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I've got a totally GROSS one for ya! (and rude too!)

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  • I've got a totally GROSS one for ya! (and rude too!)

    So theres this "troll" of a man that is a pest around our town. I see him everywhere. Hes HUGE (probably about 500 lbs) and has terrible hygene. He goes around town trying to get ppl to donate to his walkathon thingy. I highly doubt this is legit because someone that large would not be able to do a walkathon. At least I highly doubt it. Anyways, a few months back he came into our gas station. He went into the bathroom for a long time, then he comes out and he asks to use the phone. Hes on the phone and my co-worker can hear what hes saying - hes telling the person he shit his pants and its everywhere and he needs them to bring him new pants. So she looks and sure enough, brown all over the back of his pants. He walked outside and so she headed towards the bathroom. She wasnt even halfway there and she said the stench was so bad she literally gagged. So she called one of the managers down to help clean it up. (which by the way, he says it was all over the walls, floor, everywhere including noticeable apple peals). So you would think someone who did this would be humiliated and run out and never come back right? Nope, the dude comes back in and starts telling us it was all because he drank slim-fast. GROSS. AND THEN... after all of that, he starts begging for $$ for his walkathon!!!!!! The boss was PISSED and told him to leave.

    Can you believe someone could be that rude?

  • #2
    Quoth katiegoo View Post
    Can you believe someone could be that rude?
    That's a rhetorical question, right?



    • #3
      I think you could've left the fat remarks out of your story.

      That being said, yes that was rude of him and gross too. Even if he had a legit medical problem, there's no excuse to poop all over the floor and smear it on the walls, unless you're a monkey.
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      • #4
        So if there was poop all over the place then he did that on purpose. There's no way you get poop on the walls, ceilings & everywhere else but in the toilet if you don't scoop it up & "go to town" with it.
        There is such a thing as a "blow out" but it only results in making a mess out of the toilet. You gotta be one sick bastard to grab a pile of poop & fling it all over the place.


        • #5
          My belief is that anyone over a certain age (say toddler age or a little older) who actually grabs pooh and smears it and literally....."plays" with it has to suffer some kind of mental illness or mind regression.

          Somewhat of an overshare, but just an example of how easily embarassed and paranoid I can be......I suddenly felt very ill at Borders bookstore and threw up in their bathrooms and I ran into an associate as I was washing my hands, and I have never returned since.
          You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


          • #6
            I can imagine a sign that says, "I took a dump all over your bathroom, so could you please donate to my charity?"


            • #7
              OK, I've had Slim-Fast and it has never done that! He's gotta have some other digestive issues if one Slim Fast makes him that ill...I second the thought that he's gotta have some kind of mental issues to do something like that...
              I don't go in for ancient wisdom
              I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
              It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


              • #8
                Yeah, especially when supposedly causes you so spray all over the bathroom walls well water out the wrong hole.

                Hell I've heard of bowel-cleansing solutions (something you take before getting a rectal exam) that you drink that dont even cause you to shit like that!)
                Last edited by ditchdj; 12-15-2007, 07:17 PM.


                • #9
                  I hate to say it because of how it sounds, but.....

                  I've noticed that anyone over 400lbs tends to depost an awful lot of feces in the toilet. We've had to ban several people because they take craps in our toilet so they don't plug the one they have at home.

                  On the other side one guy I hadn't seen before was using the bathroom and was in there for a while. I knocked on the door asking if he was alright. He just yelled back, "Do you have a plunger?" He didn't leave until our toilet worked again. He must've just been passing thru cuse I never saw him again.


                  • #10
                    Maybe he was taking that new diet pill, Allia, I think it's called.
                    Do not annoy the woman with the flamethrower!

                    If you don't like it, I believe you can go to hell! ~Trinity from The Matrix

                    Yes, MadMike does live under my couch.


                    • #11
                      Quoth katiegoo View Post
                      GROSS. AND THEN... after all of that, he starts begging for $$ for his walkathon!!!!!! The boss was PISSED and told him to leave.
                      I think I would've handed the creep a mop and demanded he clean up his filthy mess, and THEN ban him!

                      Leaving a disgusting mess all over someone else's bathroom? You Just Don't Do That.
                      I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
                      My LiveJournal
                      A page we can all agree with!


                      • #12
                        We have had crap get smear on the ceiling tiles in one of the public restrooms at our store. We just carefully removed the tiles and tossed them and throughly cleaned the bathroom. And customers wonder why we are reluctant to tell them were the employee restrooms are. If it is an old person/disabled person and the employee restrooms are closest, then we will direct them to the employee restrooms.

