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    I've been in blinding, mind numbing pain the last three days. Still in it now, as I write this, actually... but anyway. I've been going to work with a leg that feels like someone is taking a knife and just ripping it across my thigh and stabbing it into my knee every time I take a step on it. Now, obviously three things should've taken place.

    1. Go to the doctor

    2. Call into work

    3. Destroy the part of my brain that allows me to feel pain

    But no, I go to work because I'm the only other person who -can- work that hasn't already been working five 9 hour days. So, of course being who I am, I'm rather grumpy. And when someone of my size appears grumpy, it's best to just move along. But working in retail, the consumer really is oblivious to your mood or the amount of pain your in. Allow me to share in what has transpire in these last 72 hours.

    Situation 1: I must break you.

    We have this machine. I don't know what it does, exactly, but I'm beginning to think its sole purpose is to just take people's money. That's it. Nothing is given in return, it just takes people's money. And being that most people are stupid, they just keep putting it in there expecting something to come out.

    So after about six hours and sixteen people complaining, I put a sign that says "out of order" OVER the touch screen of the, what I like to call, Know-how-to-keep-people-broke-put-another-ten-bucks-in-over-and-overer. But, we all know people's predisposition to disregarding signs. One group, of what I can only imagine are stoned collegiate party goers, not even bothering to glance at the sign, toss it behind them on the floor and proceed to... you guessed it, lose their money.

    Guy: Hey, man. This thing's broke. It took my money.

    Me: *In a near perfect impression of House* Oh? Well let me... wait, what's this? A sign on the ground. Gee, this looks like the sign that was on this machine not three minutes ago when you came over. *Makes a big play of reading the sign* Yeah... these big words always just confuse me. Maybe you can help me, what does that read?

    *A moment of silence*

    Girl: Out of order...

    Me: OUT OF ORDER! Well slap me on the ass and call me pretty, I think I just figured out why that machine ate your precious moneys!

    Guy2: Okay, leaving now...

    They walk off in a stunned silence, but I was in pain and they were stupid.

    Situation 2: I. Hate. Jazzy. Power chairs. HATE!

    I've been nearly plowed over by a senile old woman bound and determined to get her precious... Precious those fifteen cans of cat food. Because, you know... if you don't haul ass down that aisle and spend twenty minutes trying to decide if Precious likes Salmon or Smoked Salmon in Gravy she'll just hate you forever. I wonder how many times you've run over her tail and NEVER HEARD THE CAT SCREECH IN PAIN BECAUSE YOU'RE STONE DEAF!

    Subarticle B: Hate isn't a strong enough word....

    Today, when the pain in my leg was at it's highest (Drugs wore off) I DID get run over by a woman in a jazzy. (Ever notice it's always overweight people on those things and not just crippled old people? Hm...) She turned onto the aisle I was on, and I happened to have my back turned and I knew something was amiss because the pressure on my leg was gone, replaced by sharp throbbing pain on my backside. Did she apologize? No. Did she stop? No.

    Hit and run via power chair. What the hell....

    A young woman had to move fast to avoid this cripple on a mission and when the nice lady said "Excuse me" all the motorist could reply with was "Yeah."

    Revenge will yet be mine. But on the upside, the nice young lady helped me up, asked me if I was alright and vowed her vengeance as well.

    Situation 3: I'M IN PAIN!

    Lifting heavy things is kind of a hobby of mine, as I'm sure some or most of you are aware. Punk-ass movie goers, Pallets two at a time, Jazzy Power Chairs... But when you're barely able to even stand, let alone walk, lifting is very nearly out of the question. Case in point, we look to exhibit A.

    This man was a Ranch worker of some sort. I could tell by the state of his attire and the smell coming off him. When he asked me to lift something into his cart for him, I was more than a little shocked. I quickly declined and made mention that the item in question was more than manageable by a man of his size.

    Him: Yeah, but you work here. Isn't it part of your job to help the customer?

    Me: Usually. But, unless you missed my limping, I'm barely able to keep my feet and this thing is on the bottom shelf.

    Him: So?

    Me: So if I kneel down... You know what... let me go call someone for you. *leaves and clocks out for lunch, offhandedly mentioning a customer to someone not from that dept.*

    Situation... 4: Return of the money thief!

    Yes, someone decided they wanted to try their luck with the machine again. But before they did, they decided to read the sign, then ask what was wrong.

    Me: It's been eating people's money.

    Woman: Oh. Well, I'll give it a try.

    Me: I'm not going to stop you, but there's nothing we can do about it if it eats your money.

    *She puts her money in and, of course, it eats it*

    Woman: So, where can I go to get my money back?

    Me: I don't know. It's not our machine and I've never seen anyone come service it.

    Woman: So how am I supposed to get my money?

    Me: No longer my problem. I wasn't obligated to even warn you about it. You were aware of the problem when you put your money in, so don't even bother trying to make this my fault and don't go complaining to a manager or customer service. They'll ask me about it, I'll tell them that you ignored both the sign and my warning and they'll tell you that you're out of luck.

    Woman: You're the most rude, incordial, snotty....

    Me: I'm going to stop you right there. My leg hurts too much to stand here listening to you tell me what a horrible person I am. Would you mind if I went and found a chair so I could sit while you whine about how mean the big mean man is? *walked away without waiting for an answer*

    Of course, right before the end of my shift I get called into the bosses office and asked about my behavior. I calmly apologize and explain that the pain in my leg has affected my mood and that I would've called in if there was someone to cover my shift, but being that I had no money or insurance I couldn't go visit a hospital to be told that I pulled a muscle or that I've ripped a muscle and need surgery and promised that the pain would abate before my return to work in two days and my attitude would be back to normal.

    Needless to say, since I'm hardest working new hire(Read: I've always been in a good mood since I started working there.) they've had in a while, I got off the hook on account of the pain impairing my judgment.
    Do you know what the chain of command is here? It's the chain I go get and beat you with to show you who's in command.

  • #2
    Hi, my name's Snarky McPain, and I'm here to ASSist YOU.

    Can you hobble to a local clinic? Low income? Walk-in / Limp-in clinics? Or even an ER where you make PAYMENT PLANS to deal with your leg...

    Is this pain in the front or the back? Where does it start? When did it start? What color mac & cheese do you eat (j/k)....

    Get. To. A. Doctor. Today.


    PS I'm sorry you had to deal with demanding humans. I'll eat some choccy for you.
    In my heart, in my soul, I'm a woman for rock & roll.
    She's as fast as slugs on barbituates.


    • #3
      Quoth Gaudemeus View Post
      Subarticle B: Hate isn't a strong enough word....

      Today, when the pain in my leg was at it's highest (Drugs wore off) I DID get run over by a woman in a jazzy. (Ever notice it's always overweight people on those things and not just crippled old people? Hm...) She turned onto the aisle I was on, and I happened to have my back turned and I knew something was amiss because the pressure on my leg was gone, replaced by sharp throbbing pain on my backside. Did she apologize? No. Did she stop? No.

      Hit and run via power chair. What the hell....

      A young woman had to move fast to avoid this cripple on a mission and when the nice lady said "Excuse me" all the motorist could reply with was "Yeah."

      Revenge will yet be mine. But on the upside, the nice young lady helped me up, asked me if I was alright and vowed her vengeance as well.
      Maybe she was from Florida and thought you were a speedbump? My sympathies on dealing with SC's while in pain, been there and done that way too often. Hope you're feeling better soon.
      "You are the dumbest smart person I have ever met in my life!" Will Smith, 'I, Robot'.

      "You LOSE! Good day, sir!" Gene Wilder, 'Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory'.


      • #4
        I can relate to the leg pain, my knee is deformed from an old childhood injury. On a good day it hurts. On a normal day it feels like it's lubricated with shards of glass. On a bad day, well, I just knock myself out with magic happy pills (vicodin, percocet, etc.) Constant pain takes a serious toll. I've had more than half my life to adjust to my knee, but when the pain first started...well, I know just how you feel.

        Definitely go see a doctor. All the hospitals in my area have a plan for people with little or no insurance coverage. They will pretty much always make the effort to make you better and find a way to take care of the cost without bankrupting you. If I had a choice, I'd rather be bankrupt than in the pain I feel every day. Trust me, it's not worth being in pain every day of the rest of your life.


        • #5
          Bah. Insurance. *waves NHS flag* Teleport to Britain Gaudi and we'll take care of you.

          (/staunch NHS supporter)

          I wonder what that machine really does? Maybe it's (insert sci-fi baddy here)'s evil plot to raise money to buy stuff for world conquest. Hah!! Little do they know...
          "...Muhuh? *blink-blink* >_O *roll over* ZZZzzz......"


          • #6
            Quoth Gaudemeus View Post
            Guy: Hey, man. This thing's broke. It took my money.

            Me: *In a near perfect impression of House* Oh? Well let me... wait, what's this? A sign on the ground. Gee, this looks like the sign that was on this machine not three minutes ago when you came over. *Makes a big play of reading the sign* Yeah... these big words always just confuse me. Maybe you can help me, what does that read?

            *A moment of silence*

            Girl: Out of order...

            Me: OUT OF ORDER! Well slap me on the ass and call me pretty, I think I just figured out why that machine ate your precious moneys!

            Guy2: Okay, leaving now...

            Would it be too forward of me to ask you to marry me?
            "So, if you wanna put places like that outta business, just stop being so rock-chewingly stupid." ~ Raudf, 9/19/13


            • #7
              Quoth Gaudemeus View Post
              Guy: Hey, man. This thing's broke. It took my money.

              Me: *In a near perfect impression of House* Oh? Well let me... wait, what's this? A sign on the ground. Gee, this looks like the sign that was on this machine not three minutes ago when you came over. *Makes a big play of reading the sign* Yeah... these big words always just confuse me. Maybe you can help me, what does that read?

              *A moment of silence*

              Girl: Out of order...

              Me: OUT OF ORDER! Well slap me on the ass and call me pretty, I think I just figured out why that machine ate your precious moneys!

              Guy2: Okay, leaving now...

              They walk off in a stunned silence, but I was in pain and they were stupid.


              Needless to say, since I'm hardest working new hire(Read: I've always been in a good mood since I started working there.) they've had in a while, I got off the hook on account of the pain impairing my judgment.
              You. Are full. Of win.

              That was so beautiful.
              "Respect: to admit that something one may not enjoy or prefer might still have great value." ~L. Munoa


              • #8
                Oh, Oh, why not remove said sign from broken machine, then remove all money from it to pay for medical bills? Problem solved.

                Crazylegs (also a staunch supporter of the NHS and the free medical care provided therein)
                A PSA, if I may, as well as another.


                • #9
                  Going to vote for whichever presidential candidate promises to deliver universal healthcare.

                  Promise not to say anything more. Don't want to get shipped to fratching.
                  Labor boards have info on local laws for free
                  HR believes the first person in the door
                  Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
                  Document everything
                  CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect


                  • #10
                    Quoth Peppergirl View Post

                    Would it be too forward of me to ask you to marry me?
                    Would it be presumptuous of me to think you're serious?

                    No, I kid. You have no idea how many times a year I get that question... And to think it'll be a whole year before I hear it again, although it might not be directed at me. But I'll still answer, because I believe in active participation.

                    To answer your question though, no it wouldn't. It would just be weird.
                    Do you know what the chain of command is here? It's the chain I go get and beat you with to show you who's in command.


                    • #11
                      Reasons that you are my new favorite person:

                      1. You are a fan of House.
                      2. You quoted Jayne from Firefly.
                      3. This whole exchange -

                      Quoth Gaudemeus View Post
                      Me: *In a near perfect impression of House* Oh? Well let me... wait, what's this? A sign on the ground. Gee, this looks like the sign that was on this machine not three minutes ago when you came over. *Makes a big play of reading the sign* Yeah... these big words always just confuse me. Maybe you can help me, what does that read?

                      *A moment of silence*

                      Girl: Out of order...

                      Me: OUT OF ORDER! Well slap me on the ass and call me pretty, I think I just figured out why that machine ate your precious moneys!

                      Guy2: Okay, leaving now...

                      They walk off in a stunned silence, but I was in pain and they were stupid.
                      Everything sucks. I must be living in a vacuum.


                      • #12
                        This man was a Ranch worker of some sort. I could tell by the state of his attire and the smell coming off him. When he asked me to lift something into his cart for him, I was more than a little shocked. I quickly declined and made mention that the item in question was more than manageable by a man of his size.
                        Not to threadjack, but that reminds me of the most irritating customers I used to have during a very brief period I worked at a chain Do It Yourself store where the orange aprons are worn by staff.

                        I was a cashier and normally worked in the Garden Center. I lost count of how many men twice my size (5'3, and at the time 116 pounds) who looked like they had been out playing in dirt all day, would ask me to put giganto bags of fertilizer in their cart. Usually the ones they wanted were on the bottom/ground shelf or the next one up that was almost level to the cart. Had it been higher up, sure I could totally understand needing help but when it's that low, c'mon...

                        To say I struggled with the huge bags is a bit of an understatement. They would stand there and watch me grunt, pull, push, coax, whisper sweet nothings to the bag in order to butter it up, chant incantations to it so it would magically grow arms and pull itself up, and after quite a few minutes FINALLY get said giganto bag into their cart. Then I would bring them to the register, scan the code, they pay, and I watch as they walk to their truck, lift the bag out with no problem, toss it into the back of their pickup and take off. Grr!

                        I finally decided they must be doing it to get a cheap thrill or to feel powerful as a customer. After I caught on to their antics, I would tell them they would have to wait while I paged someone stronger than I as I was no longer willing to risk injury. Inevitably they would say "Why do I have to wait? You're right here, can't you lift it?", to which I would reply "You look like you have much bigger muscles than me and you need help lifting it. I don't think it would be very easy for me to lift it since I'm much smaller than you". Then they would stare at me and walk off or stare at me and wait for the other associate to show up. I don't know if they thought as soon as I put on the orange apron I also put on 200 pounds of muscle or what, but apparently I did shatter their illusions of a small customer service worker.

                        Sidenote : My favorite customer was a one armed lady who I was sure would need help. She walked straight to the huge bags of dirt, got a good grip on it with her one hand, flipped it over her shoulder, came to pay for it at my register and walked out like it was no thang. I was very impressed!
                        Last edited by Broomjockey; 01-01-2008, 01:23 PM. Reason: use the quote button please
                        "Not only do I not know what's going on, I wouldn't know what to do about it if I did."
                        George Carlin


                        • #13
                          Quoth Whyme View Post

                          I was a cashier and normally worked in the Garden Center. I lost count of how many men twice my size (5'3, and at the time 116 pounds) who looked like they had been out playing in dirt all day, would ask me to put giganto bags of fertilizer in their cart. Usually the ones they wanted were on the bottom/ground shelf or the next one up that was almost level to the cart. Had it been higher up, sure I could totally understand needing help but when it's that low, c'mon...
                          See, here is where I would politely say, "I'm sorry, I can't lift those bags, but I'll be glad to call someone who can help you." No way I'm killing myself for some ass who just doesn't want to bother doing it himself. I'm more than happy to help people who really need it, but I'm not going to risk hurting myself for anyone.
                          I don't go in for ancient wisdom
                          I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
                          It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"

