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SC vs. snow

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  • SC vs. snow

    We just got hit with about a foot of snow in Massachusetts. For this very reason the trucks were slowed way down and getting stuck. It took one of the drivers 6.5 hrs to do what is normally a 1 to 1.5 hr trip. That did not include the 1.5 hrs he spent stuck and waiting for a tow truck to get him out. He got stuck because some idiot driver stopped on a hill, to brush his windshield off. The SC's couldn't understand the the 18-wheelers have to drive thru the same crap you had to drive in. Then their were the SC who didn't know why the carts were wet.

    All the stress went away after watching the poor tractor-trailer driver getting stuck while pulling away for the LD, the watching a plow truck and bull dozer try and after about 15 minutes successfully push him out. We felt sorry for him because he had three more stores after us and it was 9:30, when he is normally at home relaxing.

  • #2
    In Southern Indiana the most snow we get on an average year is less than 5 inches.

    Every time, without fail, the weather guys start predicting snow and people pour in to the store thinking that Armageddon is about to befall us. So we have the snow the EXCELLENT attitudes that everyone has this time of year. I cannot think of a time when the weather was so bad that people got shut in...except this one time....

    In '04 we got two feet of snow which was declared an 'emergency' to the point that National Guard Humvees were following Ambulances. In the midst of all this we couldn't get trucks to the store, meaning we were running out of supplies, employees, and patience. After taking an hour to trek to work, I get yelled at by a customer who cannot understand that we can't make bread magically appear on the shelf.

    I still say that we could have four horsemen of the apocalypse show up and declare judgement day is upon us and someone would still show up at the store expecting to be waited on.
    Telling Stories from the Front Line a.k.a Customer Service at a Grocery Store


    • #3
      Quoth AmericanZero8503 View Post
      In Southern Indiana the most snow we get on an average year is less than 5 inches.

      I cannot think of a time when the weather was so bad that people got shut in...except this one time....

      In '04 we got two feet of snow which was declared an 'emergency' to the point that National Guard Humvees were following Ambulances. .
      I'm guessing you're too young to remember the blizzard of '78.
      Women can do anything men can.
      But we don't because lots of it's disgusting.


      • #4
        I've heard about the Blizzard of ' was 30 years ago.

        This is now, we've haven't had that much snow in awhile. We get less than two inches...and if you can't survive that blizzard, then I think Darwin has a few choice words for you.
        Telling Stories from the Front Line a.k.a Customer Service at a Grocery Store


        • #5
          Last year we got a bunch of 16-20 inches, which is a lot where I live. I was trying to get to work, left way early, got stuck in the snow, stuck in traffic, etc. I called my work like an hour before I was supposed to be in just to let them know that I may or may not be late. I got this:

          "UGH. *whiny grunts * Well, how late are you going to be?"

          I DON'T KNOW! I'm trudging through two feet of snow to get there, and I'm just giving you a heads up, sorry for the thoughtfulness.
          "What size can I get you, ma'am?"
          "Okay...I'll check the red for you, but what size do you need?"


          • #6
            I quit my job at Store 24 during a late-winter blizzard in March of 1993. There was a foot or more of snow on the ground, I was on second shift (4-midnight) which meant I'd had the lottery idiots, and both Domino's and Li'l Peach had CLOSED which is UNHEARD of, and we were the ONLY thing open, and I was the ONLY employee in the store (the guy who was supposed to be on with me never showed up). The "acting manager" (a woman about to go into labor) LEFT to go to a HOTEL so that she could make it back in the morning, and not only did she LOCK all the coin in the office, she also locked the BINDER with all the PHONE NUMBERS we might need (including which hotel she was at) in there too. So I had all the lottery idiots, the milk-and-cigarettes people, the Junkies-with-no-money-and-one-year-old-baby-sick-needs-medicine-can-I-just-take some-change-out-of-the-Jimmy-Fund-jar, people who are mad at US because Li'l Peach is closed, etc. etc. etc.

            I walked home in the middle of the snow-covered street and never went back. I DID wait until someone showed up for 3rd shift, then I called the next day and told placenta-for-brains the good news that I quit.
            I was not hired to respond to those voices.


            • #7
              Quoth IHateStupidCustomers View Post

              "UGH. *whiny grunts * Well, how late are you going to be?"
              I was calling in to work one time...four hours before my shift (which is outlined in the employee manual). The manager asked me if I could just call back and see if I feel better by then. WTF!!! Do you know how a call-in works buddy?

              Why do most call-ins turn in to a debate? Is it just me or where I work?
              One time I heard a co-worker in the background say that I was faking. So I came in...puked on the floor and in front of customers...looked at that co-worker and said "oh I guess I'm FAKING." I hoped they had to clean it up.
              Telling Stories from the Front Line a.k.a Customer Service at a Grocery Store


              • #8
                Placenta-brain woman used to call ME four hours before my scheduled shift and say, "Whatcha doin? Got your walking shoes on?" because someone ELSE flaked on their schedule, and they figured that I could just drop what I was doing and come in. It was like I needed a good REASON to not start my shift four hours early. Hey, I didn't MAKE the schedule, I didn't FLAKE on my schedule, I have other things to do with my time before I come in to work, but I need to JUSTIFY my refusal to cover someone else's ass who just decided he was too hung over to keep his job.

                I discovered that if you work at Store 24 and show up vaguely on time and don't steal, they will start to expect the world from you and will call you up every time someone else does one or both of those things. Thank god I was a student at the time and had other sources of $.
                I was not hired to respond to those voices.


                • #9
                  Quoth AmericanZero8503 View Post
                  I was calling in to work one time...four hours before my shift (which is outlined in the employee manual). The manager asked me if I could just call back and see if I feel better by then. WTF!!! Do you know how a call-in works buddy?
                  I called into work because I had gotten some carbon monoxide poisoning that night, and my family had to move out of our house in the middle of the night, and get to my grandparents. I was throwing up a decent amount, and when I figured it was late enough, I called work to tell them what happened. Their response? "Are you sure you can't come in?" You are talking to the one person who NEVER calls in, and my mom practically has to force me to call in whenever I do get sick. If it wasn't a big deal, I would have just shown up. Bah.
                  "I've found that when you want to know the truth about someone, that someone is probably the last person you should ask." - House


                  • #10
                    It took me over 5 hours to get home yesterday! Left work at 2pm made it home around 7:30. I drive a mustang. Streets were gridlocked. I remember the blizzard of 78 a little. I was 4. This was unbelievable!

                    I love Boston but man, I was wishing I was in Florida!


                    • #11
                      Quoth AmericanZero8503 View Post
                      I was calling in to work one time...four hours before my shift (which is outlined in the employee manual). The manager asked me if I could just call back and see if I feel better by then. WTF!!! Do you know how a call-in works buddy?

                      Why do most call-ins turn in to a debate? Is it just me or where I work?
                      One time I heard a co-worker in the background say that I was faking. So I came in...puked on the floor and in front of customers...looked at that co-worker and said "oh I guess I'm FAKING." I hoped they had to clean it up.
                      Every retail job I have ever worked, when you would call in, it would always be a debate. "well, are you really THAT sick? Why don't you come in and try, see how you feel then? blah blah."

                      So....I don't call myself in anymore. I make my boyfriend or someone do it. And if they ask to talk to me, he just says "sorry, she can't talk. She's in the bathroom puking."
                      "What size can I get you, ma'am?"
                      "Okay...I'll check the red for you, but what size do you need?"


                      • #12
                        Just to clarify, we got a foot of less than 7 hours.

                        I've heard some horror stories that compare to the blizzard of '78.

                        Cars getting stuck on the highway and the drivers leaving them.

                        In Providence, RI they didn't bother to release students until AFTER the snow had started. Some kids sat on busses for 10 hours and didn't get home until 11PM.

                        My friends sister lives in Boston and works 1-1/2 miles from her house. It took her five hours to get home by car. Her husband was actually home and wound up walking to the spot where she was stuck in traffic, in less than 1/2 an hour, so that he could keep her company while she waited.
                        Last edited by LifeCarnie; 12-14-2007, 05:51 PM.
                        Just because a customer expects you to put some effort into your job, that does not make them an SC.


                        • #13
                          8 hours it took me to get home. For an hour drive. Honestly, I was really surprised at how courteous all the drivers were, and I'm in Boston so that never happens. I'm pretty sure they were all too scared of a miserable frozen death that they didn't have any spite in them.


                          • #14
                            The rest of Canada laughs at us in Vancouver. Three inches of snow and everything grinds to a halt. I remember a few years ago when we had a foot and a half dumped over night. Everything shut down. It's very strange to look at the Lougheed hwy and see no cars on it.


                            • #15
                              Quoth Raieth View Post
                              The rest of Canada laughs at us in Vancouver. Three inches of snow and everything grinds to a halt. I remember a few years ago when we had a foot and a half dumped over night. Everything shut down. It's very strange to look at the Lougheed hwy and see no cars on it.

                              Yes, even our last piddly snowfall of all of three inches on December 1'st hooped everyone up. When the snow was only one and a half deep a freind and I watched someones van slide sideways down her hill. She's from Alberta, I'm from Newfoundland, where we snow plow our ROOFS.

                              I don't think the driver appreciated our howls of laughter. If he'd only just stopped gunning his tires....

                              Karma got me though... I was late an our to work because the skytrain gummed up.

