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Is it just me or are people getting ruder all the time?

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  • Is it just me or are people getting ruder all the time?

    I swear, people get more inconsiderate, rude, and lazy all the time. Just some examples off the top of my head:

    Leaving used tissues, wet wipes, wrappers, and empty snack bags in their cart when they leave

    Leaving carts near the cart corral, in a parking spot.

    Refusing to unload your basket

    Dumping stuff they want all over the damn place, even right in front of me while I'm watching them.

    Handing me stuff, even stuff that's nearby, or even frozen or refrigerated items, and saying, "Can someone put this back for me?" And these are people that are clearly not in any sort of hurry, either.

    Strolling up to the registers 5, 10, even 15 minutes after close despite repeated warnings on the loudspeaker hat we are, in fact, about to close and then handing back half the items in your friggin' cart.

    Sighing and rolling your eyes when you speak barely above a whisper and I need you to repeat what you've said.

    Throwing a hissy fit in fornt of everyone when you don't get your way

    Either ignoring me or giving a grumpy grunt when I greet you and say have a great day.

    Totally ignoring the fact that our lights are turned off and we do, in fact, either need a break, or to leave

    Leaving their baskets and carts all over the damn place, assuming the slaves will care of them

    Re-bagging your groceries in front of me like you think you could do my job better than me

    Saying, "Oh, wait, I've got the fifteen cents!" just as I'm handing you your

    Not correcting your child when they are being rude and demanding to me

    Whistling to get my attention

    Using "YO!" to get my attention

    Making us call a worker go back and get another box of Pampers for you, and to top it off, waiting until the call is out and a guy is getting it before you say, "You know, I guess I could just go get it." Yeah, no shit. You're not pregnant, you're not crippled, you're not elderly, what's your excuse?

    Strolling past the beeping security sensor without a single glance back

    Opening boxes and stealing items from the dollar section because you think we won't care since, hey, it's only a buck

    Opening a bag of snacks, taking a handful, and then leaving the rest on a shelf

    Leaving gallons of milk sitting on shelves

    Not allowing someone with one or two purchases to go in front of you when you have an overflowing cart's worth

    Arguing with your spouse about what you're going to get and what you want to put back at the register. "No, just take that off for us." "No, no, we'll take it." "You know how to push my buttons, don't you?" "I'm not going to argue with you!", etc. etc.

    Snatching bags and items out of my hand

    Yacking away on your cell phone and not even having the courtesy to thank me or anknowledge me after the transaction

    Shoving all your items up against the next customers' order and expecting me to read minds....

    and then adressing me like a puppy who just pissed on the floor when I scan something from someone else's order

    Talking loudly to your companion at the reigster using phrases like, "I tell you what, mothaf*cka. That shit's mothf*ckin' crazy" and "Aw shit, I can't find my goddamn card. Shit, this is f*cked." You don't talk like that in front of total strangers.
    Last edited by Despina83; 12-31-2007, 03:43 AM.

  • #2 must be able to read mind, that's my entire day right there!
    We Pick Up the Pieces


    • #3
      Quoth Despina83 View Post
      Either ignoring me or giving a grumpy grunt when I greet you and say have a great day.
      I started keeping track today of how many people grunted, said, "I will!" or "Yup." when I wished them a great day. There was a two-hour timespan where not one single person said, "You, too."

      Quoth Despina83 View Post
      Saying, "Oh, wait, I've got the fifteen cents!" just as I'm handing you your change.
      I am terrible at math. Awful. We're talking abysmal math skills. So when someone says, "Wait, I'll just give you the 64 cents instead!" I just have to stand there like an idiot, embarrassed and frantically trying to figure out the difference in my head while the SC stands there, staring at me and rolling their eyes. There's a reason why I'm not your accountant, sweetcheeks.

      Quoth Despina83 View Post
      Whistling to get my attention
      Yeah. About this. I spent many a year of my life waitressing, and more than once, I had people whistle and SNAP THEIR FINGERS at me ACROSS the restaurant. My last job was what we'll call "laid-back," so I got into the habit of yelling back, "I'm not your dog." and would then take my sweet, no-longer-friendly-and-upbeat time getting back to the table. I've got a name, and it isn't "Fluffy."

      Quoth Despina83 View Post
      "You know, I guess I could just go get it." Yeah, no shit. You're not pregnant, you're not crippled, you're not elderly, what's your excuse?
      While some really are unhealthy, which is unfortunate but understandable, a surprising number of elderly people are perfectly capable of performing simple tasks. Doesn't mean they won't use the excuse, though. I saw you power-walk your way through that clearance aisle, lady. Don't try to tell me you're too frail to stand in line like everyone else.

      Quoth Despina83 View Post
      Arguing with your spouse about what you're going to get and what you want to put back at the register. "No, just take that off for us." "No, no, we'll take it." "You know how to push my buttons, don't you?" "I'm not going to argue with you!", etc. etc.
      Ick. Only thing worse is when one part of the couple will SEND THE OTHER BACK to either put something away or pick out a purchase they had disagreed on, when that particular person is the one who is going to PAY. Double points if there's a line behind you! Triple points, no whammies, no whammies, STOP! if the couple stands there looking at you expectantly without actually giving you an answer after the "No, we won't," "Yes, we will" argument. Oh, and FOR THE WIN, get the complete strangers behind you in line involved in your argument! "Ugh, Jeff just never LISTENS! Am I right, ladies? HAR HAR HAR"

      Clearly, I had a great day at work today
      Last edited by Aggravated Associate; 01-02-2008, 08:36 PM.


      • #4
        You have summed up many of my biggest pet peeves at the grocery store, and I don't even work there.

        I've been noticing lately, that people seem to have almost no manners left. It makes me sad. While I'm the type of person who doesn't care much what you think about me, as in, I'm quite happy with who I am, even if I don't fit your mold of perfect/normal, I still try to have good manners and be polite to people in public, because I was raised well and think that manners show class and intelligence. *shrugs* Then again, maybe I am crazy.
        "In the end I was the mean girl/or somebody's in between girl"~Neko Case

        “You don't need many words if you already know what you're talking about.” ~William Stafford


        • #5
          Quoth myswtghst View Post
          I was raised well and think that manners show class and intelligence. *shrugs* Then again, maybe I am crazy.
          If you're crazy I must be too, probably along with alot of people on this forum as well. All's well I guess, us crazy people are all grouping here.
          We Pick Up the Pieces


          • #6
            I feel your pain

            Ugh, I understand completely

            Quote: Sighing and rolling your eyes when you speak barely above a whisper and I need you to repeat what you've said

            That's not fair! I'm hard of hearing, and I end up being the jerk when I have to ask more than once for you to repeat yourself! THEN you go and talk loud enough to burst my eardrums as you answer you cell phone while I'm trying to get the information I need!

            I don't know what your problem is, but I bet it's hard to pronounce

            You are validating my inherent mistrust of strangers


            • #7
              I am terrible at math. Awful. We're talking abysmal math skills. So when someone says, "Wait, I'll just give you the 64 cents instead!" I just have to stand there like an idiot, emarrassed and frantically trying to figure out the difference in my head while the SC stands there, staring at me and rolling their eyes. There's a reason why I'm not your accountant, sweetcheeks.
              So am I. I am a college educated person, but do something like that to me and I am at a total loss. Does not help that I am quite dyslexic. I go straight for the calculator. it is really irritating when the SC starts yacking away about. "I gave you XXXX so you give me YYYYY" Just STFU and let me figure it out. people do this kind of shit just so they can confuse the hell out of bad math employees in hopes of getting more back. I ain't gonna let you get away with it.
              Last edited by Broomjockey; 12-31-2007, 05:57 AM. Reason: use the quote button, please


              • #8
                I admit, if I enter a store and the security sensor beeps, I ignore it and keep walking. I used to have a cell phone that would set off those things in almost every store so I just grew accustomed to ignoring the beeping.
                "You know, there are times when it's a source of personal pride not to be human." - Hobbes


                • #9
                  Pressing the button that mean's you are ready to order and then getting an attitude when I "interupt" your phone conversation.

                  Pressing the button again and saying you need to add something and then getting mad when I say it has to go on a seperate ticket.
                  Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam!
                  What does it mean?
                  I have a catapult. Give me all your money, or I will fling an enormous rock at your head.


                  • #10
                    I thought it was just me asking if people were getting ruder all the time, but I guess it's the cold hard truth.

                    These here are from my days as a Hostess.

                    Ignoring me or barking out your demands when I greet you :

                    Demanding that you be seated first when you don't have a reservation or are not next or first on the waiting list

                    Not calling to inform that you are going to be late or cancel the reservation and getting pissed off because I gave away your table when you come in late!

                    Ignoring your demon spawn crumb snatchers when they are misbehaving instead of correcting them

                    Yakking on your cell while I or other staff members try to talk to you and not acknowledging mine or other staff members presence.

                    Getting pissed off when I tell you that the restaurant is closed when you try to get in (hey, there's signs,phone numbers and websites for a reason!!!)

                    Bugging me every minute about when it's your turn to get seated (there's other people that are waiting in line and want to sit and eat as bad as you, but aren't acting like child about it)
                    Last edited by tropicsgoddess; 12-31-2007, 05:22 AM.
                    I don't get paid enough to kiss your a**! -Groezig 5/31/08
                    Another day...another million braincells lost...-Sarlon 6/16/08
                    Chivalry is not dead. It's just direly underappreciated. -Samaliel 9/15/09


                    • #11
                      Quoth CancelMyService View Post
                      I admit, if I enter a store and the security sensor beeps, I ignore it and keep walking. I used to have a cell phone that would set off those things in almost every store so I just grew accustomed to ignoring the beeping.
                      As someone who's had extensive training on the Sensomatic sensors (they are pretty common) It is next to impossible for a cell phone to set those sensors off.

                      It was more likely a tag in a:
                      New wallet
                      New pants
                      New purse
                      New shoes
                      New jacket
                      New sweater/hoodie
                      New nicorette gum/patches

                      Or, if you work somewhere with touch key door locks, your touch key may set off the alarm.

                      You'd be surprised how often it's the wallet that sets them off. If it's not the purchase then 6/10 it's the wallet.


                      • #12
                        Quoth Raieth View Post
                        As someone who's had extensive training on the Sensomatic sensors (they are pretty common) It is next to impossible for a cell phone to set those sensors off.
                        I'm pretty sure my school library doesn't have sensormatic sensors, but some other kind, so it's not a strictly valid statement I'm about to make, but I've set those off with my mp3 player, and my cellphone playing mp3s.

                        And I know it was those, because I then proceeded to turn off the offending item, walk back through less than 5 minutes later, and not set them off. Despite *trying.* IE standing by the sensor, walking back and forth through the sensor, leaning on the sensor, so if I was tagged, it would have set it off.
                        Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.



                        • #13
                          You have to wonder if sucky customers act like that in a store then what are they like at home? Do they drop all pretenses of civility when they walk out their door?


                          • #14
                            Quoth Bright_Star View Post
                            Do they drop all pretenses of civility when they walk out their door?
                            You've never seen the lobotomy ray that exists in most high streets and shopping centers up and down the country. Its the only explanation.

                            I also walk straight through bleeping sensormatic (et al) barriers, having worked retail for 7 years I know several things.
                            1) they are a waste of space because people don't detag
                            2) even if its a shoplifter there is nothing you can do because of...
                            3) only a Police Officer may stop and search you for articles that may be stolen and only a Police Officer may use force to do so. (this point does not mean you may detain a shoplifter but it just means you can't search them)
                            A PSA, if I may, as well as another.


                            • #15
                              I hate when i'm shopping and have a close encounter around a corner with another person, i'll politely say "excuse me" or "pardon me" and they walk by ignoring me.

                              Gonna start chucking cans of creamed corn at their heads.

