Okay, "Closing" means doing dishes until as late as 2AM. Since the 7th, I've closed twelve times, usually a 4pm-1am shift.
And add in the fact that I work as late as 2am, then have to be up at 6:30 to give my friend a ride to school. Needless to say, I'm working late a lot and getting very little sleep.
Now, we get busy with catering orders around Christmas. The last three days, in addition to working until 1am, I had to be up at 6:30 for the ride, then to work from 10am - 2pm doing caterings.
Let's see. Six caterings. Each averaging $200-$300. I personally make, pack, deliver, and set up all of them. $1700 in food being personally delivered and set up. My total tip? 0. I pack up $300 in food, and drive it to the next county and deliver it in Lomira.... no tip. I pack up three orders and deliver them (each box weighing around 40 pounds) all over the hospital.... no tip. And seriously, it's not like I'm delivering them to the ghetto where they can't afford it.... I'm delivering it to fancy medical buildings; three to the local hospital, one to the cancer center, one to an international printing company's luxurious medical facility, and one to the regional clininc.
Only one person even attempted, but hint: what you're signing is the reciept from when we charged your credit card. of course there's no spot to write a tip, and either way, we can't just charge an extra $10 to your card, because then the counts would see us as having overcharged you.
Sorry, I know I shouldn't be greedy, but when I get 3 hours of sleep a night and personally make sure all the caterings go off without a problem, only to be reimbursed simply with a $25 gas card from my boss (despite using closer to $50 because my battery is shot and I have to leave the van running when using the hazard lights), making minimum wage, driving all over the county....
oh well, all these caterings pushed me into overtime; 49 hours this week == $350 gross.
And add in the fact that I work as late as 2am, then have to be up at 6:30 to give my friend a ride to school. Needless to say, I'm working late a lot and getting very little sleep.
Now, we get busy with catering orders around Christmas. The last three days, in addition to working until 1am, I had to be up at 6:30 for the ride, then to work from 10am - 2pm doing caterings.
Let's see. Six caterings. Each averaging $200-$300. I personally make, pack, deliver, and set up all of them. $1700 in food being personally delivered and set up. My total tip? 0. I pack up $300 in food, and drive it to the next county and deliver it in Lomira.... no tip. I pack up three orders and deliver them (each box weighing around 40 pounds) all over the hospital.... no tip. And seriously, it's not like I'm delivering them to the ghetto where they can't afford it.... I'm delivering it to fancy medical buildings; three to the local hospital, one to the cancer center, one to an international printing company's luxurious medical facility, and one to the regional clininc.
Only one person even attempted, but hint: what you're signing is the reciept from when we charged your credit card. of course there's no spot to write a tip, and either way, we can't just charge an extra $10 to your card, because then the counts would see us as having overcharged you.
Sorry, I know I shouldn't be greedy, but when I get 3 hours of sleep a night and personally make sure all the caterings go off without a problem, only to be reimbursed simply with a $25 gas card from my boss (despite using closer to $50 because my battery is shot and I have to leave the van running when using the hazard lights), making minimum wage, driving all over the county....
oh well, all these caterings pushed me into overtime; 49 hours this week == $350 gross.