This happened today. I have a bad cold at the moment so have been coming to work armed with cough sweets and tissues. The problem started when this family with a little girl and a slightly older boy, came to my till. The boy grabbed at my cough sweets and said, "Can I have them?" I replied, as nicely as I could given the circumstances, "No, they are medicine." That got him handing them back. He then tried to snatch my pen, but I pulled it out of reach of his grabbing hands.
While this is going on, the parents take no notice whatsoever of what their son is doing, let alone telling him to keep his hands to himself. The little girl starts to scream, "I want sweeties, I want sweeties" over and over again; again, no notice taken. After they've packed up their shopping, the boy then takes a handful of the good bags (which cost 10p each) and throws them in the trolley. Right in front of his mother, who then acts like she didn't see. Now, I'm not about to let that one go so I say loudly to the mother, "Excuse me, your son just put some bags for life in the trolley. Those cost 10p each."
The woman then takes out the bags and chucks them on the belt, meaning I have to get up and put them back. The little girl is still whining; the boy is looking around; probably to see if there's anything else for him to steal. I give them their receipt after payment and they finally go.
While this is going on, the parents take no notice whatsoever of what their son is doing, let alone telling him to keep his hands to himself. The little girl starts to scream, "I want sweeties, I want sweeties" over and over again; again, no notice taken. After they've packed up their shopping, the boy then takes a handful of the good bags (which cost 10p each) and throws them in the trolley. Right in front of his mother, who then acts like she didn't see. Now, I'm not about to let that one go so I say loudly to the mother, "Excuse me, your son just put some bags for life in the trolley. Those cost 10p each."
The woman then takes out the bags and chucks them on the belt, meaning I have to get up and put them back. The little girl is still whining; the boy is looking around; probably to see if there's anything else for him to steal. I give them their receipt after payment and they finally go.