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I Nearly Commited Murder (Again)

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  • I Nearly Commited Murder (Again)

    So I finally had my first grocery SC in 6 years at my other job last night. Sleep deprivation is starting to pay off, I suppose.

    SM = Sucky Man
    SW = Sucky Woman
    ME = So...tired....

    Part 1 - Grocery

    Drunk Idiot

    So I got in for my shift just as the store was closing at 12AM. I go in the back and put my stuff in my locker, and clock in as the girls from the front end were clocking out. I went to the back room to see how many pallets we had to deal with and to see if next week's schedule was up. Then I went out to start putting crap on the shelves, and I made note of who else was working with me as I passed each aisle. There's D, hey R, yo B, there's a Guy, it's J..... wait a minute. Was that a customer? At first I'm thinking "Crap, they didn't check the store for customers before closing," but it soon became apparent that the guy was probably puking in the bathroom or something. I circled around down another aisle to tell the guy to get the heck out, but B had gotten to him before I did.

    B: I'm sorry, sir, but we're closed.
    SM: *alcohol-induced mutterings*
    B: Yea, sorry about that dude. You'll have to come back tomorrow.
    SM: Yeah, okay, adasjdghasdhbjn....

    B unlocked the front door to let the guy out. But once the door was closed and locked, then Mr Drunk-Off-His-Arse decided to get an attitude.

    B (laughing): Uh, what?
    B: Whatever, man.

    Alas, drunk idiot's attempt to procure some Hot Pockets was thwarted by the fact that he hid somewhere in the store until everyone who could check him out had gone home. Don't fret! Wal Mart is open 24 hours and has an equal selection of molten-lava filled dough for your dining pleasure. Too bad they're on the other side of town and you're journeying on foot.


    D, a coworker, is a gruff but nice gal who works with us on night crew (her and the guys on night crew are like a lovable band of mercenaries). But last night, she about found out how many slashes it takes to sever a spinal cord.

    ME, on break, sipping some coffee.
    D (opens break room door): Hey, you work at (MY COMPANY), don't you?
    ME: Yeah, I do.
    D: I'm not too happy with you people.
    ME: *Twitch*
    D: See, I've been a customer for 7 years...
    ME: *Grips box cutter*
    D: And I needed to get a new phone. They told me I can't get my free phone until January, and, I mean, I've been with you for so long...
    ME: *Extends blade to "KILL" setting*
    D: I mean, it's only a couple of weeks, so what's the big deal?
    R (enters break room): Hey girls!
    ME: *Hesitates, retracts blade*
    D: So what do you think?
    ME: Sigh. It all depends on your eligibility. It may only be a couple of weeks, but the system doesn't allow for the max discount until a specific point since your last upgrade, and we can't override it. It's also against policy to give any kind of credit towards the discount of a phone. The best thing to do is wait the 2 weeks, then call back. Since you've been with us for so long, you'll get more of a discount than most customers.
    D: Oh. Okay.

    Saved by another coworker coming in. I don't like to leave witnesses, and I didn't have time to kill both of you before my break ended.

    Part 2 - Customer Service

    Guilty as Charged

    ME: I'm sorry, but you used the service so you will be charged for it.
    ME: The charges are valid, thus there is no need for me to give you a credit.
    SW: I want to talk to your supervisor!
    ME: And what would this regarding?
    SW: Because you are being very arrogant and I don't appreciate it!
    ME *Goes to my lead rep, who, I should mention, was trained by me when he came on the floor after training. The team I was on at the time was missing leadership, so I was like a pseudo-sup for about a month.*
    N: What's going on?
    ME: This lady wants to talk to you because I'm arrogant.
    N: You are.
    ME: Yeah, but I wasn't even starting to be arrogant with her.
    N: Well, if she doesn't like you, she's going to hate me.
    ME: Of course. I taught you well.

    I'd like to have been able to stay on the line and listen to how this one played out, but we were too busy for me to get away with it.


    SW: I want the most expensive phone you have!
    ME: That would be the (MODEL), which would be $XXX.XX with a 2 year contract.
    SW: No, that's too expensive!

    I fault myself. I walked right into that one.

    Sleep-Deprived Oopsies

    Here's what Friday and Saturday looked like for me last week: Friday 12am-8am Grocery, 1130am - 1030pm customer service, Saturday 12am - 8am grocery, 1130am - 1030pm customer service. Needless to say, by Saturday afternoon I was barely conscious. I found myself typing notes on one customer's account: "Customer called in re dinner." On another call, I caught myself saying "the bunny" to a customer. The best one was when I confused two types of Blackberry phones, the Curve and the Pearl. I told the customer that I could get her a "Blackberry Perv" for $XX.XX and almost died right there on the spot.


    SW: I'm not very illiterate with this kind of thing.

    I can assure you, from where I'm sitting you are probably quite illiterate. Among other impairments.

    Double Sigh

    SM: I'm trying to call this number, and all I get is this ringing sound!

    Now, I know what you're thinking. I was thinking the same thing. There's no possible way he could mean what I think he meant. So I gave Methuselah the benefit of a doubt and called the number he was trying to dial. To my complete lack of surprise, I heard a phone ringing. Just when I think my hatred for humanity can't possibly get any deeper, someone hands me a shovel.

    Forget the Shovel, Here's an Excavator

    *Customer has been experiencing a service outage for a week. We've offered a $10 courtesy credit, that's not good enough. Then we offered to credit him a full month of service, that's not good enough.*

    SM: I should be able to cancel without any termination fee!
    ME: As I've already said, the contract states that service is subject to availability and may be unavailable due to outages, coverage limitations, geographic locations, and so forth.
    SM: But this has been going on for a week!
    ME: And we have apologized many times. While it's not unheard of, outages lasting this long are extremely rare and we have offered you more than fair compensation for this outage.
    SM: Not having my service is giving me chest pains!

    Really? So, if you have sporadic service and that causes you chest pains, then if you had no service , you'd probably just keel right over, wouldn't you? Uh-oh! I just canceled your service by mistake!


    SM: Yeah, I just wanted to call back and say that I'm sorry for acting like an ass, and that I'm an idiot.
    ME: O...kay.
    SM: I didn't really want to cancel, but the girl canceled me before I could apologize. So could you turn my service back on please?

    Sure, why the hell not? But don't go thinking you are forgiven. Not a chance. I don't believe in forgiveness.

    Phoenix, India

    Customer called in wanting to know if we had received a fax he sent in as proof that his employer was transferring him out of the US. I don't know, faxes go directly to the rep you sent it to. Oh wait, she's in my location, let me go hunt her down.

    I get the fax from her sup, which shows me that his company is indeed transferring him. They are transferring him to Phoenix, AZ in April 2005. I let him know that this will not suffice, and he said there were supposed to be 2 pages. I gave him my fax info and told him to refax it. A few hours later it comes in.

    I noted the account that the guy is bogus and he will be charged his termination fee if he cancels. Because the second page has the company logo on the side, but not the fax stamp on the bottom of the page like the first one. Also, I looked up his company online (yeah, he picked the wrong rep to play games with) and they have changed the logo. Also, the font size and alignment of the text on the page saying he's moving out of the country is completely different than the first page.

    Dumbass of the Week

    SW: You need to credit all the overage on my bill!
    ME: I see you had 864 minutes over last month, what happened?
    SW: You changed my plan and didn't tell me it didn't have my 3-Day Weekend anymore!
    ME: You haven't changed your plan in 3 years.
    SW: Yes, but I had 3 Day Weekends before that!
    ME: Right, but then you changed to a plan that doesn't include that feature. That was a limited time promotion.
    SW: Well, I didn't know that!
    ME: You bills haven't showed you as having 3 Day Weekend since 2004.
    SW: Well, they say "Weekends" and to me, that means "3 Day Weekend."
    ME: I'm afraid that's not correct.
    SW: So it's not my fault I didn't know!
    ME: And, when you saw you were over your minutes last month...
    SW: I don't check my minutes!
    ME: That's unfortunate.
    SW: So this is how you treat a longtime customer?
    ME: I'm certainly not questioning your tenure as a customer. But I can't credit you for a misunderstanding from a plan you changed to over 3 years ago.

    She ranted for awhile, but she lost the fight about 30 seconds into the call.


    For this call, my department manager happened to be standing behind me chatting with my boss. She saw me banging my head on my desk and told me that I would give myself a headache. I let her know the customer had already succeeded in that.

    She canceled her service. Then she wanted to know about her final bill. I let her know it would be due in January (we bill after the month is over, not a month in advance). The next 10 minutes were spent trying to get her to understand this. Everytime I broke it down to little bite sized pieces of info and made sure she understood, she'd follow up with "But why should I pay for January?" Nothing I can say about this call works as well as the actual memo I left in her account:


    My coworker just got off a call with a guy who wanted out of his contract because he's out of state. He's currently going through Tennessee, running from police. She told him that won't allow him out of his contract.
    Last edited by Kara; 12-14-2007, 03:04 AM.
    "You are loved" - Plaidman.

  • #2
    Quoth Kara_CS View Post

    My coworker just got off a call with a guy who wanted out of his contract because he's out of state. He's currently going through Tennessee, running from police. She told him that won't allow him out of his contract.
    Faith... in humanity... slipping...
    A fact of life: After Monday and Tuesday, even the calendar says W T F.....


    • #3
      Quoth Kara_CS View Post

      My coworker just got off a call with a guy who wanted out of his contract because he's out of state. He's currently going through Tennessee, running from police. She told him that won't allow him out of his contract.
      You gotta be kiddin me. That is unpossible!
      Melody Gardot


      • #4
        Quoth Kara_CS View Post

        My coworker just got off a call with a guy who wanted out of his contract because he's out of state. He's currently going through Tennessee, running from police. She told him that won't allow him out of his contract.
        "Well, sir, we can't proceed with such a request without proof you are actually out of state.We'll need you to give us your current location, then wait for a couple of hours while we call the po.. I mean, write up the contract cancellation papers and drive them over to you... "
        You knew the job was dangerous when you took it, Fred.


        • #5
          Quoth Ttam View Post
          "Well, sir, we can't proceed with such a request without proof you are actually out of state.We'll need you to give us your current location, then wait for a couple of hours while we call the po.. I mean, write up the contract cancellation papers and drive them over to you... "
          SC: Oh yeah . . . just take a right on Elm and I bees way up in the 6th oak tree on the left side past the fire hydrant. You'll see the police dogs waiting at the bottom of the tree barking and lunging.

          That's gonna go over real well . . .
          Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)


          • #6
            Quoth Panigg View Post
            You gotta be kiddin me. That is unpossible!
            His reasoning was that he thought he could get out of his contract if he moved out of state. That's not the case, it's only if he moves to an area where we don't provide any service. Also, he has to give us an address, and "Going 90MPH down the interstate with a squad of highway patrol behind me" doesn't count
            "You are loved" - Plaidman.


            • #7
              Quoth Kara_CS View Post


              My coworker just got off a call with a guy who wanted out of his contract because he's out of state. He's currently going through Tennessee, running from police. She told him that won't allow him out of his contract.
              So...he's on the run from the police...and of course the most important thing he can think of is his cell phone plan. Awesome...
              Pit bull-

              There is no breed of dog more in need of our compassion; in need of our call to arms on their behalf; and in need of what should be the full force of our enduring sanctuary.


              • #8
                Quoth Kyree View Post
                So...he's on the run from the police...and of course the most important thing he can think of is his cell phone plan. Awesome...
                Well, yeah! Think of the roaming charges!
                You knew the job was dangerous when you took it, Fred.


                • #9

                  I was able to get back into the account through trial-and-error and get the notes I left in the account. Image added!
                  "You are loved" - Plaidman.


                  • #10
                    Quoth Kara_CS View Post
                    Double Sigh

                    SM: I'm trying to call this number, and all I get is this ringing sound!

                    Now, I know what you're thinking. I was thinking the same thing. There's no possible way he could mean what I think he meant. So I gave Methuselah the benefit of a doubt and called the number he was trying to dial. To my complete lack of surprise, I heard a phone ringing. Just when I think my hatred for humanity can't possibly get any deeper, someone hands me a shovel.
                    ........................................No........ ........ Fucking............ Way.............

                    This HAD to be a crank call..... HAD TO BE! DEAR LORD PLEASE TELL ME IT WAS JUST A PRANK....
                    "It's times like these that make me wanna go straight."
                    James from Pokémon.


                    • #11
                      Quoth Velfarre2001 View Post
                      PLEASE TELL ME IT WAS JUST A PRANK....
                      Alas, I speak the truth.

                      Granted, the guy was older than dirt, but that excuse is flimsy at best.
                      "You are loved" - Plaidman.


                      • #12
                        Quoth Kara_CS View Post
                        Friday 12am-8am Grocery, 1130am - 1030pm customer service, Saturday 12am - 8am grocery, 1130am - 1030pm customer service.
                        Wow. Nice run Should turn a nice nickle for the holidays though.

                        Quoth Kara_CS View Post
                        Just when I think my hatred for humanity can't possibly get any deeper, someone hands me a shovel.
                        aw. My mom used to use this phrase all the time, except she used "disdain" because she didn't care for the "H" word.

                        Quoth Kara_CS View Post
                        //placed her on hold to see if sup would allow me to draw a picture and send it to her...//
                        That's our Kara, always going the extra mile for the customer. First seasonal cards, and now the offer of hand drawn pictures!

                        (Nice pic title too, btw.)

                        Thanks Kara. Your examples of patience and fortitude may save one of my customers lives today.
                        Last edited by sms001; 12-18-2007, 11:04 AM.


                        • #13
                          Quoth Kara_CS View Post

                          SW: I want the most expensive phone you have!
                          ME: That would be the (MODEL), which would be $XXX.XX with a 2 year contract.
                          SW: No, that's too expensive!
                          I do that! Except, I don't ask for the most expensive phone. It calls out to me ... I must walk to it ... I must ... so shiny ... must buy ...
                          "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

                          Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie


                          • #14
                            Quoth Kara_CS View Post
                            SM: I'm trying to call this number, and all I get is this ringing sound!

                            Now, I know what you're thinking. I was thinking the same thing. There's no possible way he could mean what I think he meant. So I gave Methuselah the benefit of a doubt and called the number he was trying to dial. To my complete lack of surprise, I heard a phone ringing. Just when I think my hatred for humanity can't possibly get any deeper, someone hands me a shovel.
                            Alright I'm a bit dense, what exaclty was he listening to?
                            How was I supposed to know someone was slipping you Birth Control in the food I've been making for you lately?


                            • #15
                              Quoth Soulstealer View Post
                              Alright I'm a bit dense, what exaclty was he listening to?
                              Well, I'm assuming that he heard the ringing that happens when you try to call ANY number. Most people are just used to it or never really think about it, but you can count how many times the phone rings before someone picks up on the other end.

                              I'm surprised he didn't complain that he got the same ringing when calling Kara_CS!
                              It's little things that make the difference between 'enjoyable', 'tolerable', and 'gimme a spoon, I'm digging an escape tunnel'.

