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And what measures will you take to prevent this?

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  • And what measures will you take to prevent this?

    Had a guy call me tonight, needing help repointing his own satellite dish Now let me just say... there is a REASON people get paid LARGE amounts of money to point the dish FOR you. It aint easy. Its basically like standing on your roof, pointing a small flashlight and trying to hit a bus 5 miles away. But I digress. This gentlemans dish was actually on a pole in his yard. So, I go through some basic tips for him, all the while reminding him that we can come do it FOR him for only $29. he wouldnt hear of it.

    Finally, I ask him what happened to move his dish to begin with. He tells me that a neighborhood came up and actually SPUN the dish around backwards. Now these things are bolted on, this kid must have loosened the bolts first. So, I sympathetize with him, thats definetely annoying to have to fix. THEN the idiocy: "well, I just want to know what you're going to do for me?" "excuse me?" "what measures will you take to prevent this from happening again?" There was actually a good 10 seconds of dead air while I mentally processed this. "Sir.... I really cant do anything to prevent vandalism".

    Now, he took it rather well, accepted defeat and scheduled a technician, but it still blew my mind. What exactly was he expecting? "well, ofc sir, I'll be dispatching 4 dobermen pinschers and an armed security guard to your home right now. 4 not enough? hell, lets make it 6"

    That coupled with the man who screamed at me for 10 minutes about the fact that I was charging him for a new receiver pretty much made my night "what do you MEAN my warranty doesnt cover my child pouring kool-aid into the receiver?? Thats rediculous!!"