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Impatience on Boxing Day

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  • Impatience on Boxing Day

    At the movie theatre today, we had 5768 admits, which is almost double what we get on the average Saturday. (Don't ask me how I remember that exact number, because I don't know.) Two employees didn't show up, and there weren't enough scheduled to begin with, so it was even harder to keep up. Of course, it wouldn't be the day after Christmas without some customers acting their worst (because, after all, Santa's not watching anymore on the 26th, right?).

    This particular incident didn't happen to me directly, as I was stuck in box office, but another manager told me of her dealings with one impatient man and his children while she and the ushers were cleaning an auditorium. The room was for National Treasure, so you can imagine the line that was waiting to get inside as soon as the cleaning was done. (Policy is to make people wait out in the hall, lest more and more come in and prevent cleaning altogether.) Well, this guy didn't want to wait like the rest and proceeded to sit down with his two children and refuse to get up, saying that he had been waiting forty minutes, shouldn't have to wait in line, yadda yadda yadda. Unfortunately, the other manager just didn't feel like listening to him anymore, so she let him stay to shut him up. Personally, had I been there, I would have called the police to report a belligerent trespasser refusing to leave when told.

    Luckily, though, most of the customers I dealt with today were actually nice and friendly. It was kind of weird, to tell you the truth.
    "Shield eaters and SC'ers have many likes alike."

  • #2
    Quoth FlamingSickle View Post

    Well, this guy didn't want to wait like the rest and proceeded to sit down with his two children and refuse to get up, saying that he had been waiting forty minutes, shouldn't have to wait in line, yadda yadda yadda.
    *devil's advocate* Couldn't the manager just keep the theatre doors locked, or at least closed, until the session started?

    Quoth FlamingSickle View Post
    Luckily, though, most of the customers I dealt with today were actually nice and friendly. It was kind of weird, to tell you the truth.
    I guess all those customers were basking in post-Christmas day happiness!


    • #3
      Quoth matty View Post
      *devil's advocate* Couldn't the manager just keep the theatre doors locked, or at least closed, until the session started?
      I have several friends and family members who have worked at and managed theaters (California and across the US) Now in the local theaters their doors don't lock (between the hallway and the big screen room ). Usually the ushers will go in between films and attempt to remove 18 tons of melted jujubees mixed with popcorn in about 10 minutes. Most people are considerate enough to either wait outside untill its cleaned or will sit in areas that have allready been taken care of.

      I would have suggested that an employee stand guard at the door to not let any of the unwashed masses in, but I read that they were shorthanded that day and couldn't spare anyone. Maybe have a sign infront of the door that reads "Free Waiting here". Hell if it has the word Free on it maybe they would read it.
      My Karma ran over your dogma.


      • #4
        The manager letting him get away with it is why people throw huge ass fits to get what they want, because managers REWARD them for acting that way.
        Do not annoy the woman with the flamethrower!

        If you don't like it, I believe you can go to hell! ~Trinity from The Matrix

        Yes, MadMike does live under my couch.


        • #5
          Quoth FlamingSickle View Post
          At the movie theatre today, we had 5768 admits, which is almost double what we get on the average Saturday.
          Half of what my first theatre got on an average Saturday
          Quoth FlamingSickle View Post
          The room was for National Treasure, so you can imagine the line that was waiting to get inside as soon as the cleaning was done.
          Yes. I can
          Quoth FlamingSickle View Post
          (Policy is to make people wait out in the hall, lest more and more come in and prevent cleaning altogether.) Well, this guy didn't want to wait like the rest and proceeded to sit down with his two children and refuse to get up, saying that he had been waiting forty minutes, shouldn't have to wait in line, yadda yadda yadda.
          Holy crap! I had that exact same guy! Two kids!
          Quoth FlamingSickle View Post
          Unfortunately, the other manager just didn't feel like listening to him anymore, so she let him stay to shut him up.
          This is where my experience differs. I went to grab the manager, and on my way out, bastage called me fattie and a few other names. Got the manager, informed him, and he TOSSED the bugger. Refund on tickets only, not the concessions.
          Quoth FlamingSickle View Post
          Luckily, though, most of the customers I dealt with today were actually nice and friendly. It was kind of weird, to tell you the truth.
          And yes, that *is* weird. Because as my old manager used to say "People check their brains at the door when they come to the theatre."
          Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.


          • #6
            Quoth Broomjockey View Post
            And yes, that *is* weird. Because as my old manager used to say "People check their brains at the door when they come to the theatre."
            Amen to that.

            Points to board, "It says I am Legend is full. Are there any seats left?"

            "We have only got front row seats left."
            "Do you have anything further back?"
            "I can tell her you're all tied up in the projection room." Sunset Boulevard.


            • #7
              Quoth FlamingSickle View Post

              he had been waiting forty minutes, shouldn't have to wait in line, yadda yadda
              Why in the hell would you show up for a movie that early? Only time I ever do that is for opening shows of big movies like LotR, Star Wars, Pirates, etc. and then I only go in if the staff tells me it's ok to go in.

              - LB, one of the few and far between sane moviegoers.
              The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.


              • #8
                I saw national treasure. I liked it. The only thing that buged me was they changed the house. It was suppose to be over two hundard year old colonial and they changed it to a pre gilded era Victorian, my guess .... 120-130 years old by the lack ornamentaion.

