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I've reached the end of my rope...

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  • I've reached the end of my rope...

    ...and it's frayed!

    These past five days have been five of the worst days of my life. Personal problems aside, having to deal with the last-minute shoppers and having my car die Sunday night have pushed me over the edge. Last night as I lay in bed thinking I wouldn't make it through another day of retail hell, I felt as if my heart was about to give out on me. I literally didn't think I would make it through the night, but I did.

    This morning as I dragged my butt out of bed I just kept telling myself, "One more day, just one more day."

    I knew that once I got to the store I would be dealing with ornery men, young and old alike, frantically trying to find a gift for their wife (whom they seem to despise) all the while taking it out on me because they waited til the last possible moment to do their shopping.

    They'll piss and moan because we don't have a large enough selection of pajamas. They'll tell me their wife is a large woman, about this tall (motioning with hand), then ask me what size she wears. They'll ask me what kind of gemstone earrings would look best on a heavy-set woman.

    They'll ask:

    "Where are the womens gloves?"

    "Where are the womens scarves?"

    "Are these all the slippers you have?"

    "Are there more in the back?????????"

    I'll probably return to work on Thursday with a write-up because I lost it with one asshat (long story) and ended up opening my mouth and saying, "F**k you."

    It's official...I HATE Christmas.

    Retail Haiku:
    Depression sets in.
    The hellhole is calling me ~
    I don't want to go.

  • #2

    It's a new year soon. There are always new possibilities, and new paths. I feel for you. Been there, looked at the river a little TOO close, IYKWIM...

    The old adage of "One day at a time"... works.

    Just try and find something positive each day. Someone smiling at you, a flower, a cookie. Just keep finding little victories. They DO grow...


    • #3
      Quoth Retail Associate View Post
      I'll probably return to work on Thursday with a write-up because I lost it with one asshat (long story) and ended up opening my mouth and saying, "F**k you."
      Please tell us ... please ...
      "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

      Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie


      • #4
        Quoth marasbaras View Post
        Please tell us ... please ...
        Yesterday was a crazy day. Our sales ended at 7PM, which is when the store closed for the holiday. We have to take down all the sale signs before they let us go. I was in the process of taking down the signs when this asshat, who was already pissed, came up to me and chastised me for removing the ' 40% off womens winter outerwear' sign.

        AH = asshat
        Me = tired, frassled retail slave

        AH: "How are we supposed to know what the sales are if you're taking down the signs?"

        Me: "We're closing in an hour and we have to remove all the signs before we leave. These coats are 40% off and the sale is still in effect until 7PM."

        AH: (walks to other side of rack) "I was here earlier today and bought one of these coats but I didn't get 40% off."

        Me: (I follow him to other side of the rack) "These coats may not be included in the sale and since the sign was on the opposite side of the rack, that's possibly why you didn't get 40% off."

        I then noticed the coat in question was a particular brand that is seldom on sale so I say: "Sometimes this particular brand of coat is excluded in the sales (look at sign I had removed) but I don't see any mention of that on the sign." I was more or less thinking out loud and was sincerely trying to help him figure out why he didn't get the 40% off.

        Me: "Did the coat ring up at regular price?" (the coat in question was regularly $79.99)

        AH: "No, but it wasn't 40% off."

        Me: "What price did it scan at?"

        AH: "I don't remember but IT WASN'T 40% OFF!"

        Me: "Well, I don't really know why it didn't scan at 40% off. It's possible this brand was on sale for less than 40% off and the sign was never put up. But the sign I removed was on the other side of the rack and it may only include those coats on that side."

        He then felt the need to tell me how stupid our store is for having such idiotic signage and that we shouldn't be taking signs down before the sale ends. I once again explained to him that we were closing in an hour and all the signs had to be removed before we could leave. We have 7 depts to cover so it takes time to get them all down.

        I also told him, more than once, that there was nothing I could do for him on the floor, that he'd have to go to the service desk and request a price adjustment. If the coat was indeed 40% off they would remedy the situation. He didn't want to hear that. Instead, he wanted to stand there and bitch at me about taking down the signs.

        Lather - rinse - repeat.

        About 10 minutes later, after telling him over and over that he could get the help he needed at the service desk, I thought he was finished with his little hissy fit and went about my work. Not 30 seconds later he approached me with even more attitude...

        AH: (yelling) "YOU COME HERE!!!"

        This is when I made the mistake of rolling my eyes and sighing...heavily. I had reached the end of my rope. Obviously he didn't like my attitude.

        AH: "WHAT IS YOUR NAME?"

        At this point he is so angry he's shaking! His voice got louder and louder, so much so that my co-worker came hustling over to see what the heck was going on.

        Me: "My name is Retail Associate."


        Me: "As I told you before, I can't make any price adjustments here on the floor. Only the service desk can do that for you. If they have any questions they can call back here and I'll tell them to give you 40% off the coat."

        AH: (and here's the kicker) "I don't have the coat with me."

        Me: WTF???

        AH: "I was here earlier today and when I got home I noticed that I didn't get 40% off."

        Me: (WTF drive all the way back here for maybe 5 bucks?) "Do you remember what you paid?"

        AH: "Not exactly, but it was around $50.00. And 40% off $79.99 is about $8.00, 8 + 8 is 16, and 16 + 16 is, I don't know but I shouldn't have paid over $50.00 for the coat."

        Now, I'm the first to admit that my mental math is not reliable, but as he's standing there doing his thing I'm thinking...32 from 80 is...ah, let me think...48! You add on the 6% sales tax and quess's over $50.00!

        So I mention this to the asshat and his reply...

        AH: red-faced, shaking and screaming..."SO SORRY TO HAVE BOTHERED YOU. YOU HAVE A MERRY CHRISTMAS."

        Me: "Fuck you."

        As soon as I said it I was angry with myself. I'd almost made it through the day. And now I'm probably going to be in trouble because I'm sure he made a complaint to management.

        Last edited by Retail Associate; 12-25-2007, 08:54 AM.
        Retail Haiku:
        Depression sets in.
        The hellhole is calling me ~
        I don't want to go.


        • #5
          While that may not have been the nicest thing to say, I can certainly see WHY you said it. It is SO hard to deal with a person who is so insistent that they are right and you are wrong, even if you correct them or do your best to help. I know all about this.

          Hopefully you don't get in any trouble. It's not like you were taking down the signs to deliberately screw over customers and it's not like you could magically position yourself at the service desk and wipe his butt and fix it for him. You did everything you could. And to him, that wasn't good enough.

          I'm sorry this happened to you. Good luck with whatever happens.....
          You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


          • #6
            Certainly understandable to say The Word in that circumstance, but for what it's worth I once had a coworker drop an f-bomb to a customer. She got fired on the spot.

            It's too bad somebody has to get that worked up over 40% off on a coat on Christmas Eve. That person must not have a life.
            Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

            "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


            • #7
              I found it was easier to multiply the original price by the amount after discount, that is, if the item was 40% off, I'd multiply $80 by 6 then move the decimal point (for 60%), voila, $48!

              People are asshats, and I'm sorry you went through that.

              My husband told me one time about an incident he had while working at an answering service. He got a call for the local mall at 8:00 pm on Christmas Eve. He explained that the mall was now closed. The guy argued with him, screaming that the mall couldn't be closed (because you know his wife was going to kill him the next day because he couldn't be bothered to take an hour any time during the last month to get her a gift), and demanded the bus line and schedule to the mall. At which point my husband decided this guy had to be such a loser that he deserved what he got. My husband gave him the bus information and wished him a hearty "Merry Christmas, sir," before hanging up.

              That guy probably had a really bad Christmas, New Year and Valentine's Day.
              Labor boards have info on local laws for free
              HR believes the first person in the door
              Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
              Document everything
              CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect


              • #8
                Using the 'F' word then, but other than that the customer was an idiot. They did not bring the coat or receipt back with them so how can they expect to get their money? Plus the constant complaining to a person who has already made it clear who they need to really talk to means they probably know that they are in the wrong already.

                Quoth wagegoth View Post
                That guy probably had a really bad Christmas, New Year and Valentine's Day.
                Sometimes the best thing you can do to a sucky customer is to give them what they want
                Last edited by Broomjockey; 12-26-2007, 10:27 PM. Reason: merge


                • #9
                  Quoth earl colby pottinger
                  Sometimes the best thing you can do to a sucky customer is to give them what they want
                  IS it really wise to give SC's what they want it'll just encourage them to do it again sometime. If he hadn't been ranting about the signs I woulda helped in if I was in your shoes (I think, maybe I would have murdered a SC by then)


                  • #10
                    Can't you just deny swearing at him? What proof will your manager have? Just say the SC was really sucky and rude but point out that you were professional and tried to help him.

                    Don't blame you for saying that, I would have lost it a long time before you!
                    No longer a flight atttendant!

