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  • Tipping

    Okay, "Closing" means doing dishes until as late as 2AM. Since the 7th, I've closed twelve times, usually a 4pm-1am shift.

    And add in the fact that I work as late as 2am, then have to be up at 6:30 to give my friend a ride to school. Needless to say, I'm working late a lot and getting very little sleep.

    Now, we get busy with catering orders around Christmas. The last three days, in addition to working until 1am, I had to be up at 6:30 for the ride, then to work from 10am - 2pm doing caterings.

    Let's see. Six caterings. Each averaging $200-$300. I personally make, pack, deliver, and set up all of them. $1700 in food being personally delivered and set up. My total tip? 0. I pack up $300 in food, and drive it to the next county and deliver it in Lomira.... no tip. I pack up three orders and deliver them (each box weighing around 40 pounds) all over the hospital.... no tip. And seriously, it's not like I'm delivering them to the ghetto where they can't afford it.... I'm delivering it to fancy medical buildings; three to the local hospital, one to the cancer center, one to an international printing company's luxurious medical facility, and one to the regional clininc.

    Only one person even attempted, but hint: what you're signing is the reciept from when we charged your credit card. of course there's no spot to write a tip, and either way, we can't just charge an extra $10 to your card, because then the counts would see us as having overcharged you.

    Sorry, I know I shouldn't be greedy, but when I get 3 hours of sleep a night and personally make sure all the caterings go off without a problem, only to be reimbursed simply with a $25 gas card from my boss (despite using closer to $50 because my battery is shot and I have to leave the van running when using the hazard lights), making minimum wage, driving all over the county....

    oh well, all these caterings pushed me into overtime; 49 hours this week == $350 gross.
    Last edited by ahanix1989; 12-20-2007, 03:13 PM.
    I've been here for two years, work harder than most others, and I'm getting paid $1.80 an hour
    less than the 17 year old slacker you hired two months ago. Maybe that's why I'm not chipper at work.

  • #2
    you're supposed to tip a caterer?

    :makes a new mental note:


    • #3
      Quoth CorDarei View Post
      you're supposed to tip a caterer?

      :makes a new mental note:
      As far as I know, you're supposed to tip anyone serving/delivering/setting up your food. Just like a lot of people don't tip delivery drivers...
      Would you like a Stummies?


      • #4
        Companies never tipped me for catering orders, probably because their accounting departments didn't think to work it into the budget.

        I hated it! Big catering orders would pull me out of the dining room for about half a day (and therefore away from potential tippers), so it would actually cost me money to do them.

        If you have to ask, it's probably better posted at


        • #5
          If your company is smart there should automatically be a 15 % gratuity added to the bill or..... there should be that one extra line on the credit card slip that says TIP $_____________. If it's not there then it's time to talk to the company that handles your credit card merchant account. When a merchant account is set up correctly the tip line should automatically print on the credit card receipt that they sign. Then it can be added to the total order when the credit card machine is "balanced out" at the close of business. It is an option on most credit card machines. If that's not an option I would strongly suggest a mandatory policy of charging a mandatory 15% gratuity as part of the bill for the food if the amount totals over $100.

          All of this is assuming that you own or can reasonably influence the owner of the company. If not...Dang, sucks to be you. Sorry!!!
          Last edited by Brightglaive; 12-20-2007, 06:16 PM.
          You'll always miss 100% of the shots you don't take,and statistically speaking, 99% of the shots you do take.

          Pirates Vs. Ninjas. Which would you choose?


          • #6
            When I used to place a catering order the fee was different than for just food . . . to me that says that tip is not necessary as the place of business is already taking compensation for it.
            Honestly I figured since I went through the catering department they were paid better than a wait person and not dependent upon tips.
            Have I been an SC all this time due to lack of knowledge?


            • #7
              I thought the tip would have been included in the bill as well if you deliver and set up the food. If you are delivering to an office party then whos to say who is going to be at the desk when you get there - how would accounting know who to give the tip money to to give the delivery person (or for that matter that it is actually given to you)? If I was working at an office that catered in and signed for the food I don't know if I would tip the driver because who knows if accounting would believe me and reimburse me. I also most likely would assume that it was covered already.
              Have you checked that your boss isn't including it in the bill and not passing along to you?


              • #8
                Quoth Brightglaive View Post
                If your company is smart there should automatically be a 15 % gratuity added to the bill or..... there should be that one extra line on the credit card slip that says TIP $_____________. (
                I would agree on this one. Places like Disney World have that automatically in the bill, stating 15% gratuity is included in the bill. Of course, I'm sure there are those that bitch about that to save some money.

                To me, this would be like those of us who tip, or don't tip, the pizza delivery guy. Food catering companies should get a tip of some kind.


                • #9
                  I probably should've mentioned, we're not a fancy sit-down Italian Bistro...
                  we're Fazoli's. drive-thru, kids night on tuesdays, self-serve sodas, etc...

                  we don't have waiters, just dining room attendants who clean tables and trays.

                  i'm not a 'caterer', i'm an 18yo with the largest vehicle. the only thing that seperates me from some of the other associates is the company has my signature and drivers license number on file.

                  so, we don't have any special designation for catering besides "these things being delivered here"
                  I've been here for two years, work harder than most others, and I'm getting paid $1.80 an hour
                  less than the 17 year old slacker you hired two months ago. Maybe that's why I'm not chipper at work.


                  • #10
                    the way i figure for certain things that you arent sure about you should have asoem set system. Are you ordering pizza OR any other delivery in a place where they only have miniumum wage, the weather is horrid, or you have a large order/live rather far away? Yes some kid of tip.
                    Are you monpolysing a large amount of of staff or resources? Yes some kind of tip.
                    Catering .... hmmmm amount of time you use, amount of people you are serving, large large large amount of food? Yes some kind of tip.


                    • #11
                      so they are having you use your personal vehicle for work related situation . . . .
                      Now I have never been in food service delivery side - so delivery people please feel free to correct me.
                      My understanding on using ones car for work related driving . . .entitles you to the approved by IRS rate for each mile. Go to the IRS website to find out what that rate is . . .and it has to be coded on your pay as milage as it is non taxable income. More than just Gas at play - you have maintenance of vehicle, things like tire wear, oil, belt ware, break ware, and insurance.


                      • #12
                        Emrld is right. I didn't even catch that you were using your own car not the company car. The only job I had where I made deliveries (printing) I had to keep a little notebook and got paid x amount per mile to cover just those things. Have you even discussed what would happen if you got in an accident? I have a feeling your boss is assuming your insurance not his buiness insurance would take the hit.


                        • #13
                          Pretty much, I'm supposed to be officially reimbursed 41¢/mile, but rather than go through all that paperwork, my boss just occasionally gets me a gas gift card and has the company pay for it through a CPO. If I made a big deal out of little things like tire wear ($400 in tires lasted me 11 months, due to massive suspension problems), he'd just make the deliveries himself.
                          I've been here for two years, work harder than most others, and I'm getting paid $1.80 an hour
                          less than the 17 year old slacker you hired two months ago. Maybe that's why I'm not chipper at work.


                          • #14
                            Quoth ahanix1989 View Post

                            oh well, all these caterings pushed me into overtime; 49 hours this week == $350 gross.

                            I don't know what to say.. That sucks so hard!


                            • #15
                              I read that you work at Fazzoli's, which to me is a type of delivery along the lines of a large pizza order or other restaurant delivery. This is NOT catering, per se, therefore I feel you deserve a tip. I agree with other posters that a line saying "tip" should be added at the very least. Due to the size of the order, I think it would be appropriate to inform these large customers that a token delivery fee will be added (as your tip). Seems only right.
                              A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)

