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Manager snaps at Christmas SC

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  • Manager snaps at Christmas SC

    I wasn't there to witness this one; it was relayed to me by one of the front end managers yesterday.

    Our store was open Christmas day. Why it needs to be open so people can shop on that day is beyond me, but it was open, nonetheless, and B is the MOD. Now, I've known B since he was in junior high and thought it was really funny to write "kick me" on post-its and stick them to my back, but for the most part, he was really easy-going, quiet, not easily riled, etc. If there was a group at his house, he was more likely to be in the corner on the computer or hiding in his bedroom than in the thick of people.

    Another thing important to note, our new sales start every Wednesday. Last week, for some reason or another, the computer decided to start the sale a day early, meaning that if someone bought something that was on special for the week of the 17th-25th, it wasn't going to come up at the correct price for Tuesday. Apparently, the wicked witch from hell decided to go shopping and of course, nothing was ringing correctly. B went to the register to try and correct the situation as best he could, when she went off on him.

    WWFH: "I can't believe this! I'm trying to get out of here and home to my family and YOU guys are messing everything up and giving me a hard time!"

    B: "Ma'am, think about what you just said!"

    WWFH: "Exactly what do you mean?!"

    B: "We're not at home with our families. WE are here, waiting on YOU, and all you're doing is complaining. I'm trying to help you here!"

    Seemingly she lost her tongue after that and left quietly.

    B: "If one more person says that today, I'm telling them they're not allowed to shop in my store anymore, and that they can just leave their stuff behind and get out!"

    Shame. Almost wish I'd seen it now Heck, but at least he's got a backbone. My respect for him just about doubled, I think.
    The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.

  • #2
    Go B!!
    I don't go in for ancient wisdom
    I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
    It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


    • #3
      Ah, your manager gets freshly baked Wookiee cookies! I have yet to see my manager snap at someone like that... he's very good at explaining company policy, making sure the customer gets none of their ridiculous demands, yet still leaves the store happy. Don't know how he does it.

      But anyway. One of these days, I'd love to see a manager snap. 'course... ANYONE would be willing to snap after working Christmas. What the heck are these people out shopping for, anyway?


      • #4
        Every business should have a manager like B!
        "500 bucks, that's almost a million!"
        ~Curly from the 3 Stooges

