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The gas hut fairy and other tales...

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  • The gas hut fairy and other tales...

    A few stories from my roommate the Wicked Gingersnap, who works in a glass box and sells gasoline and cigarettes to morons:

    The hamster in your head just died:

    The scene: A small, bored goth sits in her fiefdom glass box, book in hand, hoping her shift will end soon. Enter teenager with a lobotomy, who has the approximate IQ of toast. She chooses the post pay option on the pump. While she is pumping, her boyfriend walks up and gives Ginger ten dollars. Mind you, the pump cannot to be set to pre-pay, as it is already activated. Lobotomy girl pumps to $10.21 and stops. Ginger has no issue with this, as if she must she could cover it from an overflowing change dish.
    But no... Lobotomy girl, to all appearances, decides to fill her tank instead, to the tune of $37.02. She then throws a fit to her boyfriend about how she will not pay because the pump did not stop. (Remember folks, she stopped the pump and started it again.) Apparently, she assumed the magical gas fairy would pay for the rest. Ginger locks eyes on the car, preparing for a driveoff.
    Lobotomy girl is not finished! She notes Ginger's eagle eyes and walks to the window, proceeding to complain that she kept pumping because "it was supposed to stop" and asked why Ginger had failed to pre-set the pump. Only when confronted with the fact that she had not asked for a pre-set pump did she she confess that she had no more money. And the kicker... she came back and tried to pay with a personal check, which the pumps clearly indicated via signs are not accepted.

    Sorry, I left my rosary and cassock at home:

    This box is not a confessional. Why, then, do people insist on baring their souls to its occupant? Ginger reports having heard of the woes of failed marriages, psychotic girlfriends, nasty divorce suits, and more propositions than she can count. Do retail workers have a saintly glow visible only to the desperate? The world may never know.
    Last edited by danceswithnakedmolerats; 12-13-2007, 07:43 PM.

  • #2
    Quoth danceswithnakedmolerats View Post
    This box is not a confessional. Why, then, do people insist on bearing their souls to its occupant? Ginger reports having heard of the woes of failed marriages, psychotic girlfriends, nasty divorce suits, and more propositions than she can count. Do retail workers have a saintly glow visible only to the desperate? The world may never know.
    I believe that we must definately have a glow, especially when you are 15 and working at Macca's. I can't remember the amount of times sleezy guys would ask if I wanted to go out and get a drink after work. I would laugh at them inform them that I was in fact underage and that it would be a cold day in hell before I even thought about having a drink with the likes of them.
    Last edited by Broomjockey; 12-13-2007, 05:20 AM. Reason: fixing quote tag
    Am I sad because I am looking forward to the day when the people I will be dealing with will no longer be able to talk back?


    • #3
      Quoth danceswithnakedmolerats View Post
      A few stories from my roommate the Wicked Gingersnap, who works in a glass box and sells gasoline and cigarettes to morons:
      now, that just sounds like a really bad combination...
      If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


      • #4
        Quoth smileyeagle1021 View Post
        Quoth danceswithnakedmolerats View Post
        A few stories from my roommate the Wicked Gingersnap, who works in a glass box and sells gasoline and cigarettes to morons:
        now, that just sounds like a really bad combination...
        Sounds like the perfect combination if you ask me.


        • #5
          Quoth danceswithnakedmolerats View Post
          Do retail workers have a saintly glow visible only to the desperate? The world may never know.
          Yes. Yes we do. We have to. It's an aura that surrounds us whether we are on or off the clock. We exist to help customers find and purchase products, give accurate personal advice on medical treatments and relationships, take verbal abuse on behalf of the company (ANY company, for that matter), and provide free counseling to those who cannot afford a professional psychotherapist.

          And in my line of work (computer sales) we're also employed to listen enthusiastically as human-contact-deprived nerds brag about the latest computer they put together by themselves or plan to put together themselves "from scratch," all its specs, and how little they paid or will pay to get it at what website.
          I suspect that... inside every adult (sometimes not very far inside) is a bratty kid who wants everything his own way.
          - Bill Watterson

          My co-workers: They're there when they need me.
          - IPF


          • #6
            love the sfirt story sooo much... insane.... but true

