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Now I'm Pissed

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  • Now I'm Pissed

    Flashback to August: I had just moved; got the cell phone bill and realized I had gone way over and way likely to do it again for the next few months. Called Nextel: Told them my contract expired in October and I didn't want to extend it as I didn't know how coverage was in town yet. So we went round and round to find a solution. Extend nights to 7pm (7pm here is already 9pm there - mom goes to bed early) Mobile to Mobile? (Everyone with Nextel I direct connect). So he put me on hold to talk to the supervisor and came back and said we have this thing called the something or other (I forgot the name) and if you switch to the new plan with a new contract you have 180 days to cancel and go back to the old plan. Now I don't remember if he told me it would go back to the old contract or I asked him, but I know we talked about it. He told me he would back date the plan so I wouldn't have to pay the overages. I agree and all is well in the world.

    The next month I get the bill and there is the new plan but wait the overages are still there. Ok thats weird, call up the company, they said I had to pay the overages. Argued if I'm paying the higher plan why should I pay for minutes included in my plan. (I was prepared to pay for the overages + the lower rate plan if needed) Supervisor was very nice and credited to overages.

    So in a week I'm going home to pick up my car I figured I sign up for new service while I'm there. Called Nextel this morning. Said when I called last the guy said I could changed back to the old contract/plan within 180days. Girl says thats not right I can changed back to the old plan without extending the contract but it wont revert to the old contract. I explain what I told the guy and that I was absolutely clear that I did not want to extend my contract. She check the notes and the only thing it said was "explained whatever agreement" with no details. She talked to the supervisor who said only if its within the last 30 days.

    So any advice on what to do? Whether the guy was mistaken or deliberately lied to me I don't want this 2 year contract. Can I ask for them to pull a recording of the call (if they have such a thing) or explain the incident in with the overages?

  • #2
    You should always get stuff like that in writing (which they never do) or get the person you talked to, to give their name, employee number and direct line.

    When doing things that aren't standard (and when they inevitably screw it up, on purpose or not), you can always mention the person who gave you that info. That is ALWAYS the first thing they ask for.

    9 times out of 10, if you can do that, they bend over backwards to help. Accountability I guess.

    I am not sure what you can do, if you don't have that info.

