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I hate sundays.

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  • I hate sundays.

    Oh yes, I hate sundays. For some reason Sundays were always hell with whatever waiting job I have ever had.

    Today, I wanted to choke people. Now my friends that know me well are always surprised that I can work in any job that requires customer service. They know that I hate everyone equally. They also have heard my long rants about wanting the power to kill people with my mind.

    Today, I would like to Present two of my valued customers. First we shall call on Mr omlette.

    Mr omlette ordered one of our denver omlettes. Denver omlettes come with 3 eggs, hashbrowns and Toast. Mr omlette informed me that of his 3 eggs that 2 will be egg whites only and one will be a regular egg. He then requested that we add mushrooms and delete the Onion, Tomatoes, and holly sauce. After that he wanted fresh fruit not hashbrowns and weat toast and to be sure it is dry.

    Dear sir. I understand that I am here to serve you. But please understand that you are among a party of 8 people. It is hard to keep track of that stuff among large groups. Please understand that I am a bit frazzled because it is now 2:00 and I have been there since 7:00 and we have been in a wait since before I walked in the door. And most of all understand that all of our kitchen staff are mexicans and probobly do speak english but get some insane thrill of making us try our best to mime out what we want. Therefore Do not take it out on me when A. you had to wait more than 5 mins for a table of 8 the sunday before christmas. B. I dont look so trilled at your order when you are barking it at me. And C. it took longer than 15 mins to prepare your meal because the kitchen staff was torturing me. Just be happy it came out just how you liked it.

    Next is Miss Muffin.

    Miss muffin Ordered a meal that comes with eggs and a muffin. She ordered Scrambled and a rasberry muffin. Miss Muffin was at the same table as Mr Omlette. When I brought out her meal she squealed (yes she actually did like some vermin was on her plate) "scrambled eggs, I can't have scrambled eggs! I hate scrambled eggs, I wanted over easy" I the quickly took the offending eggs away and battled with the kitchen for some over easy eggs. When i present her witht eh eggs she required she exclaimed. " you forgot my blueberry muffin!" Again I scurry to the kitchen. I bring her a blueberry muffin and my apoliges. She then states "I want a cherry muffin now, and I ordered a rasberry"

    Dear miss Muffin, Die.
    My sanity has been dripping out of me my whole life, today they turned on the faucet.....

  • #2
    Why the hell don't picky people like this stay home and cook for them damn selves?
    I don't think I have ever made an alteration to a menu item in my life, nor have I ever sent back food, even when my chicken was only cooked half-way through.
    For as much as I see and as much as I experience, I'll never understand how people can be so petty and still manage to live with themselves.

    As a side note I am now hungry after reading this.


    • #3
      The most menu alterations I have ever made were asking to hold some of the toppings that came on a burger. Even if they messed up, i will pick the offending topping off. They have bigger issues to worry about than some simple mistake.


      • #4
        wow, those people need to go die in a fire


        • #5
          Today's menu: Take what you get, or do without! That was the my mother's daily menu when I was a kid. I learned to eat what she fixed, even if I didn't really like it.
          The Borg wouldn't know fun if they assimilated an amusement park. -- B'Elanna Torres, Star Trek: Voyager

          Math! Math, my dear boy, is but the lesbian sister of Biology. -- Peter Griffin, Family Guy


          • #6
            Customers like that are the very reason that my last employer (a Mexican restaurant) stopped allowing substitutions. If you wanted it any other way except the way it was served, you had to pick/scoop the offending item(s) off yourself.
            This isn't an office. It's Hell with fluorescent lighting.


            • #7
              I am a picky eater with a couple dietary issues (no, I'm not going to die if I eat the offending items, I'll just want to). I realize that it's a pain & if I say it too fast, I will gladly repeat ad infinitum. I also apologetically acknowledge, as I finish my order, that yes, I'm being difficult & picky (I try to tip to compensate). And if I screw up, and not notice that X dish has Y item in it, then I'll suck it up & pick it off (& hope that it's not enough to set off a reaction).

              I also ask if substitutions are possible & if they aren't, I try to have a 2nd choice ready that doesn't require any.
              I'm sorry, the person to whom you were speaking has been replaced by a recording. Please leave your message at the sound of the beep.


              • #8
                I once read an article in the food and wine section of my local newspaper. It quoted a restaurant owner talking about traditional pizza. He said that "half and half", or changing the toppings were definitely against tradition, and he (mostly) wouldn't allow it!

                Oh, and TryNotToBeThatOne, you actually have a reason for altering menu items. The problem is with people who make so many changes to a menu item that it becomes completely unrecognizable, and they do this on a whim!


                • #9
                  Quoth rerant View Post
                  Why the hell don't picky people like this stay home and cook for them damn selves?
                  I don't think I have ever made an alteration to a menu item in my life, nor have I ever sent back food, even when my chicken was only cooked half-way through.
                  For as much as I see and as much as I experience, I'll never understand how people can be so petty and still manage to live with themselves.

                  As a side note I am now hungry after reading this.

                  Errr... um I kind of thought that the whole point of going out was so you didn't have to cook for yourself?

                  And while I agree that the SCs in the OP were assclowns, I think most requests for alterations are perfectly fine. As long as the customer is reasonable and polite in their requests, I can't normally imagine why a server would care.
                  Be a winner today: Pick a fight with a 4 year old.


                  • #10
                    I do alterations on my burger, and I think it's actually pretty easy, but for some reason, no one can ever seem to get it right. I don't want anything at all on my cheeseburger, but meat, cheese and a bun. No garden, ketchup, mayo, nada, zilch, nothing. I'd think this would be fairly easy, since it actually requires much less work (take it off the grill, skip the dressing entirely, toss it on a bun), but maybe 4 times ever has a burger actually come out plain. Or, if it does, they leave off the cheese too.
                    I'm always very polite, I say please, thank you, etc etc, but apparently this is a very difficult request .

                    Edit: I'm not picky just for spite or anything. I am actually allergic to onions, which are standard toppings on everything, and occasionally cooked right into the meat. So I also have to go through the whole song and dance of "Does the meat have onions?", and I get looked at like it's the stupidest question ever, they almost always say no, and then I end up having to return the food because I'll need to go to the hospital if I eat it. Secondly, I just hate mayo. The smell makes me gag, and frankly, if I'm paying for a burger, I would like one I can actually eat. So instead of ordering it without these 2 things, I just go totally plain. Which is easier to remember? No mayo and no onions out of anywhere from 5-10 toppings, or no toppings at all?
                    Last edited by Ayleah; 12-28-2007, 12:15 AM.


                    • #11
                      I had a woman some time ago who ordered a cheeseburger and requested that we melt the cheese so that it is like nacho cheese. (For anyone who isn't laughing yet, nacho cheese isn't just melted cheese, it has to be mixed with milk or something to give it a less viscous consistancy. ) Back to the humor, she sent the burger back twice saying that the cheese was not melted, so the cooks remade it twice, on the third attepmt to send it back she asked for the manager. The manager went out, and I put the switchboard (thing that the person who takes your order at sonic uses) to the SC's station and set it on speaker so everyone in the front could here the manager explain to the idiot that now amount of melting that we can do would get the cheese to have the consistancy of nacho cheese. It was pretty funny, I think it took the manager four tries to get her to realize that she did not know whatshe was talking about.
                      Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam!
                      What does it mean?
                      I have a catapult. Give me all your money, or I will fling an enormous rock at your head.


                      • #12
                        Quoth AKWalMartCartGuy View Post
                        wow, those people need to go die in a fire
                        As sucky as those customers were, don't you think that's a little much?
                        Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                        "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


                        • #13
                          Quoth Irving Patrick Freleigh View Post
                          As sucky as those customers were, don't you think that's a little much?
                          I agree, IPF.

                          When I get customers like those in the OP, I usually (out of their line of sight, of course ).

                          They did have a degree of suck attached to them, but if that was all you had to complain about that shift, then I'd say it was a damn good shift.

                          That's how I measure suckiness of customers anymore: if they're all I have to bitch about, then it's a good shift.

                          Hey, it works!

                          Last edited by theredbaron47; 12-28-2007, 04:08 AM.


                          • #14
                            I am a very picky eater, and have been since I was a small child. I solved the problem of things I don't like by not eating them. The only time I will ask something to be removed or substituted is when the lingering taste after I have scraped it off will ruin the food for me (any kind nut, or coconut makes me nauseous, sometimes I actually throw up), or if I am not skilled at removing the item (like sauces). And even then I'll usually ask for toppings on the side, instead of making someone go through the whole put this on, but not that, etc.
                            The High Priest is an Illusion!


                            • #15
                              Quoth monolayth View Post
                              Again I scurry to the kitchen. I bring her a blueberry muffin and my apoliges. She then states "I want a cherry muffin now, and I ordered a rasberry"

                              Dear miss Muffin, Die.
                              Uh, what?

