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AMP! It's not just for gamers anymore.

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  • AMP! It's not just for gamers anymore.

    I'm beginning to understand why pediatricians LOVE mothers who have little kids and prescribe them Ritalin or horse Tranqs or whatever it is they're taking to calm the little bastards down nowadays. Perhaps an explanation is required.

    More and more I see mothers with their little six-eight year olds wandering around my job. The kid/s are literally vibrating with energy and in their pudgy little hands I see sixteen ounce cans of energy drinks.

    Now, I'm twenty-one and I've experimented with how much caffine and Taurine I'd have to introduce into my system to have the shakes and it wasn't a whole lot and I'm built like a boxer. I can't imagine how these little kids manage it.

    Anyway the mother in question is ironically* yelling at little Slappy to calm down. But of course, with what I can only assume is ten ounces of Go-Juice flowing through his system, he can't sit still for more than three milli-seconds at a time before he's turned back into the Tazmanian Devil. But she just keeps yelling at him and slapping his bottom and becoming more and more agitated because her kid refuses to listen to her. So of course when she eyes me with her inquiry I catch all hell because we're out of Pie Crust on December 24th.

    But being that it is now ten minutes after we've closed and she's still shopping, I do not hesitate to give this woman a piece of my mind.

    Me: Ma'am. You've had the entire month of December to stockpile your Christmas delights. Don't take it out on me that your kid is on an extreme sugar high from the energy drink YOU gave him and you can't keep him in check. It's not my fault that we're sold out of something that sells out EVERY year at this time. And in case you weren't paying attention to the announcements we've been making for two hours, we're closed. So please take your purchases and your kid to the checkouts.

    Her: *open mouthed from being talked over each time she tried to speak* I have NEVER been spoken to like that by ANYONE! How DARE you tell me what I did wrong with my child!

    Me: *Cutting her off while she inhaled* We're closed. Merry Christmas ma'am.

    I went to the breakroom to take my break, then clock out to go home. They still hadn't got everyone out of the store and I caught a glimpse of her yelling at another employee about how she needs pie crust and whatever. I just kept walking.

    *The Irony about this is usually mothers don't even bother to scold their children.
    Do you know what the chain of command is here? It's the chain I go get and beat you with to show you who's in command.

  • #2
    Quoth Gaudemeus View Post
    I have NEVER been spoken to like that by ANYONE!
    "That's pretty damned obvious, Ma'am, your parents were the type who didn't bother to do any parenting, which I've noticed, you are at least half-attempting to do with your own sprogs. However, as it is now two hours past close, I am no longer required to kowtow to your ways like your parents did. You are the reason Simon Cowell needs to be on American Idol. You think there's nothing you can't do wrong."
    Last edited by Imogene; 12-28-2007, 01:52 AM. Reason: No idea what a 'famned' is.
    "I call murder on that!"


    • #3
      It's amazing the amount of people who need a boot to the head..


      • #4
        Quoth Juwl View Post
        You are the reason Simon Cowell needs to be on American Idol. You think there's nothing you can't do wrong.
        That has always amazed me about American/Canadian Idol. Some awful singer will be told that they just can't sing a note and more than once the reply has been: "But my mother told me I have a lovely signing voice.", when will parents learn that their bad upbringing may one day reach national exposure?


        • #5
          Quoth Gaudemeus View Post
          I have NEVER been spoken to like that by ANYONE! How DARE you tell me what I did wrong with my child!

          Too bad, it's quite character building. And is that an admittance to being a bad parent?
          "Reverse racism" lol


          • #6

            "But my mother told me I have a lovely signing voice."

            To me, that translates to "With a voice like yours you should learn to use American Sign Language"


            • #7
              Gah, I saw a kid at 7/11 with his aunt and uncle or some such coming home from the Canucks game. Kid can't be more then 6 tops and he's buying Red Bull at 11pm on a school night. His aunt said, outloud: "I've never seen a kid drink so much Red Bull!" to which the kid just sort of gibbered something intelligible through the sugar shakes.

              *I* can't drink more then one can of any energy drink and I'm easily 3 times the size of this kid. So I can't imagine what the hell its doing to his system. Its not like there isn't a warning on them against children consuming them either.


              • #8
                I believe it also says no more than 2 in one day. And that's for full grown adults. I'm sure these kids are likely having more than that. I'm pretty sure we're going to start seeing some serious health issues in these kids if this keeps up.
                Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.



                • #9
                  Quoth Crazeyal View Post
                  It's amazing the amount of people who need a boot to the head..
                  now there is a routine/song reference that I have not heard in a long time --quigon leap or something like that I think??????

                  long live Dr. Demento
                  I'm lost without a paddle and headed up SH*T creek.
                  -- Life Sucks Then You Die.

                  "I'll believe corp. are people when Texas executes one."


                  • #10
                    Quoth Racket_Man View Post
                    now there is a routine/song reference that I have not heard in a long time --quigon leap or something like that I think??????

                    long live Dr. Demento
                    Indeed. Can't get Barnes & Barnes' "Fish Heads" out of my mind no matter how hard I try. BTW, Boot to the Head is from Tai Kwan Leep. I'm thinking it was done by the Frantics? Maybe?

                    And on the OP, yeah...I've seen coworkers drink some of the tall slim cans. Scary but in a black way funny to see a very visible liftoff when it hits them. And saints please protect us against the parents who have a wild child who gets candy to placate them. Que???


                    • #11
                      People talking in movie shows, people smoking in bed. People voting Republican, give them a boot to the HEAD!

                      That the song you're referring too?


                      • #12
                        That would be the one, "Tai Kwon Leap" by the Frantics. You can find it on the Dr. Demento 20th Anniversary collection.

                        As for people drinking excessive amounts of energy drinks? I had one night at work were the entire table consumed at LEAST 10 Bull Blasters, I lost count. Monday night, I saw a group of people at my table down no less than 5 full cans of Red Bull.

                        Of course, they never sleep anyway, so I don't really know why they needed that many Red Bulls to begin with...
                        Dealer hits... 21. Table loses.

                        This happens more often than most people want to believe.


                        • #13



                          • #14
                            i like energry drinks, im a big girl, I CAN NOT DRINK MORE THAN TWO A DAY OR IM GOING TO FREAKING OUT! HOW THE HELL.... i have to so plot some forced steriliazation scemes thank you


                            • #15
                              Then there was the time, that my Wife gave about 1/2 a bottle of Power Aid to her 2 year old cousin around 10pm.

                              The next day, when my wife's grandmother got up, she was trying to figure out, how come it took Cara untill 4:00am to get to sleep.

                              "Don't know grandma, we didn't see her eat any candy or anything. We just gave her some Powe...errr..something to drink "
                              Just sliding down the razor blade of life.

