and it looks like it will be a while before they get it back that they are always welcome to come to our house and stay and they can even bring their cats with them.
                  Suddenly, Vermont became the epicenter of the dystopia.


                  • #24
                    wait are you telling mrs and mr no cable!!!! nooo!! never knew you can buy a little dvd player for about 20-40 buckss at walmart, or target, or hell any kroger store owith electronics or maybe best buy???? go d.

                    examples cause my brother didnt beleave me
           -21.88 walmart
                    an entree page of dvd plays uner 45 dollars at target
                    best buy
                    Last edited by Sliceanddice; 12-13-2007, 12:52 AM.


                    • #25
                      I was one of those without power from 3am Monday night till about 1pm today. Since we have gas heat and stove, we wern't cold and hungery, but I was annoyed by one thing.
                      My block was the only one without power in my neighborhood, I was sitting in candlelight and I could still see everyone else's christmas lights!

                      About 8pm, it was too dark to do anything and too early to go to bed, so we went to Wal-Mart and wandered around for about an hour, then went by Braums, I got some chicken strips and got my dad a big cup of coffee (he was nearing withdrawl symptoms).

                      Now another annoying thing, I called and left messages with the electric company 3 times, we stopped by the police station to make sure they knew that our block was without power (they didn't) but today at work I notice an electric company truck in our parking lot and catch they guy as he is heading to it. He didn't know we were without power either. According to my dad, he went down the alley, followed shortly by a big truck and they fixed the power in 15 minutes.
                      "First time I ever seen a chainsaw go down anybody's britches,"


                      • #26
                        I had to let my cable go recently due to my ever tightening budget, and you know what? We've survived just fine without it, my two children included. Granted, I'd like to be able to watch TV sometimes, but it's not a life or death issue!

                        My kids have their video games and I have a couple of DVD's, but they've also taken to playing school and reading more. I've also managed to work on my one day best selling novel!

                        Now, take away my Internet access and that's a different story!


                        • #27
                          I remember here in WNC we had a killer ice storm a couple of years ago, and naturally the locals came pouring into area hotels. One woman refused to stay because the bedspread wasn't pulled tightly enough on the bed. I happened to be passing by as she stood in her doorway, looking offended and so I was the one she told that she would never stay in such an untidy room at the price we were charging. She would rather stay in her cold, dark house.

                          I was busy at the time and was neither inclined to give her any sort of discount, nor did I have time to anyway. I was hustling towels back and forth to rooms, and so I said, "As is your right, ma'am," turned, and went on down the hall with my laundry cart.

                          Not too long afterward, in our local newspaper discussion forums, she resurfaced with lots of bad things to say about us. I called her on it, and because I was able to describe her physically, her exact circumstances, and exactly what she said, I think I spooked her because she stopped posting there.
                          Drive it like it's a county car.


                          • #28
                            I just want to tell the "no cable" folks... to quit fucking whining. Seriously--when I moved out last year, getting cable was the absolute *last* thing on my list of priorities. I was more concerned about getting the gas service started, making sure the electrical outlets worked, and other things that couldn't wait. Hell, I didn't even *get* cable until this year!

                            That's not to say that I don't enjoy watching TV...I usually have it on while I build models in the living room.

                            Earlier this month, people locally were bitching about how their cable went out. Never mind that they had no electricity. They wanted their cable, dammit!
                            Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


                            • #29
                              I just cannot understand why cable, to many of these people, is something that will cause you to die if you go without it. Last I heard, nearly 20 deaths were reported from the snow and ice out west, and I don't believe cable TV was the cause of it. Much of it was from people freezing to death for lack of heat from the electricity being out, and those who had no wood to burn.

                              People in Florida were dealing with having no air conditioning, hot water, and food spoiling from not being able to refrigerate it. And yet, you had those snobbish, selfish people who had generators, or had their power restored first bitching and complaining that they couldn't watch TV, plus had exhausted their entire DVD collection.

                              And I wonder about the poor folks in Louisiana.


                              • #30
                                I had somewhat the opposite problem at the ice storm we had here about 8 years ago. The local cable company used generators to power their equipment on the streets (at hubs or cable boxes or something. I have no idea what exactly) so that they were technically providing cable to the thousands of people with neither power nor heat in their homes. Now far be it for me to apporve of illegal behavour, but just thinking of the fact that ALL of their equipment was stolen and they were forced to give people credits for the time they were down anyway warms the very cockles of my heart. Rapacious gits.

                                In addition, at the time, all of my family (nearing 20 of us in about 5 separate households) was run out of their homes from various corners of the city due to lack of power. We ended up in a cable free hotel as well. We had a blast, though I think we were a bit sucky (multiple rooms, night owls, lots of toing and froing at all hours and we're somewhat loud people. Non-demanding and relatively sensible, but still) but it was an AWESOME time (when we weren't worrying about the reports of vandals and thieves breaking into abandoned homes and decorating the walls with peanut butter amongst other things). I would not have given up that time for anything (it helped that schools were closed). I wish you could toss those people out on their ears and rent the room out from under them.

