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  • Customer+Forklift=Stupidity

    This is not my own story. It comes from Lowe's in Florida iirc. It's a wonderful little story, which made me smile when I worked for the company.

    Now, Lowe's is a home imporvement store. Meaning they have lumber (usually inside) in huge banks on either side of a long ailse. Due to the weight of this lumber, they also have large heavy duty forklifts to move it around. Lastly, they have these funky carts called "lumber" carts. Blue things designed to carry heavy weight.

    As the story goes, this one poor zone manager (asm) was stuck down in lumber by himself. His Cashier can't help (not allowed to leave the register), and his DM was off for the day. The Associate stationed down there had just been ordered to leave due to overtime hours; so the ZM was on his own until relief came in. Relief wasn't due in for another 20 minutes.

    At one point, the ZM finds himself slammed. Here he's got three or four customers waiting while he helps this other one. (first come, first serve). The ZM is busy helping the one family when this man walks up to him. The SC says to the ZM. "I need help." and then starts to rattle off this list of what he needs. ZM looks up and says honestly "You'll have to wait sir. There's 3 people ahead of you and I can only help one at a time."

    The SC does not want to hear this, and gets annoyed. ZM heads out to load, comes back to find his relief has come in. Still, he can't help the SC; but turns to the next customer in line. All the while, SC is seen "hovering" around a forklift.

    Turning to the ZM the customer says "Why don't I just get it with this myself? I know how to drive them." The ZM balks but says to the customer "That's for employees only sir. I can't let you on it." and then Zm turns to help the other customers. Now, at some point along this line, ZM hears the forklift start up. He doesn't look back right away, figuring the other associate was on it. It's only when the customer HE is helping says something the ZM looks back.

    SC has hopped up on the lift, started it, and is monkeying around with the controls trying to get it moving. ZM turns to the SC, grabs the handle and pulls himself partly up. "Sir, you need to get off the equipment." he says firmly. The SC refuses. "You won't help me, I'll do it my own D*mn self." he says and then puts the lift in forward. This causes it to lurch, nearly spearing associate number 2. (Who wet his pants I'm told.)

    ZM reacts. He hits SC with a haymaker that has enough force to knock SC completely out the other side of the lift onto the concrete below.

    SC comes around, calls the cops and tries to have ZM arrested. Corporate suspends the guy for a week (with pay) while they sort things out. In the end, the ZM recieved a minor reprimand for quote "Causing a customer to fall." The reprimand makes no mention of the punch, and the SC is served papers by the DA. Why? Why, simple. Endangerment. The Police had seized the tapes and saw the lurch and the near miss of the associate. SC ended up having to pay a HUGE fine and was banned from that store.

    Now, I got this second and third hand, still, It's a great story.
    Learn wisdom by the follies of others.

  • #2
    Wow, that's one heck of a story.

    The SC deserved everything he got. (Sorry, everyone, I know this site doesn't condone violence and all, but... )
    Unseen but seeing
    oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
    There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
    3rd shift needs love, too
    RIP, mo bhrionglóid


    • #3
      I hope it hurt when the SC hit the floor. I was always told that forklifts (or any other piece of heavy equipment) are *not* something to mess around with.
      Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


      • #4
        The site doesn't condone violence for revenge or for kicks, but this person was doing something where they needed to be immediately removed from the situation and refused to do so themselves, limiting the options for the staff. Forcibly removing him from that position *right now* was the right thing to do.

        Poor blooming associate number 2! I hope he got to go home or at least go 'chill out' for a bit (especially if the 'wet himself' bit is literally true).


        • #5
          On a related topic, a co-worker of mine-on his first day, no less-needed to get something using the fork lift. He didn't really know how to use it, and it was parked funny in it's shed. He tried to get it out the door, and missed a little bit. He ended up punching a nice little hole in the wall, when a co-worker managed to stop him and give him a hand.
          I pray for the strength to change what I can, the inability to change what I can't, and the incapacity to tell the difference -Calvin, Calvin & Hobbes

          Being a pessimist and cynical wouldn't be so bad if I wasn't right so often!


          • #6
            What an ass! That SC desereved everything he got and then some.

            It was nice of Corporate to give the ZM that nice week of paid vacation, but, he should have not been punished at all. Not even a minor reprimand. He prevented the SC from doing severe damage with that thing that could have literally killed someone!



            • #7
              Quoth protege View Post
              I hope it hurt when the SC hit the floor. I was always told that forklifts (or any other piece of heavy equipment) are *not* something to mess around with.
              While I agree that the SC got what he deserved, the truth is that forklifts aren't that hard to figure out.

              Once I was temping in a building that was largely warehouse. A delivery came in when I was the only one there. The stuff had to come off the truck so I decided to give it a shot. I sat in it and looked at the controls. Four levers (up-down, tilt, in-out and fwd-reverse) and a pedal. I fired it up, gently opperated the levers to see how sensitive they were, did the same with the pedal going both directions.

              This took about a minute.

              I unloaded the truck with no problems.
              Proud to be a Walmart virgin.


              • #8
                Quoth Mark Healey View Post
                While I agree that the SC got what he deserved, the truth is that forklifts aren't that hard to figure out.
                But that's assuming SC's can read


                • #9
                  Customers suck doesn't condone violence and commiting acts of revenge for the sake of revenge (spitting in the food, flicking boogers at customers, beating the living tar out of them, etc). However there are times where the only thing to do is to cold cock someone to get them to stop whatever dangerous/illegal thing they are doing.

                  In this case stopping this twonk from killing people with a forklift he can't drive with a fist to the face is acceptible. It was one and one punch's not like the guy was beating the smeghead into a pink goo on the floor.

                  As for the ease of forklifts? Yes they are damn easy to learn and the controls are dirt simple but I'd recommend at least a half hour practice time to learn the quirks of a new forklift and if you've never used one at all in your life, make it 2 hours.

                  I never lost my faith in humanity. Can't lose what you never had right?


                  • #10
                    When I was young I would have recurring nightmares about being chased by forklifts and loggers.

                    Quoth Mongo Skruddgemire View Post
                    smeghead? What is that?


                    • #11
                      Quoth Boulder_Bear View Post
                      smeghead? What is that?
                      It's a made-up bit of vulgarism from the popular British Sci-Fi Comedy series Red Dwarf. Smeg is a generic word that can replace the for letter words for excrement and fornication

                      Smeg - as an expletive. "SMEG! I just dropped a tombstone on my foot and have broken it." or "Oh smeg, I just burned a hole in my trowsers with my iron. Now I have to use black spray paint to hide the mistake." or "What the smeg has he done now?"

                      Smegging - as an adjective to another vulgarism. "Oh smegging hell, we're out of curry."

                      Smeghead - as a term of endearment "You're a total smeghead aren't you Rimmer?"
                      I never lost my faith in humanity. Can't lose what you never had right?


                      • #12
                        Quoth Mongo Skruddgemire View Post
                        It's a made-up bit of vulgarism from the popular British Sci-Fi Comedy series Red Dwarf. Smeg is a generic word that can replace the for letter words for excrement and fornication

                        Smeg - as an expletive. "SMEG! I just dropped a tombstone on my foot and have broken it." or "Oh smeg, I just burned a hole in my trowsers with my iron. Now I have to use black spray paint to hide the mistake." or "What the smeg has he done now?"
                        Smeg is short for Smegma, which are various bits of detritus, usually associated with vomit.
                        "I call murder on that!"


                        • #13
                          I once heard that you're not even supposed to drive a forklift until you get certified under OSHA.


                          • #14
                            Quoth Juwl View Post
                            Smeg is short for Smegma, which are various bits of detritus, usually associated with vomit.
                            And also a brand of home appliance. Im sure they had their name before Red Dwarf and theyre perfectly fine, but it still looks to me like a load of cookers etc all labelled "CRAP"
                            "don't go to the neighbors,that's just what the fire expects you to do"-phillippbo
                            "Please do not look into laser with remaining eyeball."
                            Support bacteria.They're the only culture some people have.


                            • #15
                              Causing a customer to fall? That's freakin' hilarious! I love the "minor reprimand." Very imaginative & truthful w/o really punishing the ZM for doing his job.
                              The universe is mostly empty space, and so is your job. ~Dilbert

