I swear, people get more inconsiderate, rude, and lazy all the time. Just some examples off the top of my head:
Leaving used tissues, wet wipes, wrappers, and empty snack bags in their cart when they leave
Leaving carts near the cart corral, in a parking spot.
Refusing to unload your basket
Dumping stuff they want all over the damn place, even right in front of me while I'm watching them.
Handing me stuff, even stuff that's nearby, or even frozen or refrigerated items, and saying, "Can someone put this back for me?" And these are people that are clearly not in any sort of hurry, either.
Strolling up to the registers 5, 10, even 15 minutes after close despite repeated warnings on the loudspeaker hat we are, in fact, about to close and then handing back half the items in your friggin' cart.
Sighing and rolling your eyes when you speak barely above a whisper and I need you to repeat what you've said.
Throwing a hissy fit in fornt of everyone when you don't get your way
Either ignoring me or giving a grumpy grunt when I greet you and say have a great day.
Totally ignoring the fact that our lights are turned off and we do, in fact, either need a break, or to leave
Leaving their baskets and carts all over the damn place, assuming the slaves will care of them
Re-bagging your groceries in front of me like you think you could do my job better than me
Saying, "Oh, wait, I've got the fifteen cents!" just as I'm handing you your
Not correcting your child when they are being rude and demanding to me
Whistling to get my attention
Using "YO!" to get my attention
Making us call a worker go back and get another box of Pampers for you, and to top it off, waiting until the call is out and a guy is getting it before you say, "You know, I guess I could just go get it." Yeah, no shit. You're not pregnant, you're not crippled, you're not elderly, what's your excuse?
Strolling past the beeping security sensor without a single glance back
Opening boxes and stealing items from the dollar section because you think we won't care since, hey, it's only a buck
Opening a bag of snacks, taking a handful, and then leaving the rest on a shelf
Leaving gallons of milk sitting on shelves
Not allowing someone with one or two purchases to go in front of you when you have an overflowing cart's worth
Arguing with your spouse about what you're going to get and what you want to put back at the register. "No, just take that off for us." "No, no, we'll take it." "You know how to push my buttons, don't you?" "I'm not going to argue with you!", etc. etc.
Snatching bags and items out of my hand
Yacking away on your cell phone and not even having the courtesy to thank me or anknowledge me after the transaction
Shoving all your items up against the next customers' order and expecting me to read minds....
and then adressing me like a puppy who just pissed on the floor when I scan something from someone else's order
Talking loudly to your companion at the reigster using phrases like, "I tell you what, mothaf*cka. That shit's mothf*ckin' crazy" and "Aw shit, I can't find my goddamn card. Shit, this is f*cked." You don't talk like that in front of total strangers.
Leaving used tissues, wet wipes, wrappers, and empty snack bags in their cart when they leave
Leaving carts near the cart corral, in a parking spot.
Refusing to unload your basket
Dumping stuff they want all over the damn place, even right in front of me while I'm watching them.
Handing me stuff, even stuff that's nearby, or even frozen or refrigerated items, and saying, "Can someone put this back for me?" And these are people that are clearly not in any sort of hurry, either.
Strolling up to the registers 5, 10, even 15 minutes after close despite repeated warnings on the loudspeaker hat we are, in fact, about to close and then handing back half the items in your friggin' cart.
Sighing and rolling your eyes when you speak barely above a whisper and I need you to repeat what you've said.
Throwing a hissy fit in fornt of everyone when you don't get your way
Either ignoring me or giving a grumpy grunt when I greet you and say have a great day.
Totally ignoring the fact that our lights are turned off and we do, in fact, either need a break, or to leave
Leaving their baskets and carts all over the damn place, assuming the slaves will care of them
Re-bagging your groceries in front of me like you think you could do my job better than me
Saying, "Oh, wait, I've got the fifteen cents!" just as I'm handing you your
Not correcting your child when they are being rude and demanding to me
Whistling to get my attention
Using "YO!" to get my attention
Making us call a worker go back and get another box of Pampers for you, and to top it off, waiting until the call is out and a guy is getting it before you say, "You know, I guess I could just go get it." Yeah, no shit. You're not pregnant, you're not crippled, you're not elderly, what's your excuse?
Strolling past the beeping security sensor without a single glance back
Opening boxes and stealing items from the dollar section because you think we won't care since, hey, it's only a buck
Opening a bag of snacks, taking a handful, and then leaving the rest on a shelf
Leaving gallons of milk sitting on shelves
Not allowing someone with one or two purchases to go in front of you when you have an overflowing cart's worth
Arguing with your spouse about what you're going to get and what you want to put back at the register. "No, just take that off for us." "No, no, we'll take it." "You know how to push my buttons, don't you?" "I'm not going to argue with you!", etc. etc.
Snatching bags and items out of my hand
Yacking away on your cell phone and not even having the courtesy to thank me or anknowledge me after the transaction
Shoving all your items up against the next customers' order and expecting me to read minds....
and then adressing me like a puppy who just pissed on the floor when I scan something from someone else's order
Talking loudly to your companion at the reigster using phrases like, "I tell you what, mothaf*cka. That shit's mothf*ckin' crazy" and "Aw shit, I can't find my goddamn card. Shit, this is f*cked." You don't talk like that in front of total strangers.