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SC and i wasnt even on the clock!

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  • SC and i wasnt even on the clock!

    I had to run back to my job today after i got out of work. My mom and brother dropped me off, i should mention that i usually walk to my job but my mother had to go to the store and she was dropping my brother and my dog at the park because Girly needed a walk. I was still in my uniform, this comes into play later.

    I run in as my mother tells my brother to walk my dog around the parking lot real quick because she was acting antsy and probably had to go to the bathroom.

    I walk out expecting to start heading home on foot when to my surprise i see my mother still parked, her out of the car, my brother next to her being yelled at by (a and i use the word loosely) lady.

    The lady will from now on be referred to as the b*tch from hades.

    Now Girly, my dog, is a pitbull, she isn't dangerous in anyway, she's little, sweet and at this time was wearing a fluffy pink coat because its cold and she has very short fur. She was also on a leash and wearing a doggie seatbelt harness.

    I make my way across the parking lot as the BFH is yelling at my mom and brother that Girly is a dangerous dog and how dare they bring her here, and how dare she be out of the car. The BFH then claims that she's going to call the cops because she cant let her kids out of the car with a dangerous animal on the loose.

    Please note Girly was not even reacting to this lady, she sat very calmly next to my brother the entire time.

    I get over there and the BFH then turns on me saying to get my manager because she needed to call the cops, and i was now a witness about the dog, and wasnt there a policy about dog being in the parking lot.

    I told the BFH, that if she wanted talk to my manger she could go inside and ask those working to give him a call but i was going to "escort the dangerous animal off the premises" we then got into the car and left.

    Ignorance should be painful, or maybe fatal.
    My name is Leztwerp Its NOT Dollface Princess Angel Sweetheart Honey Baby or any thing else you can come up with. Theres a reason I have to wear this name tag please read it and follow it accordingly.

  • #2
    Having had a really bad experience with a pit bull before, I can understand having a natural fear of them. Having a hissy fit over a dog that is obviously under control is just stupid, not to mention confrontational. Maybe I'm wrong, but aren't dogs who have been trained to attack or have been abused more inclined to react negatively to a person's actions? I'm pretty sure if your Girly was one such dog, that woman would have been having a much different conversation, and likely with an EMT. The dumbhead, it's a shame you had to deal with that but you did it well.
    "You are the dumbest smart person I have ever met in my life!" Will Smith, 'I, Robot'.

    "You LOSE! Good day, sir!" Gene Wilder, 'Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory'.


    • #3
      Quoth Leztwerp View Post
      Now Girly, my dog, is a pitbull, she isn't dangerous in anyway, she's little, sweet and at this time was wearing a fluffy pink coat because its cold and she has very short fur. She was also on a leash and wearing a doggie seatbelt harness.
      Since all of those things positively scream vicious, trained fighter....

      Where are ppl's brains? By the sounds of it the lady was more at risk of a face washing than a mauling.

      My BIL has a pit-lab...think barrel with legs. Also think slobber factory and lap dog wannabe. Pits seem to be excessively sweet and loving unless abused, trained to attack, or guarding a litter. I've been a lot closer to being bitten by high strung cockers and chis than any of the pits I've handled, all of which were "roll over for a belly rub" types.
      "English is the result of Norman men-at-arms attempting to pick up Saxon barmaids and is no more legitimate than any of the other results."
      - H. Beam Piper


      • #4
        One of our neighbors have a rottweiler. The dog is huge and you would think he is the most vicious dog on the planet. Turns out he is the friendliest dog around. The only problem is the neighbors don't keep him in their yard so he ends up pooping in everybody else's yard. That is royally annoying, but I just scoop up the poop with the new shovel I got for Christmas and throw it back in their yard when they aren't looking.

        My mom had two miniature dachshunds. One of them is a sponge and would rather lick you to death than bite. The other one is vicious. He will attack if he doesn't know you. This dog was also abused by his previous owners so you can see why he's uber paranoid. My mom has to keep a muzzle on him when she takes him out in public so he won't bite people. If he knows you, however, the dog won't leave your side.

        So yeah, to agree with some of the other posters here, it doesn't matter on the breed of the dog, rather it matters how the dog is raised.
        Suddenly, Vermont became the epicenter of the dystopia.


        • #5
          A little knowledge + a lot of stupid = Dangerous thing

          Seriously, dogs are as individual as people. Yes, there are a lot of publicized pit bull attacks, but I suspect there are other breeds that have the same potential to be dangerous that this woman wouldn't bat an eyelash at (Husky cross? I've met some nasty labs too. And then there's the LITTLE dogs...). This woman has seen too many sensationalized news reports, and possesses too little common sense. This dog was quite obviously under control, not excitable, and certainly not dangerous.
          Check out my webcomic!


          • #6
            The only time Pablo's ever really 'bitten' was in play...and you really have to get him going. (He's usually more of a "sleep in your lap all day" kind of dog.) A couple times I was cuddling with him and must have scared him somehow, because he snapped at me, but didn't actually bite. Even when I've accidentally hurt him cutting his nails he doesn't bite (I think I get more upset than he does! ). He is generally one of the mellowest dogs I've ever met.

            I used to work with a girl who had a Chihuahua and two Boxers. We went to her house to see them one night; her mom let them out, and the Boxers came bounding down the driveway all excited to say hello, and when I tried to pet the Chi he tried to bite me. (Guess who rules the roost in that doghouse...).

            My parents' neighbors across the street have a Pomeranian, who wouldn't bite but does bark at anything and everything that goes by. Their son has a pit bull, and when he and the dog still lived at the house, she was always much calmer than the Pom. They weren't fenced in but they were always tied up when outside (with plenty of slack to run around, but not enough to reach the street). My only other personal encounter with a pit bull was in Petsmart one day; a guy brought his dog in, on a leash, of course. She was very friendly and wanting petting from everyone she passed in the aisle. I hate to admit, though, that just the reputation of the breed made me slightly nervous, even though she appeared to be perfectly sweet natured and well behaved (and leashed and under control by her owner, as well). I would never presume to tell someone they have no right to have their dog, though. If I can see the dog is under control, I'd just steer clear if I was that nervous (which I wasn't). I've always preferred smaller breeds, anyway (I grew up with a Miniature Schnauzer; though I think Boxers are especially beautiful), and had a minor incident with my uncle's dog when I was 12 and the dog was able to put his front paws on my shoulders and almost knocked me down one day (he was only saying hello, but still, he was almost bigger than me, and I had no real experience with large dogs).

            There was also a professor at my college who had 2 mini-dachshunds, a boy and a girl. They hung out in his office and would follow him around campus (without leashes, even). They didn't go out of their way to meet people (they were well-trained to stay with their owner) but the boy would let you pet him. The girl would bite.
            Last edited by BookstoreEscapee; 01-01-2008, 07:37 PM.
            I don't go in for ancient wisdom
            I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
            It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


            • #7
              Gotta agree with Fire_on_High, every pit I've ever been in contact with was a really sweet animal. People who think otherwise probably believe everything they see on the news and read in the paper, and have never dealt with a pitbull. My cat has bitten me more times than I can count(play biting) and I don't consider him dangerous. BFH was a tool.
              I know nothing and I can prove it!


              • #8
                Nursing Home Uses Therapeutic Pit Bulls

                I have no fear of canines. I have fear of stupid people that should never be responsible for another living thing.
                Everything sucks. I must be living in a vacuum.


                • #9
                  Quoth Foxglove8778 View Post
                  I have fear of stupid people that should never be responsible for another living thing.
                  Homie high five on that one!
                  I know nothing and I can prove it!


                  • #10
                    I've only been bitten by a random dog once. I was at the park, right next to my house, and was hitting golf balls. I heard some little kids yelling and when I looked, I saw that there were two kid chasing after a dog. The dog was running towards the field I was in so I got in front of the dog and blocked its path. It came up to me and when I grabbed its collar, I kinda bit my arm. Luckily, it didn't bite hard enough to break the skin or anything really painful. I just let it bite me and stared it down. It looked at me, let go then sat down next to me and started licking my hand. I helped bring the dog back to their house.

                    Showing an animal that you don't fear it is a huge thing. A decent amount of animals won't attack if their "prey" isn't scared of it at all. I guess I'm too much of a dog person to really fear any of them. Even after that, I was still never scared of any dogs.
                    "I've found that when you want to know the truth about someone, that someone is probably the last person you should ask." - House


                    • #11
                      Quoth Foxglove8778 View Post
                      I have fear of stupid people that should never be responsible for another living thing.
                      Amen to that!
                      I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
                      My LiveJournal
                      A page we can all agree with!


                      • #12
                        I am afraid of dogs because of a certain incident, but that's my business. You know how you protect your children from a "dangerous" dog on a leash? Keep an eye on your kids an keep them the hell away from it.

                        And considering that I'm afraid of even toy dogs, I'd like to point out that a Rotty was one of the only three dogs I've met that had such beautiful personalities that it didn't even occur to me to be afraid of them.
                        The icon is a bunny with a spiked collar from some carpet ad.


                        • #13
                          I'm not afraid of any animal that I out-mass. And since I mass an awful lot, I'm not afraid of many animals at all.

                          Respectful of them, yes. Aware of the dangers? Definitely. But afraid? No.
                          The Case of the Missing Mandrake; A Jude Derry, Sorceress Sleuth Mystery Available on Amazon.


                          • #14
                            I was visiting a friend's house for the first time and was bitten by the family's evil hateful one-eyed rat terrier, Sherman. There was no provocation other than I was in the house and I was the second girl bitten that week (brother's girlfriend). Broke the skin in two places through the jeans.

                            I'm not fond of that terrier. I wanted to punt the little fiend. As has been stated, dogs are individuals. I don't hold it against the breed or the species, just the idiots that should not own them.
                            Everything sucks. I must be living in a vacuum.


                            • #15
                              Quoth Leztwerp View Post
                              Now Girly, my dog, is a pitbull, she isn't dangerous in anyway, she's little, sweet and at this time was wearing a fluffy pink coat because its cold and she has very short fur. She was also on a leash and wearing a doggie seatbelt harness.
                              How could you take the dog out in public? Everyone knows the pink coat is the doggy signal for a ninja master off his medication.
                              How was I supposed to know someone was slipping you Birth Control in the food I've been making for you lately?

