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Late Fees???

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  • Late Fees???

    So I work in collections. *cue groans and rotten tomatoes*
    I work for (car company) Financial Services, which is a great company, and I work in Early collections, and we don't actually encounter a lot of really noteworthy suckiness that often. For the most part, it's just sad stories, or people don't answer the phone at all.

    However... yesterday I got a gem. If you've ever watched South Park, this lady sounded EXACTLY like Kyle's mom. Right down to the "WHATWHATWHAAAAT???".
    The call starts innocently enough, I verified her, gave her the total amount due, and she has a hissy fit. WHATWHATWHAAAAT??? I repeat the amount due, and she asks why it's higher than her normal payment. I told her bill includes late fees. 2 actually, one from this month, and one she never paid from 2 months ago.
    Seriously, imagine the "Kyle's mom's voice", and you'll know exactly what she sounded like.

    Her: What do you mean, late fees??
    Me: Fees that are assessed to the account for not paying the bill on time
    Her: I don't understand
    Her: Isn't there a grace period?
    Me: Yes, you have 10 days before the fees are assessed.
    Her: So, no grace period!
    Me: No, you have a 10 day grace period.
    Her: But the bill was paid!
    Me: 14 days late in September, and currently this bill is 22 days past due.
    Her: I just don't understand this at all, can't you waive them for me??
    Me: Why?
    Her: <sputters for a few minutes> Because it's good customer service!
    Me: Fine, if you agree to pay this bill in full with me today, I will waive the current months late fee.
    Her: But not BOTH?!
    Me: No, it's been on your last three invoices, you've had sufficient time to question the fee if you had an issue with it. They are legitimate fees, but I will waive this one for you if we can bring the account current right now.
    Her: I just don't understand! This is <wait for it....> RIDICULOUS! I pay my bills, why are there late fees? Blah blah blah...<continues sputtering for 3 more minutes>
    Me: <dead quiet, having gone to mute and am slurping away at my ice tea while she tires herself out>

    Finally, she gave up and paid the bill... but holy crap. She was 49 years old, I am fairly confident that this crazy new-fangled "late fee" concept was not new to her. I figured getting one late fee waived for such a lame excuse was pretty generous, but since she amused the crap out of me with the WHATWHATWHAAAAT???, I played along

  • #2
    My goodness I hate when they use the word 'ridiculous'. It really should be us saying you are being ridiculous now pay your damn bill. I think technology is allowing to many of these idiots to survive and produce equally stupid offspring.
    Am I sad because I am looking forward to the day when the people I will be dealing with will no longer be able to talk back?


    • #3
      I usually get:

      SC: Late fee? Why is there a late fee? I paid $XX.XX two days before the bill was due.
      Me: Yes and your total balance was $XXX.XX.
      SC: So?
      Me: You have to pay off the FULL balance to avoid the late fee sir.
      SC: WHAT????

      I'm just stunned at how many people don't understand that.
      "If we refund your money, give you a free replacement and shoot the manager, then will you be happy?" - sign seen in a restaurant

